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MAY-lg-05 lO:2T FROM-Land Title Company 307-733-6186 , T-486 P.002/002 F-492
RECEIVED 5/27/2005 at 10:11 AM
RECEIVING # 908750
BOOK: 586 PAGE: 417
004i 7
THIS CERTIFIES that a certain Real Estate Mortgage executed by Alan .L Sessions, a sin~e
person and Billie Sessions aka Wilona Sessions aka Wilona Mary Palmer Sessions, a single
person as Mortgagor(s) to Marvin Sessions, Trustee of the Marvin Sessions Revocable Trust,
dated November 19, 1986 as Mortgagee dated February 15, 1996, and recorded in the Office of
the County Clerk of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on March I8, 1996, in Book 381 P.R.,
Page 320, thereof, and for the sum of $34,848.7~, has been fully satisfied by the payment of the
debt secured thereby, and is hereby cancelled and discharged.
day of May, 2005.
See "Extfibit A" attached hereto
WITNESS, my hand this Iq
Veda Sessions, Successor Trustee of fl~e
Marvin Sessions Revocable Trust, dated
November 10, 1986, First Amendment and
Restatement dated November 29, 2000
STATE OF Wyoming )
) SS.
COUNTY OF Lincoln )
On this I ~ day of May, 2005, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said
State, personally appeared Veda Sessions, Successor Trustee of' the Marvin Sessions RevOcable
Trust, dated November 10, 1986, First Amendment and Restatement dated November 29, 2000
known to me, and/or identified to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, to be the person whose
name is subscribed to the w/thin ins/trytme~rrff~acknowledged to
WiTNE~ND ~ xrr~/~AL, me that she executed the Same.,
~____' I-tN'ICE P. ROBIN~Ofl: NOTARY PI. lB[lC" '!
~AY-1 f~-05
FROM-Land Title Company
P. 004/004 F-47'8
004 8
Exhibit "A"
Lot numbered Eigh~ (8)'Of the Sessions Village Subdivision, les~ Parcel described
as £dllowa~
~eglnn£ng ac The southeast earner of LoC 8 of :he Sessions Villade SubdiviSion,
Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence North .88 degrees ~$ minu~es, 2 SeConds
West 1~8.18 fee~ alo~ lo~ line; ~hence North 78 degrees 13 minutes, 29 seconds West
92.2~ £ee~ along lo~ line; thence North 1 degree
feet along lo~ line; thence East 201.77 fee~ across Lo~ § t~ the intersection with
i~s eas~eriy ' . ·
bounds=y; ~hen~e $ou~h 0 degrees 1 minute 14 seconds Wes~ 146,00 feet
alomg lot line ~o the place of be~inning~