HomeMy WebLinkAbout908775-00520 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Name: Melissa A. Gall Address: 288 County Road 127 ' Bedford, WY 83112 RECEI/E D 5/31/2005 at 10:38 A M REEIVING # 908T'/5 BOO(: 586 PAGE: 520 J:;ANNE WAGNER LINCOLNCOU NTY CLERK, KEMME RER, WY QUIT CLAIM DEED (Individual Form) MELISSA A. CRAM and her successors, Trustee, for the uses and purposes set forth in the Melissa A. Cram Family Trust, dated the 3rd day of May, 2001 GRANTOR(S) of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby QUIT CLAIM to MELISSA A. GA_IL and BRYAN LEE GAIL, wife and husband, as tenants by the entireties GRANTEE(S), whose address is, 288 County Road 127, Bedford, WY 83112 for the sum of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all fights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: See "Exhibit A" attached hereto also known by street m~d number as: 288 County Road 127, Bedford, WY 83112 Subject to reservations and resthctions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS, the hand of said grantor this 10th day of May, 2005. Mel~ ~. Cram, Trustee ' ! STATE OF Wyoming COUNTY OFXllg~ LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 24th day of May, 2005, by Melissa A. Cram, Trustee the signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that she executed the same. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. PENNYJONE~ ,~(JYARYPUBLIC il COUNTY OF ~11,~ STATE OF I~ LINGOLN ~ VVYOM,NG II Land Title Company File Number: 50379 Quit Claim Deed - (Individual) Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT "A" -00521 A portion of the-E1/2 of Section 4, T33N, Rll8W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the North line of the SE1/4 of said Section 4, said point being 1070.31 feet N89o42,04,,W from the East Quarter Corner of' said Section 4; thence running South 500.00 feet; thence S26°58'09,E 542.21 feet; thence S64o18,36,,W 876.00 feet 'to a point on a curve on the center line of the Bedford-Turnerville County'Road No. 12-123 said curve having a radius of 572.958 feet; thence._ . ...... running Northwesterly along said curve, concave to the left, through a central[ angle of 6°0'0,, an arc distance of 60.00 feet; thence running radially Eo said curve N44°51'47,,E 26.99 feet to the P.I. of said curve; thence N33 °55'17"E 572.42 feet; thehce NO°lg'40',W 825.72 feet to the Center East 1/16 Corner of said Section 4; thence S89°42,04,,E along first said North line of the SE1/4 200.00 feet; thence NO° 08'24"W 130.38 feet to the center line of the Heiner-Suter. Road No. 12-127; thence S70°24'06"E, along said center line 53.12 feet; thence SO°08'24,,E 112.83 feet to the Point of Beginni'ng.