HomeMy WebLinkAbout908792,- 00565 Recording Requested By: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Prepared By: MICHELE BELL CTF 11601 NORTH BLACK CANYON PHOENIX, AZ 8502g 602-328-2200 After Recordingpl~eremrnto: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. P. O. BOX 31553 BILLINGS, MT 59107 DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT RECEIVED 5/31/2005 at 11:15 AM RECEIVING # 908792 BOOK: $86 PAGE: 565 JEg NNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUN- Y CLERK. KEMMERI !R, VVY State of WYOMING .{Space Above This Line For Recording Data}, Reference//: 2005095'7500190 Account #: 0654 ~654 -9156739 - 1998 MORTGAGE MODIFICATION AGREEMENT This Modification is made this 28t h day of Wel Is Fargo Bank, N.A. (the "Bank") and Name(s) of borrower(s)MAXlNE H TAYLOR (the "Borrower") Name(s) of borrower(s) (the "Borrower") Name(s) of borrower(s) (the "Borrower") Name(s) of borrower(s) (the "Borrower") ." Name(s) of borrower(s) (the "Borrower") Name(s) of borrower(s) (the "Borrower") and MAXINE H TAYLOR Apr I I 2005 between Name(s) of mortgagor(s)/trustor(s) (the "Mortgagor") residing at 144 PO BOX AUBURN, WY, Address and 83111 and Name(s) of mortgagor(s)/trustor(s) and Name(s) of mortgagor(s)/trustor(s) and Name(s) of mortgagor(s)/trastor(s) and Name(s) of mortgagor(s)/Lrustor(s) Name(s) of mortgagor(s)~trustor(s) EQ360A (1212004) modifies an original Mortgage (i) dated 0§ / 20 / 2002 (together with any modifications to it nmde prior to the date of this Modification), (ii) which was executed to secure a hoxne equity line of credit agreement ("Line of Credit") dated O§ / 20 / 2002 , in the original maximmn principal mnount of $ 45,000.00 wiLll a maturity date of 0gl2012042 , and payable to the order of We t Is Fargo Bank, N.A. (iii) which is recorded in Book/Roll 501 at page(s) 304 of the COUNTY of L INCOLN County, State of WYOMING as document No. 884668 , (iv) in connection with the filing of which, a mortgage registry tax was paid to the Treasurer of said C 0 UN T Y in the mnount of $ N / A on N / A and that Treasurer has placed his or her stmnp on the Mortgage, said stan~p bearing the number N / A and (v) which affects the rights wifl~ respect to the collateral defined therein as the "Property" wlfich is located at 5-76 WDRTON LANE AUBURN, WY 83111 and is described as follows: A PORTION OF THE SWI/4NEI/4 OF SECTION 35, T33N RllgW, 6TH P.M., LOCATED NORTH OF AUBURN, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NAIL SET 450 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SWl/4NEI/4 AND RUNNING EAST -7~.~4 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE SET; THENCE S 0 DEGREES lg MINUTES 30 SECONDS E, 284.505 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE SET; THENCE WEST -7~g.20 FEET; THENCE NORTH 284.50 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. 12-3319-35-1-00-088-00 This Modification further modifies the Line of Credit to reflect certain changes to the Borrower's revolving Line of Credit with the Lender that is secured by the Mortgage and the Borrower/Co-Grantor acknowledge that the Line of Credit and Mortgage are yard and enforceable and represent the Borrower's/Co-Grantor's legal and binding obligations, free and clear of any claim, defense or offset. Agreement Accordingly, in consideration of the premises and other good ,'md valuable consideration, each paid to the other, the parties to this Modification agree to as follows: [-~ Change in Credit Limit. The Borrower/Co-Grantor hereby agrees that the maximmn available principal amount of the Line of Credit is now $115,000.00 and that the lien of the Mortgage shall secure the Line of Credit up to that an~ount as it is advanced and outstanding from time to time. Each reference in the Mortgage to the maximum amount of the line of credit is hereby amended to the extent necessary to reflect the increased maximum amount of the line of credit. Each reference in the Mortgage to the "Line of Credit" shall be deemed on and after the date of this Modification to refer to the Line of Credit as it is now amended by the Modification, together with any future extensions, modifications, or renewals thereof. The lien of this Mortgage slmll continue to secure the revolving Line of Credit, wlfich is now evidenced by the modified Line of Credit. Extension of Maturity Date. The Borrower hereby agrees that the revolving Line of Credit will terminate and the entire unpaid principal balance outstanding on the Line of Credit, together with any unpaid finance chm'ges and other charges, will be due and payable in full on N/A . Until such date, the Borrower agrees to make the monthly payments as disclosed in the Line of Credit. Finance Charge/Margin. The Borrower hereby agrees that the daily periodic rate will be [~ increased decreased to 1/365 or 1/366 dmBng leap years of N / A % over the "Index Rate" which is tli~Ibsed in the Line of Credit. EQ36~4) , 00567 Rescission. The Borrower/Co-Grantor has exercised their right to rescind any use of the Line of Credit for purposes other than to purchase the Properb,. Therefore, the Mortgage and Line of Credit are hereby modified to close the Line of Credit, to limit the "Secured Debt" to $ N / A as it relates to the Line of Credit and to delete all Riders attached to the Mortgage as they may relate to an open-end line of credit. The following terms and conditions apply regardless of which boxes are checked above: All original terms and conditions of the Line of Credit and Mortgage (including any previous modifications) renmin in full force and effect, except as modified by this Modification, and the Borrower/Co-Grantor agrees to be bound by and to perform all of the covenants and agreements in the Line of Credit and Mortgage at the time and in the manner therein provided. The Borrower agrees to pay or reimburse the Lender for any and all fees payable to public officials in connection with this Modification, and the recording hereof, including any Mortgage registry tax that may be due. This Modification does not increase or extend any revolving credit insurance Borrower purchased in connection with the Line of Credit. Credit insurance means credit life, credit accident and health and/or credit disability insurance. The Borrower agrees that the Lender inay make certain changes to the terms of the Line of Credit at specified times or upon the occurrence of specified events. The Lender may make insignificant changes, such as changes in the address for payments, billing cycle dates, payment due dates, day of the month on which index values are determined, index or interest rate rounding rules, and balance computation method (if the change produces an insignificant difference in the interest the Borrower will pay). The Lender also may make changes that will benefit the Borrower, such as additional options or a temporary reduction in rotes or fees. In accordance with federal law, the Lender also may change the index and margin the Lender uses to determine the annual percentage rate if that index is no longer available. The Lender can make any of these changes discussed above without the Borrower's consent, unless state law provides otherwise. The Lender will give the Borrower notice of any change that is required by law. The Lender also can make changes that the Lender and Borrower agree to in writing. Co-Grantor Liability. Any party that signs below as a "Co-grantor" did not execute the Line of Credit but signs to grant and convey, under the terms of the Mortgage, such interest as that party may have in the Property. Such party is not personally obligated to pay the debt evidenced by the Line of Credit and this Modification and secured by the Mortgage (as renewed, extended, and amended hereby), and agrees that Lender and Borrower may agree to extend, modify, forbear or nmke any accommodations with regard to such debt or the Mortgage (as renewed, extended, and amended hereby) without such party's consent. NOTICE TO CONSUMER (Fox' purposes of this notice, "Consumer" and "I" refer to the Mortgagor) THiS IS A CONSUMER CREDIT TRANCSACTION. I understand that: · I should not sign this agreement before I read the entire document, even if otherwise advised. · I should not sign this if it contains any blank spaces. · I am entitled to an exact copy of this and any other agreement I sign. · I have the right to prepay the unpaid balance due under this agreement at any time without penalb,; and I may be entitle to receive a refund of unearned charges in accordance with the law. EQ360C (12/2004) 00568 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the Borrower/Co-Grantor and Lender have executed this Amendment as of the day and year first above written. Wel Is Fargo Bank, N.A. Name of Bank By:. ITS Mortgagor/Tmstor 1 ~ Mortgagor/Tmstor Mortgagor/Trustor Mortgagor/Tmstor Mortgagorfl'rustor [ MortgagorFfrustor x F' . ,~ Borrower Borrower Borrower Borrower Borrower .{Acknowledgements on Following Pages EQ360D (12/2004) 00569 FOR NOTARIZATION OF BANK PERSONNEL ACKNOWLEDG~I1-Purpose): · ~ / STATI~'~// ' ,COUNTY, J~ !.' -:-~, - o, ~-'-- , } ss On'~q-&-v/,.,, 9. / .7. ~,'" "I /~ u~-- before me,'the und~signed, a Notary Public in a'nd for said State, persdnh{12dappeared ., , , r ~ ers all nNo' n ~] p 'sCy~ox~ tome -;~ [--] {p:o~to me on the basis of satisfactory evidenc, ff/ to p~e '~e l~rson(s! ,~,, oNe name(s)is/are s~j~cribe~ to the within instrument and acknowledge.d ? ~,e t.ha'~.he(s/l~e/th, e.y exe. cuted the sa~. in his/her. Xxheir authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/tl~ir si~ture(s) on the instrun~nt the person(s),',qr the entity .upon behalf of which the person(s), aL~y~exe, c,uted,the instrum,erff. J ....... ~ Signature' ~,~c~-XX~__~.v4~ ~ LINCOC.~4~,xwyOMINa Name: , ~'~.e.~?o_~_ s_s}o?~ u_~_x~_,_ ~pe orj(rinte~l) ~' 'k,,- / "-~>"' ............. .~--~-' My Commissi~l~ expires: ~/:x ~x~O ~ Z (Seal) FOR NOTARIZATION OF BORROWERS/MORTGAGORS ACKNOWLEDGMENT (All-Purpose): STATE , COUNTY OF /,;'~qc,9/~ } ss. On ~ ~w/] .;~ , ¢ R ~9 6~ before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, person~dly appeared 4,,_ ,., ,----r t,, -. , ~. personally known to me -OR- [-] proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence/ to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS ~y hand and official seal. (type or pridted) My Commission expires: fiA 5/~9 cOuNTY OF ~ STATE OF LINCOLN ~ WYOMING ~L,,..~Y COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 29, 2009 _ (Seal) EQ360E (12/2004) , O~O87 0057 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Borrower/Co-Grantor and Lender have executed this Amendment as o£the day and year first above written. Wells Far§o Bank, N.A. Mortgagor/Tmstor t_J. [/ Mortgagor/Trustor Mortgagor/Tmstor Mortgagor/Trustor Mortgagor/Tmstor Bo~ower Bo~ower Bo~ower Bo~ower Bo~ower {Acknowledgements on Following Pages EQ360D (12/2004) FOR NOTARIZATION OFBANK" PERSONNEL 00571 ACKNOWLEDGMENT (All-PurpoSe): STATE OF-"/C)--~ ,-- , COLrNTY OF ]-,' -,q c ,v ,/--,~. } ss. On~."}"l~,-z,/ 7. I, % a4 b beforeme, theu-n-der---si-gned----~-~$otaryPublicinandforsaid State, persdnally appeared k-,*s ' ~] personally known to me -OR- ['-] proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence/to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity .upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WlTNESS 7 ~/~d and ~1~ seal' Name -/"~ipd~ (i-ype or pfinte~l) ~5~/~__~/~7~~ My Commission expires. FOR NOTARIZATION OF BORROWERS/MORTGAGORS ACKNOWLEDGMENT (All-Purpose): STAT . COUNZY OF ss. On '-~.'//'( ~-'-U - ';~/, 7, 0 ~ ~-- before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, person~dly appeared 1~ personally known to me -OR- [-] proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence/ to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS ~y hlnd and official seal.~ S ignatur_~e: '~--~- ~,~/b.~l/~x..xLe--~--- Name.', -%e_.,/e~t~~ ~-J~i~-~n~ sO-~'~- ~type' or printed)' '~ My Co~ission expires: COUNTY OF ~ STATE OF LINCOLN ~ WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 29, 2009 _ (Seal) EQ360E (12/2004)