HomeMy WebLinkAbout908925AFFIDAVIT STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) RECEIVED 6/3/2005 at 12:40 PM RECEIVING # 908925 BOOK: 587 PAGE: 164 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY COMES NOW, the Dexter R. and DeeAm~ Gardner Family Trust, dated 05 June 1998, acting through its Trustees, Dexter R. Gardner and DeeAlm Gardner, whose address is 44 Happy Valley Lane Alton, Wyoming 83110, who, being duly sworn on oath according to law, do hereby make the following statement of facts and affirms: 1) That the Trust is the owner of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 413 of Photostatic Records on page 416 as depicted on the plat titled, "FINAL PLAT SOUTH AFTON THIRD ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF AFTON WITHIN LOT 3 OF THE SOUTH AFTON SECOND ADDITION AND THE SOUTH AFTON - HASTINGS ANNEXATION TO THE TOWN OF AFTON AND WITHIN THE NW¼NW¼ SECTION 31 T32N Rll8W NE¼NE¼ SECTION 36 T32N Rll9W LINCON COUNTY, WYOMING", two (2) sheets, dated 10 November 2003, as revised. 2) That the undersigned have reviewed said plat. 3) That the undersigned have read and understand the provisions of the Certificate of Owners thereon and the implications thereof. 4) That this affidavit is signed in the stead of and has the same effect as if the original mylar of said Addition had been signed. DATED this &l~¥ day of April 2005. DEXTE,,R:)R. ~,ND DEEANN GARDNER FAMILY TRUST, DATED 5 JUNE 1998 Dext'¢r R. Gardner, Trustee DeeAma Gardner, Trustee The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 21't' day of April 2005, by Dexter R. Gardner and DeeAnn Gardner, Trustees of the Dexter R. and DeeAlm Gardner Family Trust, dated 5 ~ 1998. N~tary Public My commission expires: