HomeMy WebLinkAbout908977 L,, ........ 003¢',7 Form .3000-3 ~:~:L::' . UNITED STATES -' (February 2002) ,',\~¥~\~' DEI~ARTMENT OF THE INTERIO~ ..-,~ '~ ~x,,~l~''~ BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT ?'d~ ~ L;~"~'° A~GNMENT OF RECORD TITLE INTEREST IN A J4~ ~ ~EA~bR OIL AND GAS OR GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES ~o · ;~. ~) ~mera Leasing Act of1920 (30 U.S.C. 181 etseq.) .... -7 ~f~,,~ for Acquired Lands of 1947 (30 U.S.C 351-359) ~; ~,~ , Geothermal Sleam Act or 1970 (ao u.s.c. I001-1025) ~1 ~partment of the Interior Appropriations Act Fiscal Year 1981 (42 U.S.C. 6508) F~(~4ROVED OMB NO. 1004-0034 Expires: October 3 I, 2004 Lease Serial No. WYW-162359 Lease Effcctive Date (Anniversary Date) February 1, 2OO5 New Serial No. Type or print plainly in ink and sign in ink. PART A: ASSIGNMENT Assignee* S W E P I L . P. Street P. 0. B o x 5 7 6 City, state, ZIPCode Houston, Texas 77001 *If more than one assignee, check here [] and list the name(s) and address(es) of all additional assignees on the reverse of riffs form or on a separate attached sheet of paper. lhis record title assignment is for: (Check one) [] Oil and Gas Lease, or [] Geothermal Lease Interest conveyed: (Check one or both, ax appropriate) [] Record Title, [] Overriding Royalty, payment out of production or other similar interests or payments 2. This assignment conveys the following interest: Land Description Percent of Intcrest I'crcent of Additional space on reverse, if needed. Do nol submi~ documenls or agreemenls olher limn Owned Conveyed Retained Overriding Royalty - Similar Interests this form; such documents or agreements shall only be referenced herein. Reserved Previously reserved or conveyed a b c .... , d . . e f 'o~wnship 26:'North', Ran'ge:ill West, 6th P. 100% 100%'. n'one' 5%"of none tion 19:E/2E/2 I. 8/Sth ontaining 160 acres, more or less .incoln County, Wyoming ;ubject to attached Reassignment Rider. ~ RECEIVED 6/6/2005 at 11:22 AM RECEIVING # 908977 '~ BOOK: 587 PAGE: 307 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY S uitable title to this lease. Assignment appro~,ed ~-or ab0vc describ'ed lands; , signmentapprovedcffective APR 012005 FOR BLM USE ONLY. DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA · ~f;oe~ notwa.~rant that eltner,lm~ty'tovtli'~S~ iiss gnment holds legal or This assignment is approved solely for administrative purposes. Appr6'¢~l' n , 'r~.r~ .~ ~, , ' ;'~. ~,'~¢'~e~'I~'1 ~,.~.'3_~ ~, . ISl Carmen E. Lo'eft' (Authorized Omcer) By · ~ Assignment abpfoved ror..]at(,a.c,.h~ i~ de'script on. , :'i: ia, ?" ' .: [] Assignme, n,l approv,edTgr,i~nd,!td..qseripti'dn indicated on reverse of this form. LAND LAW EXAI INER A¥'g 0 211135 {lille) {Dale) {Continued on ret~rse) FOR ASSIGNEE : "1;' "I'~"~':';"'"" · ¢:}.;it; .:.;.'&, ' : :::,. <,+,:,,: I-,:,~,:.~:,>:.:.: :;' ,:,;r;;:;:;::;:', . · 5 ,:, ~ ,).'1 :,, ::::::::::::::::::::::: :2 ":" ::!::~i:::?::,' ===================== ',:.1,:,'.,:~:.:.'. ' :,,,.:+;,.,:- ·: A(Conli,med) AD[)ITIONALSPACI! For Namcsandaddrcsscsol'addilim];i ass|gnccs inllcm No I. al'needed, or t'nr I.and Dcscnpnon m Item No 2. i1' The overriding royalty rese~ed hereunder shall be calculated and paid on at least as favorable a basis as royalty paid to the United States on feder~ oil and gas leases. 003( 8 ~ the event Assi~ des~es to "reffnquish' the herein descffbed lease as to all or any p~ of the acreage covered thereby, Assignee sh~ notify Assi~or sixty (60) days prior to the ne~ acc~ing rental date under said oil ~d gas lease of Assi~ee'S desire to reffnquish said oil and gas leas~ Assi~or sh~l then have the right for a period of fift~n (15) days after the receipt of such notification in which to request to Assi~ee that s~d off and gas lease be ~ reassi~ed to Assi~or, ~d Assi~ee sh~l then execute ~ assi~ment of s~d oil and gas lease to Assi~or. ........ k~ll ~, ga IlaKla in tlamaaa~ ar nth~i~_ far failure tn ffive such notice due to clericM error, ,[ Notary Public My commission expires:___~ 0ommission Expires 04113/2007 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss COUNTY OF DENVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Joe Freeman as Partner for Freeman Investments, this 14t~ day of January, 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. .;z./~.o.O...:~.m: .....o_ ~'~.;.' ...' : 'v': ~ Co ."0 . ~, '. ..... ..,..g.:..'~v?/ .......... j ...... - .........-,-..n,~maoe-~re-rzqff-6~'y me are true, complete, and correct lo tile best of my knowledge and belief and are made in good [aith. Executedtbis 14th d~yor January 20 05 Execuledlbis dayol'[~g,~'-g~f NameofAssig,mras~onct~'~h}lcase Freeman Investments SWEPI /~ ''~~ -~4~,//~ ~- -.~ ~ ,>.~ ~a6 or P a~n.e r ~ (Signal ir') Assigneeor Altorney-in-lhc~ Attomey-m-lhct (Signature) 3415 S. Clayton Blvd. (Assign.r's Address) Englewood, CO 80113-7611 L.[}, (Cily) (Slalc) (Zip £'odc) Public rcporling burden fnr Ibis I'oml is csthBalcd lis avcraffc 30 minutes per rcspm~sc including IbC lime Iht rcvicwin~ inslmclitms, galhcrill~ :md mainl;mm~g dala. a~ld COnlplcting add reviewing lilt Ibrm l)ircct COIHII}CIIIS rcgardillg Ibc btlrdcl~ csliloalc or all)' olhcf aspccl ol'tJlis Ii)m1 It) ti S I)cparllncnl rd'tile hllcritsr. Ihlrcatl ol' I,and Management (1004-0034). Bureau Clcal'mlcc {)l/~cc~. {W()-630). Mail Slop 401 t.h. 184 / C' 51reel, NW ~ Wnqmigh)n. I).C 20240. Title 18 USC. 5cc. 1001 makes il a crime list any pcrstm knnwm~ly nnd willlidly Lo nlakc Io a~l) l)cparllncnl {)r agone5 ~d'dlc thmcd 51arcs any Ihlsc. liclilious or I~audtJICnt statements or representations as to ;my mailer wilhin ils tirisdiction