HomeMy WebLinkAbout909148Affidavit of Survivorship
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RECEIVING # 909148
BOOK: 587 PAGE: 798
I, Merideth A. Podlesnik, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to
law, upon my oath, depose and state: ,~ {i}
That under the date of March 20, 1995, for valuable consideration, Francis
E. Noll, by deed of that date, which deed was duly filed of record in the Office of
the Lincoln County Clerk, on March 20, 1995, in Book 365 of Photostatic Records
on Page 885, conveyed to Janice L. Cheney, John W. Cheney, Robert M.
Cheney and Merideth A. Podlesnik, as joint tenants with rights of survivorship,
the following described property to-wit:
Part of Lot 6 of Block 6 of the Original Town of Kemmerer, Lincoln
County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point 55 feet from the northwest corner of said Lot 6
and running thence in an easterly direction along the northerly
boundary line of said Lot 6, a distance of 45 feet;
thence at right angles a distance of 50 feet to the southerly
boundary line of said Lot 6;
thence in a westerly direction a distance of 45 feet along said
southerly boundary line;
thence at right angles in a northerly direction a distance of 50 feet
to the point of beginning
AND ALSO a parcel of land contained in Lot 5 of Block 6 of the
Original Town of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming being more
particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 5 and running
thence along the north lot line of said Lot 5, N63°26'E a distance of
55 feet to the true point of beginning;
thence N63°26'E, along the north property line of said Lot 5 a
distance of 45 feet;
thence S26°34'E, a distance of 6.70 feet;
thence S63°26'W, a distance of 45 feet;
thence N26°34'W, a distance of 6.70 feet to the true point of
That by reason of said conveyance aforesaid, the said Janice L. Cheney,
John W. Cheney, Robert M. Cheney and Merideth A. Podlesnik became the
owners of said real property, and title thereto vested in them continuously from
the date of said conveyance to the date of death of Janice L. Cheney, on the
14th day of August, 2001. That by reason of and upon the death of Janice L.
Cheney, title to the above described real property vested absolutely in John W.
Cheney, Robert M. Cheney and Merideth A. Podlesnik, as the surviving joint
Affiant avers and certifies that Janice L. Cheney, is the identical party
named in the aforementioned deed, whose death terminated her interest, title
and estate in said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto and makes a part of
this affidavit, a copy of the Official Certificate of Death of said decedent, duly
certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of
Dated this ~,-r~ day of (:¢I..LL.b¢___._ , 2005.
Merideth A. Podlesnik
State of Ltu_4c~ t ¢¢.¢. )
I~ )SS.
County of [ 1 ~~ )
Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public in and for said County
and State, by Merideth A. Podlesnik, this ~r'~ day of o-~-LLl, b~__. ,2005.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
// N ot/a ry .Publi~
L~,'~. ~ ~,.~. 1022
. 334-14-2690' : _
Cheney |Female ll AUquSt 14, 2001
82 m April 30, 1919
School Teacher ~=,?' "~':?,- -~ Education
1705"~{~ ! emmerer
VR 2-89
':~?' ;-~- :~ Holcomb
City, Utah
-This'is ~,true an(:] exact reproduction' 6f the document on file in the office of Vital
~ Reco~d~ Services Cheyenne, Wyoming. ,
DATE isSUED': AUo- 2 1 2001 LucindaMcCaffr&y
[ 'Depu y State Rag s rat
T~i~ copy is not valid unless prepared on p,~per w~m an engraveo border d~sp~aymg ma date, seal and s~gnature of the Deauty State Registrar.