HomeMy WebLinkAbout875596VAL K. CLEMENT and P~ELA J. CLEMENT, Husband and Wife ~r~nlors of Smoot, Counly of Lincoln, S[~I~ of ~yomin~, hereby CONVEY and ~ARRANT ~o ROBERT J. STROMBERG and BONNIE J. STROMBERG, Husband and ~ife,..~.,.~,,:~.'" 793 granteesof 13752 S. 4170 W., Riverton, UT 84065 for the sum 0f Ten dollars and other valuable considerations the following described tract of land in Lincoin County, Stale of Wyoming, hereby releasiug and waiving all fights under and by vi~ue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit; A tract of land: Beginning at the NE corner of ~X/asE1/4 Of Section 31, T31N, RllSW, 6th P.M., Wyoming and running thence South 13.69 rods, thence West 12.12 rods, thence South 12.98 rods, thence West 227.88 rods, thence North 26.67 rods, thence East 240 rods to the place of beginning; ,, LESS and EXCEPT ": that part of said ~I/4SE1/~, beginning at a point.on the north line of said ~i/4SE1/4, East 152.21 feet from ~he northwest corner of said ~I/~sE1/4; thence East 417.42 feet, along said north line; thence South 208.71 feet; thence West ~17.42 feet, parallel with said north line; thence North 208.71 feet to the point of beginning; as recorded in the Office of the Clerk of L~ncoln County, Wyoming in Book 415 of Photostatic Records on Page 743. WITNESS, the band of said grantors, this 2 9 th day of Augus t, A.D. 20 0 1 Pamela J. Clement State of Wyoming RECORDING DATA County of Lincoln Entry No. Fee $ Onthe 29th dayof August A.D. 20 01 personally appeared before me RECORDED [] INDEXED [] VAL K, CLEMENT and PAMELA J. PLATTED ~ ABSTRACTED. [] CLEMENT, Husband and Wife COMPARED [] DELIVERED [] the signers of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Commission e Residing in ~ NORA JO TAGG.&RT · NOTAR'[ FUBLlO , Liqco:n ~f'~"~.:;.;" Wyoming