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TR8$ tORSI, a mi~l~ woman
~ranto~ of Lam tre~a~, County of Plaza, S~at~ of ~vada
D~IEL W. DOD$O~ and T~% DODSO~, husband and wife, a~ ~en~n~ by the
.ent ire~ies
Gran'~ees of P0 B~ 6339~ 3ackson~ ~ 83002 '
for the sum of ~e~ Dollars and other good and valuable considerations--
the followinG described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of WyominG,
hereby releasinG~ and waivin~ all ~iGhts under and by virnue of the homestead
exemption laws o: the State, to-wit:
Lot 8 of Misty eadow Estates ~ubdivision within the El/2 of S~:etion 22,
T36N,' R%lgw, as ~aid subdivisio_~ is laid.down and platted in the Office of
the Lincoln Coun :y Clerk, Lincoln County, WyominG
Subject to rese:.-vation~ and restrictions contained in the United States
Patent and to ea~ements a~d rig~ts-ofiway of re~ord or in use.
To~ether with all improvements ~nd appurtenances t'hereon.
WITNESS, the han, of said grant rs, this 27th daY of August, A.D. 2001
~--S~ -Cots i
County of
On the 27th day of August A D. 2001, persona']ly appeared befo] e me, Tess
Corsi, known or identified to me to be ithe person whose name is suk scribed to
~~t STATE OF NEVidA I ....
"°;~'~03t~9~ .,~.~ RONALD D. JONES