HomeMy WebLinkAbout909403File No.: 50~,93(64] WHEN RECORDED RETL~N TO: Name: Address: RECEIVED 6/21/2005 at 11:16 AM RECEIVING # 909403 BOOK: 588 PAGE: 845 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY P~rkes La~d & Llvestor, k, Inc., a Wyoming Cotpora';ion PO Box 3586 Alpine, ~r%, 8~l~g WARRANTY. DEED (Indi¥idual Fom%) RONALD A. MA.RTINEZ and AIqGELA MA.R T1NEZ, hmbar~d and wife, GRANTOR(S) of Blaine ComaD,, Slate of Idaho, CONVEY(S) AND WAR.RANT(S) to PEFdCES LAIRD & LIVESI'OCK, I'NC., a Wyomhxg Co.rporation, GRANTEE(S), whose address is FO Box 3586, Alpine, WY 83128 for the ~m of lan Dollars a~d other good and Ynlu~ble con.sidera:don, the followimg d~crlbed mai estate, sit,ate in LincoLrt County: State of Wyoming, hereby rele*slng ~nd waiving sll fights under and by virt-u~ of the lrlomc~tearl ~xcrnption Laws of the State. wit: Lot 64, Pl~t 10, Star Valley Ranch, according tr~ t.he officLal plat of record in thc 0ffice of County Clerk, LincoLn CounW, Wyoming. Subject to reservations and teslaqcfions contained in thc Uoimd States Patent and to easements and fight~of-way of record or ha use, 'I-ogetller wiLh all improvements ~nd app~¢nances thereon- WITNESS, the h~zxcl of said St,rotor(s) this .__~.. day of Jane, 2005. STATE OF Idaho COUNTY OF Blaine The foregoing instalment was aaknowledg~t before me this )05~nald ,%.. Martir~z and Ang¢la 'Martinez the siguers of the wilh(n me that tl~ey executed thc same. 'C/TI'NESS MY I-La~D AND OFFICIAL SSAL. N;tary Pul:r~: - L~a 'l't[te CampmS' Wa~a~rt D*~ - [mdi~idua[~ 8t0/8i0'd