HomeMy WebLinkAbout875637 LJI'~C, OI,,~I,I """' '," ' '" C, OU~,f I'~ CLERK --- I ,E.,, J¢~Ef:~E Wy Ol~,/ll~.,tg BAILEY DOTSON, ) ) U.S. DIS1RICT COURT Plaintiff ) ) Docket No. 00CV 165D V. ' ) ) GENE VE~ON, . ) ) Defendant. ) NOTICE OF CLAIM OF LIEN TO:'BAILEY DOTSON AND GENE VERNON YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that The Fermelia Law Office, P. C., of 217 West 18th Street, City of Cheyenne, CoUnty of Laramie, State of Wyoming 82001, telephone number of (307) 635-6100, claims a lien on that real property described as: Lots 9, 22, 25; 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 8c 34, Greys River Village Second Addition to the Town of Alpine, within the NW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 28 and NE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Section 29, T37N, R118W, according to that plat filed in the Office of County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming, subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon, (hereinafter"Real Property") for attorney's fees and costs and interest accrued thereon on behalf of Gene Vernon in the above entitled action at the request of Gene Vernon and pursuant to an Attorney- .. Client Renewing Retainer Fee Agreement (hereinafter "Fee Agreement") executed by Gene Vernon and The Fermelia Law Office, P. C. on or about October 6, 2000 which is incorporated herein as if fully set forth; that demand for payment for such attorney's fees and costs and interest accrued thereon on behalf of Gene Vernon in the above entitled action has been previously made upon Gene Vernon' by The Fermelia Law Office, P. C.; that Real Property 'constitaYesc~r~9~V~i'y..of Gene ~' ' ~3.¥ ~ " ...,?;,....,.,. ~ .., q'., ,,.. Vernon pursuant to a Settlement Agreement and Release executed and entered into on or about July 24, 2001 by and between the parties in the above entitled action; the amount Claimant demands for said attorney's fees and costs and interest accrued thereon on behalf of Gene Vernon in the above entitled action is $13,037.07; that no part thereof has been paid and there is now due and remaining thereon, after deducting all credits and offsets, the sum of$13,037.07, plus any additional attorney's fees and costs incurred and accruing:, interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum from that date identified below in which ampunt Claimant claims a lien on said Real Property Pursuant to Wyo. Stat. § 29-1-102 and the aforementioned Fee Agreement. DATED thisg-~4/'-day of August, 2001. THE FERMELIA LAW OFFICE, P. C., Claimant By: _ MatthewC'J:-~rrfielia, President 217 West 18th Street Cheyenne, WY 82002 (307) 635-6100 THE FERMELIA LAW OFFICE, P.C. 217 WEST 18TM STREET CHEYENNE, WY 82001 TELE: (307) 635-6100 FAX: (307) 635-4506 E-MAIL: FERMELIALAW{~USWEST.NET Page 2 of 3 ,.-, 025 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Notice of Claim of Lien in the above-entitled action was served via United States Mail as idenSfied upon the following parties in interest this~Q~"-day of August, 2001: Gene Vernon . [.___] U.S. Mail Postage Prepaid 3930 Indian Way [ ] Federal Express Santa Ynez~ CA 93460 [ ] Personal Hand-Delivered [ ] Facsimile LX _] Certified Return Receipt Requested U.S. Mail Postage Prepaid Kevin Keller [ ] U.S. Mail Postage-Prepaid G. Kevin Keller, Attorney at Law', P.C. [ ] Federal Express Attorneys for Bailey Dotson [ ] Personal Hand-Delivered 1807 Capitol Avenue, Suite 30 [ ] Facsimile Cheyenne, WY 82001 [_X J Certified Return Receipt Requested U.S. Mail Postage Prepaid Richard Mincer [_X_] U.S. Mail Postage Prepaid Hirst & Applegate, P.C. [ ] Federal Express 1720 Carey Avenue, Suite 200 [ ] Personal Hand-Delivered P. O. Box 1083 [ ] FacSimile Cheyenne, WY 82003-1083 [ ] Certified Return Receipt Requested U.S. Mail Postage Prepaid THE FERMELIA LAW OFFICE, P.C. 217 WEST 18TM STREET CHEYENNE, W'Y 82001 TELE: (307) 635-6t00 FAX: (307) 635-4506 E-M^a.: FEa~.r.I^~.^W@USWEST.N~.T Page 3 of 3