HomeMy WebLinkAbout875662 LI~',IO.,:OI.,.N ¢.;OLIr,,ITY OLERK AFFIDAVIT OF RIGHT-OF-WAY AND EASEMENT CENTERLINE DESCRIPTION WILLIAMS GAS PROCESSING cOMPANY, whose address is P.O. Box 21628, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74121-1628 hereinafter referred to as "Affiant", is the Grantee of a Right-of-Way and Easement identified and described as follows: Grantor: WESTERN wYoMiNG RANGE Dated: OCTOBER 21, 1994 Recordedi" -~ NOVEMBER 22, 1994, BOOK 36! PR, PAGE 186, DOC #793953 LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING See Exhibit "A" for centerline description ,. Affiant states that in accordance with Wyoming Statute Section 34.1-141 (1980) the descriptions of the herein above Right-of-Way and Easement is the surveyed centerline descriptions. WlLLIAM~f~/PROCESSING COMPANY A~n D. Wurtz Attorney-in-Fact Champlin #122 G-1 LN-2390 G1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) )ss COUNTY OF TULSA ) , .The foregoing instrument Was acknowled~ before me ~y2Alan D. Wurtz, Attorney-in- Fact for Williams Gas Processing Company, this.,~y of ,/~.-.~.~ ..~,/ ,2001. Carolene Underwood - Notary Public My Commission Expires: June 15. 2004 ...... ~r...~..~.,~ ii. Hay 9, 1995 t~ILLIAMS GAS PROCESSING F CHAMPLIN #122 CROSSING A PORTION OF WESTERN WYOMING RANGE PROPERTY SECTIONS i & 35, TOWNSHIP 19 & 20 NORTH, RANGE 113 wEsT, §TH P.M. LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING parcel A strip of land 15 feet wide across a portion of Section 1, Township lg North, Range 113 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being ,10 feet Northeasterly and 5 feet Southwesterly of the following described survey line; which is the centerline of the existing 4 1/2" diameter pipeline: Beginning at a point located in the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 1, said point bears North 35°52' East, a distance of 1660.1 feet from the West quarter corner of said Section 1; Thence North 60o53' West, a distance of 761..2 feet; Thence North 87046' West, a distance of 323.g feet;. Thence North 29o20' West; a distance of 3B.6 feet to a point located on the West Section line of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of-Section' 1, said point bears Southerly, a distance of 788.8 feet from the Northwest corner of said Section 1. The length of the above described survey line is 11Z3.7 feet, or 68.103 rods, or 0.213 miles.. parcel A strip of land 15 feet wide across a portion of Section 35, Township 20 North, Range 113 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being 10 feet Northeasterly and 5 feet Southwesterly of the following described survey line; which i~ the centerline of the existing 4 1/2" diameter pipeline: Beginning at a point located on the South Section line of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 35, said point bears Westerly, a distance of 424.4 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 35; Thence North 29°20, West, a distance of 50.5 feet; 073 ,. Thence. North 43°40 West, a distance of 1410.4 feet; Thence North 15o51' East, a distance of 26g.4 feet; Thence North 26005' West, a distance of 127.7 feet to the end of the line at a point located in the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 35, said point bears North 4.0o14, East, a distance of lg26.3 feetfrom the South quarter corner of said Section 35. The length of the above described survey line is 185B.0 feet, or 112.606 rods, or 0.352 miles.. The combined length of the above described survey line is 2981.7 feet, or 180.70g rods, or 0.565 miles. Dwg. No. 3A786.0-2g-1 R/W No. 023g0