HomeMy WebLinkAbout909701Prepa'~ETTY Ocwen Federal Bank FSB The Forum, Suite 105 1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Loan Number: 30181903 0623 INVESTOR NUMBER: 2351 RECEIVED 7/5/2005 at 11:31 AM RECEIVING # 909701 BOOK: 590 PAGE: 126 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 'n0 .... G STATE OF WYOMING DEED OF DISCHARGE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that HOME AMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., holder of a certain mortgage whose parties, dates and recording information are below, does hereby acknowledge that it has received full payment and satisfaction of the same and in consideration thereof does hereby cancel and discharge said mortgage. ORIGINAL MORTGAGOR: ORIGINAL MORTGAGEE: DATED: RECORDED DATE: BOOK PAGE DOC/INSTRUMENT: PROPERTY ADDRESS: COUNTY: LEGAL DESCRIPTION JAMES B. WICKEL AND BARBARA D.WICKEL AIM MORTGAGE, INC DBA HOMEOWNERSPLUS FINANCIAL SERVICES FEBRUARY 27, 1998 MABC.~ 04, 1998 848832 1422 9TH WEST AVENUE, KEMMERER , WYOMING LINCOLN LOT 3 OF BLCCK 12 OF THE LINCO~2~ HEI(~rI~ 4~ Sr~DMSICN TO THE ~ OF K~M~RER, LINCOLN CE~NTY, ~ AS DE~CRIB~ ON ?HE OFFICIAL PLAT IN ,w..r STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH -~)..~V~ICEREOF,~--- the said HOME AMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., By and through its ~c~'6/l[W'en Federal Bank FSB, by Paul Neff, the Servicing Officer, on JUNE 08, 2005, "~"~~:'~f~. C~rl~orate name and seal. '..d'~ HOME AMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. · ~ By its Attorney-in-Fact ~: Ocwen Federa~FSB  "~ ,, ~'?~ ~'~ Name: Paul Title: Servicing O~icer } The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, the undersigned Notary Public, on JUNE 08, 2005 , by Paul Neff, the Servicing Officer of Ocwen Federal Bank FSB, a federal savings bank, Attorney-in-Fact for HOME AMERICA FIN,.~,N~AL SERVICES, INC., on behalf of a corporation He is personally known to me. Witness my H2an ~d~/e~ ~ -]~otary Public - State of Florida When Recorded Mail To: Financial Dimensions, inc. 1400 Lebanon Church Road Pittsburgh, PA 15236 '~ ~ Jol'.,~a Mil~' My Commission DD273785 Expires December 09.2007 0909'701. Document Title: Limited Power Of Attorney When Recorded Return To' Financial Dimensions, Inc. 1400 Lebanon Church Road Pittsburgh, PA 15236 OFB# Grantee: Ocwen' Federal Bank, FSB lie,ne America Financial Sc,'v~ces (hotel,tarter called "Seller')hereby appoims Ocwen Federal Bank FSB ~ 0 (hereinafter called "Ocwen"). as ils Iruc and lawful atlorncy-in-fact lo acl in Ihe name, place and slcad orScl{er I~r Ihe purposes of ca.ins oul Ocwen's duties and r~sponsibilifies as servicer and I~slec'$ agcnl for loans sold by Nailer to Southern Pacific Funding Co~oration and Southern Pacific Secured Assets Cor~tion Series 1997-4. I~qS-I, 199a 2 and 1998-H}. Wilhout limiting the gcnerali~ of thc Mregoing, Ocwen is hereby authorized and empowered, as follows: I. To execute, acknowledge, seal and deliver deed of trustTmorlgage note endorsements, lost note affidavits, assignments of deed oflrusqmortgage and other recorded documents, satisfaction~relc~e~rcconvcyanccs of deed of trusffmorlgagc, subordinations and modifications, tax authority notifications and decimations, deeds, hills of'sale, and other instruments of sale, conveyance, and ~'ansfer, appropriale[y completed, with all ordinary or necessary endorsements, acknowledgments, affidavits, and supporting documents a~ may be neccssa~7 or appropriate to effect ils execution, delivery., conveyance, recordation Or filing. 2. To execute and deliver insurance filings and claims, affidavits of debt, substi~tiona of trustee, substitutions of counsel, non-military affidavits, not ees of rccisaJon, foreclosure deeds, transfer tax affidavits, affidavits of merit, verifications of complaints, notices to quit, bankruptcy declarations for the purpose of filing motions to lift stays, and other documents or notice filings on behalf of Seller in connection v,,ith iasc:raaco, foreclosure, bamkruptcy and eviction actions. To endorse any checks or other instruments reccivcd by Ocwcn and made payable lo Scl Jer. To do ,any other act or complete any other doer.truant that a.rises in thc normal course of servicing. Dated:.~~_, 2000. HOME AMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. Title: President 3:{F~ORO & .ETUR~,I'O O~rt Explor~,~T'Tnc 30([. R..p.,,e~'? Place NeCk, NY 10280 ,e~2212) .~-6324 Slate of Florida), County of Broward) BEFORE ME, Maxilyn L. Davis, a Notary Public in and for thc jurisdiction aforesaid, on this ~------_. day of ~, per~onally appeared Jcffrcy H. Back who resides at 6555 Noc, h Powcrl~ne Road Sue 2000, 408, Ft~.audcr~le,~Florida 33309 and who is persona y known to mc (or sufficiently proven) Io bca President of Home America Financial Services and the person who executed thc foregoing instrument by virtue of thc authority vested in him and hc did acknowledge thc signing of thc foregoing instrument to be his free and voluntary act and deed ~ a Presidenl for the uses, purposes and consideration therein set forth. Witness my hand and official seal this ~ day of' 2O00.  N~. CC~93~70 .~ ~o~.,..~. When Recorded Mail To: Financial Dimensions, Inc. 1400 Lebanon Church Road Page: 3 of' 3 Wi~ess: Name: In~l~cndo'za '--.~ ami ~le~ ~py of ~d