HomeMy WebLinkAbout909757 -00315 EASEMENT DALE S. CLARK and LADEAN CLARK, Grantors, of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, GRANT AND CONVEY to LINCOLN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2, Grantee, whose address is PO Box 219, Afton, Wyoming 83110, the following described non-exclusive perpetual right- of-way 'and utility easement for the following purposes: ac PURPOSE OF EASEMENT. This easement is granted for the purpose of providing a perpetual, easement for ingress, egress, and all utilities to Grantee's property described in paragraph 3, including the right to construct and maintain a roadway to provide that ingress and egress and for all utilities. CONDITIONS OF THIS EASEMENT. The conditions of this easement are: Grantees may use the described easement for access and utilities to their property described in paragraph 3. b. This easement is a perpetual easement. c. The road access easement shall include the right to construct, maintain, improve, and repair the access road, provided however, any utilities that are placed within the easement shall be placed underground within the easement boundarieS. The Grantee shall be responsible for restoring the easement area following the placement of buried utilities. d..', The within easement grant is intended to be an easement running with the "..'land, which t sen/es and shall be perpetual so long as it is used for a road and ubhty access purposes 3, !:i/:"BROPERTY BENEFITTED BY EASEMENT. This easement is for the benefit !.:;'"'~ 'Of'the folowng described real property of Grantees in Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: See attached Exhibit A. DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT. The easement is described as follows: See attached Exhibit B. BINDING EFFECT. The terms and conditions of this easement shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the heirs, successors in interest, and assigns of the parties named in this instrument. RECEIVED 7/6/2005 at 10:13 AM RECEIVING # 909757 BOOK: 590 PAGE: 315 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMEREE. WY IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands as of this .._~ ,...,-~-,..,~ ,2005. ~-~ day of DALE S. CLARK, Grantor STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregOing instrument was acknowledged before me by DALE S. CLARK this ~_~day of ~~ ,2005. WITNESS my hand and official seat. N 04'a"d Pu"'blic- LAD~AN CLARK, Grantor STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN /0 The fore_9..oing instrument was acknowledged before me by LADEAN CLARK this day of ,~ ~,~ ,2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NotaryY~ 'u b~l,- {¢3~ W','o. Rl.,gishalion bio. Idahu I'l[.,~Jish Aliun Ho. 39B0 Sm)IL A. Schetbel Wyo. Regislt;ilion No. U:ah IlegishldJull 1,10, 37Z I Wyt). BugistfaliOll NO. 53G[1 ~[IIVU)'[)I ~cholbel, L I)I'i;S C.I(I P'I'I ONIc~ I)ALI!; CiA ETNA $CI 10 OL TiUkCT Exhibit A To-wit: - - Th:.tt part of thc ,'5\VI/~S\,V% of Section l l, T35N iLI Ig\¥, Lincoh'~ County: 'vVyoJni~% 1`)¢ing part o.1' that tract off' record in the Office o1.' the Clcrlq of LMcolu CeLery iii Book 15)4 Photoslatic lLccords on i)ag¢ 235, described as follows: B EGINNIN G at the ~outheast corner off' said SW'%S W%; thor]cc 889°-52'-,:19"\,V, 1067.53 .{'eeL, along tlxc south line of saki SW%S\,V%, to t:l~c sout1`~cast poiut o£ that tract of record in said Off'rice m Book 122 o.I! Photostatic I'Leco d:; page 578; Ihcncc N00°-00'-57".W, 4iT.d0 ['ecl, along the east line el! said tract iJ~ Book 122, to tl~c. northeast point thereof; thence $89°-52'-4!)"W, 208.?0 l:'cet, along the .[~.o.rth. line o£ said tract i.lt Book 1.22, paral Icl with the south line o1! sum S W%$\V%, to a pohtt on thc easterly rigb, t-o/:'-way lille o I:'UI'.S.' l-l. ighway 8!9; Ihcnce N00°-i 1 '-11'%, 574.5t) feet, along said easterly right-of'-way linc, to a point on thc soutlt line of that tract of record in said Off'ffrcc itt Book 377 of I holes\ti c l.<ecords o~t page 564; 889°-39'-'x'?''r~_,~ ,_., ,:190.52 l:'cct, along said soutlt linc, to thc southeast pil)c of said tract: 377; thence continuing, 889°-39'-32"E 783.35 fo, ct, tu a. point on tl.}e cast line of said S W V;, S \'V %, thcHcc 800°-02'-t2"1~, 981.6.5 l:'eel:, along said east tine, to thc COPdNI_i',Ii~. JIIi;GINN lNG; I~NCOMPASSING aJt area 01726.89 att'CS, ri'icrc or less; the BASE B.EAR. NG [bt this sut'\,ey is the \vest lee of the SWt/,,, eL' 8ecttolt Il, "1'35N ILl l gW, being N00°-0?'-54"W; 1`{l~Sg.l~_\rlN© unto the grantor a perpetual rigttt ami across the north sixty (60) feet of the above described tract al)pttrtcnaut to lands of thc grulllor wi. thin tiao SW% atld the SWJAS~% of said SUB. EC.F to easements of'recofd; each 'cornet" l'ouitd ;ts desct-ibcd in the Corner g_ecord l]lod or to be tiled in tho Ol;'l:rcc of tile CIcI'Iq off' l_,illcoJtl Coullty; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel rcirdbrcing rod with a T' alull~h.ull cup "-' ~ ' I " J' - J] .... , SCII.ERBE. LTD AFl'ON details; each ')'pc" n}arl<xd by a 1" irou pipe \vitl~_ at phtstic cap inscribed "PE/LS 698"; ali it~ acco['daHce with the l)lat prepared to be filed in thc Office of thc Clerk o1~ L,i~coln County titled, "PLAT et7 TRACTS_ANp EASEMENTS FOR DALE CLARK WEI'H1`N ./ / . .... Y";-': 3:::'"",9'% ", ~, .,.,', ,, C / atlOn ~aI wa o~l~e~(~'~fK)tioitel i~ates abhtvoflll Ptolessional La~d Surveyors Paul H. Scherbel Wyo. Regisl,'alion No, 184 Ulah RegJslralJon No, 1670 Idaho Regiskalion No. 3990 N~.~vada Regis/ralion No. 6805 Scoli A. Scherbel Wyo. Regish'alion No. 3889 Idaho Regislralion No. 8026 Ulah Registralion No. 372111 MARLOWE A. SCHERBEL Wyo. Regishation No, 5368 Surveyor Sche~bai, LTD. AIIon, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Lava Hol Springs, Idaho Monlpe~ier, Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR DALE CLARI( LADEAN CLARK SIXTY (60) FOOT ACCESS EASEMENT Exhibit B To-wit: - - A strip of land sixty (60) feet in width within the WV2SW¼ of Section 1i T35N RI 19W, Lincoln County, Wyomir~g, described as follows: ' the east sixty (60) feet of the NW¼SW¼ of said Section 11; AND the east sixty (60) of the north '339.91 feet of the SW¼SW¼ of Section 11; the above described easement to be shortened or lengthened as necessary to create a continuous easement with a minimum width of sixty (60) feet to meet the ninth line of said NW¼SW¼ and the north line of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 561 of Photostatic Records on page 398; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT OF BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT AND EASEMENTS FOR VINCENT A. KtLAMER AND. CAROL A. KRAMER AND LINCOLN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2 AND DALE CLARK AND LADEAN CLARK WITHIN THE W½SW¼ SECTION · T35N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING", dated 1. 8,M~y ?;004. 'as revise.// // ' ,. ~.~ ~c.~ ¢~,~ ,/.~ ~ ~ ,'. Jr' "' &,,, . ~ 4',;, xx / "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor"