HomeMy WebLinkAbout875681 After Recording Return To: PEELLE MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ASSIGNMENT JOB #90603 P.O. BOX 1710 CAMPBELL, CA 95009-17:~0 ~" ' ..... 1-408-866-6868 · ~doc~entpreparedby 8 7568 I Ooh.IF. Leonguerrero ~~ ~:..... Trust One Mortgage Corporation 2 Ada Irvine, CA 92618 Case Number: ............... Loan Number: 6-00-5080NW SPACE ABO~ ~IS LINE FOR ~CORDER'S U~ FOR VALUE RECEIVED, ,he undersigned hereby' grits, assigns ~d trm~sfers to , whose address is .. .. ¢ , all benefici~ interest under that certain Hortgage dated 3anuary ~2. 2001 executed by STEVEN ~. GRZFF, A SINGLE PERSON Gr~tor, to " ' :~ : , , Trustee, recorded on O-~-D/ , ~d recorded in Book/Volume No. ~'5~ ' ., page(s) ~ , as Document No. ~¢/ g ~ . , LINCOLN ~ County Records, State of ~YO~IN~ on real estate legMly described as follow:s: LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~' ~~ ~A~HA~AN BAN~ A~ I~D~NTUBE TOGETHER with the note or notes therein described ~d secured thereby, the money due ~d to become due thereon, wi~ interest, ~d all rights accrued or to accrue under said Mortgage including the right to have recom, eyed, [n whole oriu pm't t~ne re~ prope~y described therein. STATE OF CALIFORNIA PRIORITY ONE HORTGAGE CO~O~ ORANGE A CALIFORNIA CORPO~TION On 02/02/01 before me, persona~yap~ared Susan ~ood. Vice President Susan Mood per~ona~y ~o~ to me (or proved to me on the barb oF ~at~fa~[r~ evidence) to be the person(s) whose ~me(s) ac~owledged to me that he/she/they executed~tbe same ~ ~-;~. r~ .~;, c ~ .-, .... ~ ,' ...... '~ ~ ~/her/the~ author~ed capacity(les), and t~t by ~/h~/their signat~e(s) on the h~trment the ~rson(s) or the entity u~n behalf of w~ch the person(s) acted, 8ig~t~--ot~ P~hc' lnbr saM' S,~, ~:~ F. Leonguerre ro · .' 098 Legal Description: LOT ilA OF BLOCK 1 OF THE LINCOLN HBIGHTS 5TH ADDITION,'PIRST FILING' TO THE CITY OF KEMMEREK, LINCOLNCOUNTY, WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF.