HomeMy WebLinkAbout875691 STAR VALLEY .~.~NCH ASSOCIATION hereby pursuit to its Decimation of ~n Loven~ts, Conditions ~d Restriction, wMch states that ~ Assessment resnks M a Hen M favor of the St~ Valley R~ch Association. With respect to the subject propeay,~a cea& Notice of Assessment Lien dated, Dec. 11, 1995, recorded Dec. 15m, 1995, Book 377PR, Page 601 M the o~ce of the County Clerk ~d Ex-o~cio Register of Deeds h~ LMcoM Co~ty, Wyo~g ~d the said lien is ~lly paid, satisfied, released and discharged wkh regard to the propeay described ~low ~d co~ideration thereo~ the Star Valley ~nch Association does hereby release the pre~ses thereby affected. The subject propeay is more p~icul~ly described as follows: Star Va~ey R~ch Associmion Plat 6 Lot 64 Linco~ Co~ty, Wyom~g ~ WITNESS WHEREOF, the St~ Va~ey ~ch ~sociation ~s caused this i~trment to be executed t~s 18m day of August, 2001. ST~ V~LEY ~NCH ASSOCIATION Wfl~am P. M~, Chaman of the Bo~d ov OM Ng : ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN~ ) I HE,BY CERTIFY THAT,: Wi~iam P. Matin, Chak~n of the Bo~d of the Star · . Valley Ranch Association, acknOwledged the forego~g ~tmment before me this 18 day of August, 2001 ~~~Tl~':~.~i~ Me~a R. ~derson, Not~ Pubhc MY COMMISSIOIN EXPIRES: April 16, 2005