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G~Y D. $0~ERF~LD arid CARbL SO~RPELD, hu.s~and and wife
GraB~ors of klpim, e, Coun.ty of Lincoln, ~ S~a~e of
hereby COI~? and WAR~T
G~YD~ A. HILL and ~[AYLEE~ S. Hill, huaband ina wife,
as tenants by the antiretie~
Grant~es of 2721 East Ri~ersid'e Drive ~1 St. G~:orge, Utah 84790
for ~he sum of Ten Do.llar~ a,~d. other good and ~alua~l¢ considerazlon .........
the fol!owin9, dm~ri, bmd tr~% o~ la~d in Lin.~o!n County, Sta~e of Wy'omj.~g~
hereby ral~asin~ and waiving all ri~ht~ un.d~: and by virtue of ~he homestead
exemption laws cf the S'~a~:~ to-wit:
Lot 36 of Blue Leks E~tata~:.~SubdiQision, Lin,;.oln Co'unty, WyomJ. n~, acco'rdinD
to that plat r'e~ord~d ~cv.e'mber 13, 1991 a~ Instrumen~ No. 740865
Office of the Lincoln County Clerk.
Subject to reserva~ion~ an.d restrictions c>ntained in the United Sta~es
Patent and ~c~ ea. Demcri~$ an¢~,?r.i~h~s~of-way of record or in use.
Together wi~h all improve, menzs and apDurtena~.ces thereon.
County of %,~9~-~
Gary D. Sommerfald and Carol.. Som'merfeld. kno~ or identifi~:d to me' to be the
persons whose name~ are subscribed 'kO th~ wJ. th~.n in~6rument, an.d acknOwledqed
'to me that they e.~_ecUted