HomeMy WebLinkAbout875696G~.YDE A. !tlIi, and ~YLE~J g{ ,~ MILL, husband az,d wife
Sran~or$ of Alpine, Counb~' of Lincoln, State of Wyoming
hereby' CO~EY and W~~
G~Y D. SOM~RFELD and CAROL, SO~ERFELD, husb~n.d and wife,
as tenants by ~he ~ntir'etias~
~'a~tees of. 3540 Columbia Drive.~ Longmoun~. Co. 80503
for th~ sum of Ten Dollars and other good and ¥~luable consideration .........
the followinG dms~ribed ~rac~ of land in Linc~)ln County: State of Wyomin.o,
hareby relma~ing and waiving all rightm under and by virtue of the homestead
~xelt~tion law~ of ~he ~a~e; 'to-wi~:
Lot 35 of Blue La}ce E~tates Subdivision, Linc~ln-Cot.ln~y, Wyoming, a¢cordin~
to ~haE piaU recorded November ~3, 1991 as Instrument No. 740865 in the
Office of the Lincoln County' .Clerk.
Subjec~ to reservations an,~)' remEz-icEions contained in r. he United. States
Patent and to ~asemen't:s and ,z~:~i~s-of-way of 7~ord or !n use.
Togeghmr with all improveme:~t;s and appurtanar ~es thereon.
WITNESS, the hand of said flra:a~ors, this ~vk day of ~,~%%~,. A.D. 200.%
g~yle~ S. Hill
On the %e~ day o~k~ A.D. 2001, personally appeared before
~la'yd~ k. ~ilI and Kayleen S. i{ill, known c,r identified to lu~ ~o be
persons whoge names ar~ s~bscribed to the with:~n instrument, and acknowledged