HomeMy WebLinkAbout875697 First Security Bank, NA, A National Banking Association K/n/a Wells Fargo Bank
.Northwest ~NA, Mortgagee nnder a certain mortgage execUted by JAMES IVAN
LIVING TRUST under AGREEMENT DATED December 21, 1999, and recorded on
March 21,2000, in the record§ :of Lincoln County, State of WYOMING, as Document
No. 864850 in book 443 page 133, does hereby certify that the indebtedness secured
thereby and mentioned there-in has been fully paid arid satisfied and does hereby release
and discharge all of the real estate mentioned in the Mortgage from the lien and operation
Tax # 31192330006200 ' See Attached Exhibit A
Wells Fargo Bank Northwest f/k/a
me LJJ'>~ ½J~'
was acknow eagea before on
l"1~ ~/'~-f of Wells Fargo Bank Northwest, a N~tional Banking Ass~6/iation,
on behal{of the association.
My. corpmission expires:
The 'SN~NN.~ o~ Section 23, T31N, Rl19~ o~ the 6th P.M., NyomSng'
Tract 2:
Beginning at a point on the West boundary line of Section 23,
T31N, R119W, of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, that is 85 rods North
of the Southwest Corner ~f said Section 23, and running thence
in a Northeasterly direc~;:ion 89 rods, more or less, to a point
on the East boundary ]_ina of the W~.SW~ of said Section 23 that
is 124 rods North of th~ South. boundary line of Said Section,
thence North,. along the ." ~'East boundary line of said W~SW~ of
said Section, 36 rods, mc>re or less, to the North boundary line
of theW]SWK~ ~ , of said Section~_. 23, thence West, along saJ.d North
boundary line 80 rods, mo~re or less, to the West boundary line
of said Section 23, thence South along said West boundary line,
75 rods, more or less, to i[he point of beginning
Tract 3:
Baginnin9 a~ kha North~a~t; Cornar of kh~ SE~N~4 of Seckion 23~
T31Nr R~9~ o~ kh~ akh P.~.~ ~yomi. ng, an~ runnin9 ~hanca Soukh
53 ~'/3 ro~s~ alon9 ~he ~e~;~ bounflary lina o~ said SE-I-NW~ khenc~
East 13 r.ods, more or less, to the center of the Bitter Creek
Road, t. hence in a NorthWesterly direction 54.9 rods, more or
less, to the point of beginning
Tract 4:
Beginning at the Southwes~t Corner of Section 23, T31N, R119W,
th. ence running North along the West boundary line a distance
of 85 rods, thence 89 rods, more or less, in a Northeasterly
direction Eo a. 'point o]]' the East boundary line of the W-~SW~-
that is 124 rods North of the South boundary line, thence South
124 rods to a point on ~.:.]e South boundary of Section 23; thence
West 80 rods along the So'[~t:.h boundary to the ~;~oinb of beg.inning
Tract 5:
The SE}SW~- Section 23, T31N, R119W, excepting the following
described land: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the SE~-SW~,
thence running North 1320 feet, t. hence running West 613 feet,
more or less, to the East right-of-way boundary line of the
Bitter Creek 'Road, th~ance I 400 feet, more or less in a
Southeasterly direction~ 'along the East right--ofvway line of
the Bitter Creek Road to a poin't on the South boundary of Section
23, thence East 300 feet~, more or less to the point of beginning;
also excepting the following described land: Beginning at a
corner on the centerline of the Bitter Creek Road which is
N32°25'W, 1164 '61 feet from the South one-quarter corner of
said Section 23, thence S7°40'E, 'the base bearing for this
survey, 80.92 feet along said centerline 'to station P.C. 266
+ 68.16; thence Southeasterly 178.29 feet along a circular curve
to the left through a central, angle of 5°4' and a radius of
2017.21 feet and along said centerline to .a corner; thence
. S56°55'W, 31 .96 feet to a point on th.e West right-of-way line
of said County Road; tllence continuing S56 ° 55 ' W, 186. '17 feet
· to a point; thence Ng°39'W~. 258.62 feet to a point; thence
N56°55"E 186 15 feet to'a point on the west right-of-way line;
thence continuing N56°55'E, 33.17 feet to the corner of beginning