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First Security Bank, NA, A-National Banking Association K/n/a Wells Fargo Bank
Northwest NA, Mortgagee :under a certain mortgage-executed by JAMES IVAN
RIDGE TRUST under AGREEMENT DATED December 21, 1999, also shown of
record as: James Ivan Ridge, and recorded on February 28, 2001, in the records of
Lincoln County, State of WYOMING, as Document No. 871869 in book 460 page 312,
does hereby certify that the indebtedness secured thereby and mentioned there-in has
been fully paid and satisfied and does hereby release and discharge ali of the real estate
mentioned in the Mortgage from the lien and operation there-of.
Tax # 31192330006200 : See Attached Exhibit A
'Wells Fargo Bank Northwest f/k/a
T~s~ip~t~ent was ac~owledged before me on ~~/~%y ,~.(.4.~.~ ,
[/~(,(%f °'f Wells Fargo Ba~ No~hwest, a National Banking AssOCiation,
on behalf of the association. ,
My~orr)mission expires:
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~JUHLI I Y ttUlL[JEl<b Il If. W,.&U:F-~F F-O,)UU rl~l 1~ '~z .,.,-
Tra~t 1:
'l'h~ ~W'~NW~' of Smct. ion 23~. T31N, R119W of the 6th P.M., Wyo~in9
Tract 2:
Beginning at a point on the West boundary line of Section 23,
T31N, R]19W,. of th~ 6t];~ P M., Wyoming, that is 85 rods North
of the southwes~ Corner"of said Section 23, and running thence
in a Northeasterly direction 89 rods, more or less, to a point
on the East boundary 1.j. he of the WJ-sw-~ of said Section 23 that
ls 124 rods North of tb'e 'South boundary line of said Section,
thenc~ No,tth, . along the East boundary line of said W~SW~ of
said Section, 36 rods,..~,ore or less,, to the North boundary line
of the W~SW~, of said S~ction 23, thence West, along said North
boundary line '80 rods, ..i%ore or less, to the West boundary line
of said S~okion 23, thence South along said West boundary line,
75 rod~, more or less, tO the point of beginning
T~act 3:
Beginning at the Northw~st Corner of ~he S'5~NW~ of section 23,
T31N, R1]gw, of the 6tb P.M., Wyoming, and running thence South
53 1/3 rods, along the West boundary line of said SE~NW~, thence
East'~ 13 rods, more or .J;ess, to the center of the ~itter Creek
Road, thence in a Northwesterly directioil 54.9 rods, more or
less, ko' the point of beginning
Tract 4:
Ba~inning at the Southwest Corner .of Section 23, T31N, Rtl.gW,
thence runnin~ North along the West bounda:ry line a distance
of 85 rods, thence 89 rods, more or less, in a Northeasterly
direction to a point On the East boundary line of th~ W-~SW~
that i~ .124 rod~ North of the south boundary line, thence South
124 rods to a point on the South boundary of Section
w~st 80 rod~ along 'th~ South boundary to t:he point of beginn:i, ng
Tract 5:
The SE~'Sw~. $ection 271'~ T31 N, R119W, exceptil]g the following
described land: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the SE~SW~,
thence running North 7~]~;20 feet, thence ru~l~.[lg West 61 3 feet,
more or less, to the' East right-of-way bo-d
un ary line of the.
Bitter creek Road, ' ' 1400 feet~
t~'~ence more or less in a
Southeasterly direction~ along the East right-of-way line of
the ~itt. er Creek Road t0. a point on the South boundary of Section
23, thence East 300 feet, more or less to the point of beginning;
also excepting the fo~ lowing described land: ~eg~.nning at a
corner on the centerJ.~Lne of the ~itter Creek Road which is
N32*25'W, 1164.61 feet from the South on,-quarter core, er
said Section 23, thence S7~40 'E, the base bearing for this
survey, 80.92 feet along said centerline to station P,C. 266
· 68.16; thence Southe~)terly 178.29 feet along a circular curue
to the left through a. central angle of 5'4' and a radius of
2017.21 feet and along said centerline ' to a corner; thence
S56'55'W, 31.96 feet to a point on the We~t right-of-way line
of said County Road; thence continuing 856'55'w, 186.17 feet
to a point; thence Ng*]9'W, 258.62 feet to a point; thence
N56*55'E, 186.15 fee'E to a point on the west right-of-way line;
thence continuing N56~5'E, 33.i7 feet to the corner of beginni,,g