HomeMy WebLinkAbout875722 8u~ ~3 O1 08: lla Luthi' & Voiles 02015094 ~ ~' 13078837889 P' ;::' 0 KNOW ALL PERSO~'S BY THESE PRESENTS, that LINDA A. MILLER, a married woman, Grantor, of 9g0O Sorrel Avenue, Potomac, Maryland 20854-4743, for and in consideration of TEN DOLL'S ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, itl hand paid, receipt of wlfich is hcreby,~_~.~...d.f~ONVEYS AND WARRANTS to WYOMING assign% the following described, ~iteal .estate situated in Alpine, County of Lincoln, State of Wyonfing, more particularly descfil~ed as fbllows: The properties at £58, 160, and 166 Parkway Drive, identified as Lots 505, 506, and 509, of the Palls Park Fifth Addition to the Town of Alpine, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to ~ ': · PmtNo. 255-& flied March I3, 2001, as Instrument No. 872094 m the Office of the Lincolv.~ County Clerk. Together with all improve~,~tents and appurtenances thereon. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements, and fights-Of- way of record. ' ~ . Hereby releasing and waiving any and ali fights under and by virtue of tile homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. WITNESS my haad this ~'~'~day of Au§ust, 200.1. I, JOHN F. MILLER 1II~:.. execute this Warranty Deed solely for the purpose of · WARRANTY DEED LINDA A. MILLER lo WYOMING VIEW, }[NC. Page I of 2 Ru~ 23 O1 08:lla Lu~hi:,& Voiles .~ ,~ 13078837888 p.3 releasing and waiving any and al riglits under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. .. i: The foregoing instrument was ac~owledged before me by L~DA Witness my hand and o~cial My Co~ission expires: . _ The forego~g instntment z;:~is acknowledged before me by JOHN F. M~LER .~ t~s ~q~day orAu~t, 200~. Witness my hand and o~cial seal. ~/;.,,' u~.~,. L~A A. M~LER ~ WYOM~G V~W, ~C. Pa~ 2 of ~ CATHERINE F~'NAGAN'E ~OVER NOtaW public My ~ommlsslon ~tm~ ~ebms~ 25, 2005