HomeMy WebLinkAbout875723 Ru~; 83 O1 32015094 .? o y..5.y 7 (} ,, ,~ ~., ~-'~ l ~ I ~,} ~ ~ :~ - , ; KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE P~SENTS, that WYOM~G V~W, ~C., Grantor, of P,O. Box 32~ ~p~ne, Wyo~ng 83128-3Z~o~, for and in consideration of TEN DOLL,S ($1000) and other valuable consideration, in h~d paid, re~ipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WA~NTS to DEBB~ SCOTT, Grantee, of P.O. ~Box 3023, ~pine, Wyo~g 83128,~3023, and her h~rs and assigns, thc lo,owing described r~ estate situated in ~pine, County :'of Lincol~ State of Wyoming, more p~i~l~ly deacribed as follows: The propet~y at 1'58 Parkway Drive, iden~ed as Lot 505 of ~he Pa/is Park FiSh Addition to ~e To~ of ~pine, Lin~ln County, Wyo~g, a~ording to Plat No~ 255- A, filed March 13, 2001,~ as Inst~ment No, 872094 in the Offi~ of the Lincoln County Clerk~ Together wi~ ~1 improvements and appuRenances ther~n. Subject, however:, to ali rese~ations, restrictions, ex~pfions, e~em~ts, and rights-of-way of record. Subj~t also to the ~bllo~ng restrictions: Grantee shall not: (1) place any personal prope~y on the fiont portion of 1he lot facing the public street; (2) filow ~ly inoperable motor vehicle to sit on the property for any period long~ than thi~y (30) days; and (3) impede in my maturer any ~jacem prope~ o~er(s)' ingress or egress to and from thor prope~y to the public street by way of the co--on driveway. ~ Hereby releasing and wfiving ~I fights under and by vi~ue of the homestead exemption laws~ofthe State of Wyoming. WARRANTY DEED · WYOI'~ItNG VIEW. INC. 1o DEBBIE $COTI' Page I of :l Rug ;~3{ 01 08: 19m Luthi ,l; Vo2{les 13078837889 ~,,, 1.87 WIT~SS my h~d t~s~.~ day of August, 2001. WYO~G STATE OF ~~6'~ ~a~'~ ) ) ss. COUNTY OF_ ~'~ ~ ) On tI~s ~ day oF August, 3001, the foregoing instrument was ac~owledgcd before me by LiNDA A. ~LER, P~S~ENT of WYOM~G V~W, ~C., who also ac~owIedg~ t~t she signed the inst~ment For the Corporation pursuant to authority g~anted by the Corporation's Board ogDir~ctors. Wimess my hand and offici~:~] s~l. WARRANTY DEED WYOM.~G VIEW, I~C. to DEBBIE SCOTT Page 2 of 2