HomeMy WebLinkAbout910582( '00277 MEMOI ,ANI)UM OF RI GH. 1-O1-t IR . I. RE F US A L AG RE E MENT Stil/wt~ter Development, LL6, a OalilYomia Linlited Liability Company, and/or ['cter [t. Adams, a~ individual, and/or Christopher F. Allen, an individual (collectively ~mcl/or individually hereinafter relLrred to as "Grantee") and Maxine J. Sanderson, an i~dividual, and Maxine Sanderson and William Donnie Sanderson, Trustees off tine Wm. Max Sa~]dcrson & Maxine Samlcrson Joint Living T~ ust, as trustees thereof(collectively and/or individually hcrcinaller to as "Grantor") hereby enter into this Memorandum ofR. ight-oF-First Refi~sal Agreeme~t a~(l give re)rice as Follows: 1. Effcclive the 27'~' da3, el: .lune, 2005, Grantor, for and iii collsideratio~ o£ the covenanls and agreements contained i~ said Right-o[mFirst Ref'usal Agrec~nent, to be kept and l?erfo[~med by Grantor and G;antee did hereby grant to Grantee a Right-o F- First Refi~sal pertaining to all of the premises and property siluated and being located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, which is more padiculady described as f~[Iows, to wit: All o£ thai certain land and improvements thereon common, ly lcnow~ as 4326 Statetine Road, Freedom, Wyoming, 83120 and more particularly described on Exhibit A, a copy oF which is attached hereto and by ti'tis reference made.a part hereol} together with all al.¢pm-tenances situate thereot~ a~cl appertah'fing thereto, subject, however, to all exceptions, reservado~s and restrictions of record. The term o/~sa/d Right-o£-First Refusal Agree~]~cnt is c£F~ctive as ol'O m~e 27, 2(}05, and extetMs through June 27, 2050. The said Rigl:~t-of-l?irst R. efi~sal Agreement is also subject to the various covenants and agrecmcnts el:the padies contained in aforesaid agreement, wlfich various covemmts and agreeme~ats are not l~erein set [~rth by agreement by lhe padies. IN WITNESS Wll li;RlgOF, il~e parties have executed this Memorandum oi:'.l~.ight-ol~ lr/rst I~,.¢f'usal A. greeme.~t as herein as set tbrth above. (_, C~,N / O R: RECEIVED 8/4/2005 at 10:37 AM RECEIVING # 910582 BOOK: 593 PAGE: 277 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN .COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Maxi~e ,I. Sanderson & Will. 1)onnie Sanderson, trustees of the Wm. Max ~anderson & Mnxine J. Sanderson Joint Living Trus~: ~:(;Ei,~. bh,,,d(,'¢o,,, T,~n~tee ':- -- - Willian, Do,,,,ie Sanderso,,, T,',,stec ANT E E: Stilhvater 1) e v e I o p ~.1,~.~__~, IA~ C cie,' '1. I. Adams, ~cnfb~r ~hristopher IL Allen, Member Christol)her F. Allen O~IO,_,8,-. ;-'002?$ STATE OF WYOMING ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing was subscribed and sworn to before me by Maxine J. Sanderson, individually and as Trustee for the Wrn. Max Sanderso~ and Maxin~J..SanCerson Joint Living Trust, whose signatures appear above on the_~'- clay of 2005. - STATE OF WYOMING ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing was subscribed and sworn to before me by William Donnie Sanderson, Trustee for the Wm. Max Sandep~on & Maxinet~. Sanderson Joint Living Trust, who~ ~ig~,,-~ ~pp~ ~bow on th~_5 a~ or J~+ ,2oos. COUNTY OF ~-.{L_'fl~iDI F% ) The l:oregoing Agreement was subscribed and sworn to before me by Peter FI. Adams, individually and as a member gl:the Stillwate~- Development, LLC, whose signature appears above on the ~%~tay of _p~ ~ ., '2005. ~ M. GALLOWAY-NOTARY PUBL/C- -~ County gl-' ..... { State of ~ . ~ Commission Expires _Notary~b,hc STATE OF L~vgsnqtlq~ ) UJ )ss. COUNTY OF_L~_.3qcD[Q ) The foregoing Agreement was subscribed ann sworn to before me by Christol)her F. Allen, individually and as a member of the Stillwater,.O. evelopment, [_LC, whose LLOWAY. of ~ State ~ My Commission ..... Expires P 00279 EXIIIBIT A ) ) ~' ")"-' 7 (LEGAL DI~SCRIiPTION OF TI-IE AFF.EC'I'ED 1:[,.0 PI.A,, l ~: ) BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of Lot 5 of Section 4, T35N R1]gW of the 6t' .P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and running thence East 8 rods; Thence North 30 rods; Thence West 8 rods; Thence South 30 rods to the I'OINT O17 BEGINNING