HomeMy WebLinkAbout910588OF RAYMA M. WOLFLEY I, RAYMA M. WOLFLEY, of Etna, Lincoln County, WyonLing, make this Will and revoke all of my prior wills and codicils. ARTICLE ONE MY F~ILY The names of my children are: Craig L. Wolfley, born ~ Dan E. Wolfley, born Klm L. Wolfley, Born Rick e. Wotfley, born Larra Ann Hoffman, born/j~ 'Cindy Armstrong, born All references to my children are to them, as well as to any children subsequently born to, or legally adopted by me. ARTICLE TWO DISTRIBUTION OF MY PERSONAL EFFECTS Section 1. Personal Memorandum If permitted under the laws of Wyoming, I give all of my tangible personal property inc.l, uding, jewelry, clothing, household furniEu~e, furnishings and fixtures, chinaware, silver, photographs, works of art, books, boats, automobiles, all artifacts relating to my hobbies, and all_ other articles of household or personal use, in accordance with any written, signed, and dated memorandum left by me which directs the distribution ef my personal effects. Should I leave multiple written memorandums which conflict as to the disposJ tien of any item of my tangible personal property, that memorandum which is dated last shall control as to any items which }nay be in conflict. Section 2. Distribution of Personal Effects to Family All of my tangible personal, property not distributed by memorandum shall be distributed equa].ly to my children, Craig L. Welfley, Dan E. Wolfley, Klm h. Welfley, Rick E. Welfley, I~arra Ann Heffman and Cindy Armstrong. My children shall divide the property among them as they shall agree. My personal representatives may select the share for any c]]ild who is under any form of legal disability; 'they shall be mindful ef the desires ef my children when making such selections. If my children fail to agree as to the division of any property, within a reasonable period of time, my personal representative may either divide Page 1 of 3 RECEIVED 8/4/2005 at 10:49 AM RECEIVING # 910588 BOOK: 593 PAGE: 285 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY the property equally among my children Craig L. Wolfley, Dan E. Wolfley, Klm L. Wolfley, Rick E. Wolfley, Larra Ann Hoffman and Cindy Armsrong, or se] 1 the property and divide the proceeds equally among them. Any decision made by my persona]_ representative with respect to either the selection or sale of my property shall be final and binding on my chi]_dren. Section 3. Business Property Excluded Any of my tangible personal property that I used J_n a business shall not be distributed under this Article. ARTICLE THREE The Remainder of My Property Section 1. Pour-Over to My Living Trust The Remainder of my property shall by distributed to: Kim L. Wolfley, the Trustee, or his successor in trust, under the Ray, ha M. Wotfley Living Trust, and any amendme~ts thereto, dated February , 1999. Section 2. Alternate Disposition If my living trust is not in effect at my death, I give all of ray property to those of my descendants, per stirpes, who survive me by thirty days. If none of my descendants survive me by thirty days, I give all of my property to my heirs at law according to the laws of descent and distribution irt the state of Wyoming. ARTICLE FOUR Powers of My Personal Representative My personal representative shall have the power to perform all. aces reasonably necessary to administer my estate, as well as any powers set forth in the statutes in the state ef Wyoming relating ~e the powers ef fiduciaries. ARTICLE FIVE Payment of Expenses and Taxes and Tax Elections Section 1. Cooperating with the Trustee of My Living Trus'C I direct my personal representative to consult with the [rusuee of my living trust to determine whether any expense or tax shall be paid from my trust or from my estate. Section 2. Manner of Payment and Tax ElecE~ons All taxes, other than any generation-skipping taxes, imposed as a result of my death which are not paid by the trustee of my l~vJ. ng urusu sha].l be paid from my estate without apportionment, and without contributi_on from any person. My personal representative, in his sole and absoluue discretion, may exercise arty available elections with regard Ee any stage er federal tax laws. My persona] representative, in his sole and absoluue discretion, may elect to t~ave all, none, or part of the property compriszng my adjusted gross estate for federal estate tax purposes qual~fiy for the federal esLate tax marital deduction as qualified terminable interesm proper'my Page 2 of 3 00287 Schedule "A" BILL OF SALE iKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PIDS;SENTS: That RAYMA M. WOLFLEY, of Etna, Lincoln County, Wyoming, hereinafter referred to as Seller, for and in consideration of tile sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto THTE RAYMA M. WOI,FLEY LIVING TRUST, RAYMA M. WOLFLEY, Trustee, or her successors in trust, under the Rayma M. Wolfley Living Trust, dated February , 1999, hereinai'ter referred to as Buyer, tile Following personal property, to-wit: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. All household furnishings and £-orniture All cooking equipment and utensils All dishes, silverware, flatware, crystal and china All linen and bedding Washer, dryer, rd?igerator, stove Television, record player and records Tools and power tools Camping and hunting and fishing equipment Clothing and personal effects Automobiles All checking accounts and savings accounts. All Life Insurance Policies All personal property of'every kind not specifically listed above. · I'N WITNESS WHEREOF, the Seller has hereunto set her hand this __ day of February, 1999. STATE OF WYOMING ) )SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged befbre me by Rayma M. Wolfley, this ~- day of Wimess my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: