HomeMy WebLinkAbout875771 .WArranTY DEED MA~.R. RESIG A~ ~TE ~SIG, ~ HUsband and Wife, ~ ~OO~ PR PAGE 3'~ ~rantors of Lincoln CountL State 0f ~omin~, for consideration of Ten and 00/i00'~ and other ~ood and valuable comideratio~ in hand, r~c~i~t w~ereof is ~rek~ acknowledged CONVEY AND WA~NT TO Husbana Wife as Tenants b~ the i ~rantees, whose address is P.O. Box 122, Alton, WY ~110 t~~ follOwin~ described real estate, situat~ in Lincoln Coun~ and State of ~omin~, t~leaain~ and waiving all rights under and b~ virtu~ of the homestead ~xem~tion law~ of tk~ state to wit: A portion of the pr0pezty referred to in the Warranty Deed recorded January 4, 1994 in Book 343PR on page 458 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk,' within the NE~SW~ and'ibc NW~SE~ of Section 25, T32N, Rll9W of the ' 6th P.M., Lincoln County,. Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the B.L.M. type monUmem marking the Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1982 Southeast corner of said NE~SW~; thence N 89°51'27"W, along the South line of said NE~SW~, 662.95 feet; thence N 0005'09'' E, 551,67 feet; thence S 89051'30'' E, parallel with the South line of said NW~SE~, 1184.00 feet; thence South 551.68 feet tO a point in last said South line; thence N 89051'30'' W, ~.!0ng last said South line, 521.88 feet to the point of begi~ing. RESERVING UNTO G~.NTOR an easement 30 feet in width for the construction, maintenance and repair of an irrigation pipeline, the South line described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the above described property; thence N 89°51'30'' W, a~ong the south line, 103.63 feet to a pont 10 feet beyond the existing irrigation pipeline; and, reserving the option to extend the west end north 10 feet, more or less, to access the southernmost existing riser. TOGETHER WITH any mineral rigNs, water rights and irrigations rights Grantor may have, to include rights t° Afton Spri~ler Irrigation System. WITNESS our hands this ~/2/ day of September, 2001. · Resig Kate Resig t' . · :=;~ , . :<5 State of Wyoming County of Lincoln t:.~e:foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Mark R. Resig and Kate Resig this ~ t: day of September, 2001. ~/~~~ig~nd~:Qfficial seal. ~li'~D¥ LYMAN - NOt'AR'/PUuLiC ,. (/ t/ Notary Public My Commission Expires: