HomeMy WebLinkAbout911093AUG-]6-05 13:25 FROM-Land Title Company 50783 STATE OF COUNTY OF AFFIDAVIT I, Ron Anderson, being first duly sworn on oath, depose and say: That I am a citizen of the United States of America over the age of 21 years, and a resident of Grovel Lincoln County, Wyoming. That I was well and personally acquainted with Ilia Dixie Anderson and her successors, Trustee, for the uses and purposes set forth in the Illa Dixie Anderson Revocable Trust between Grantor and Trustee, dated the 11 m day of March 1997, bt that certain Correction Quitclaim Deed dated October 10, 2000, and recorded October 12, 2000, in Book 453 P.R., ate Page 948, in the Office of the Recorder of Lincoln County, Wyoming. That I know of my own knoWledge that Illa Dixie Anderson, Trustee in the said deed and ? mentioned in the attached Certificates of Death was one and the :'Illa Dixie Anderson same person. This Affidavit is intended to terminate the trusteeship of said Ilia Dixie Anderson, Trustee, in the following described property: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a pan hereof. ~Ron ~derson Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of _~0-oo,: ~ ,2005. RECEIVED 8/22/2005 at 10:59 AM RECEIVING # 911093 BOOK: 595 PAGE: 124 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, VVY The SW1/48W1/4 of Section 32, T 33 N, R 118 W, of the 6"~' P.M., Wy~>mingi lo. gerber with improvements and water rlgh'ts, ' EXCEPTING THEREFROM: 'A portion pf the SW1/4SW1/4 'of Section 32," T 33 N; R 1t8 W, 8th P.M,, located West ~f Graver, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being more particularly described as fdllows; Beginning at a' Brass Cap monument about 3 Inches below the surface of the existing paQement marking the Southwest corner of said Section 32, · sa!d Brass Cap also being in the oenterline of State Secondary Road' No. 237; thence running N' 0'04' E, along 'the West line of said Section 32, a distance of'208.71 feet to an Iroh pipe.found; thence running East, parallel with the ·South Ilne of said Section 32'and said road c.enterllne' 208,71 feet to an iron pipe set; thence S 0°04' W, parallel with said West line of said Section 32, 208.71 feet to said South line of Section 32 and said road centerllne; then'ce West along last.said lines, 208.71 feei to the point of beg(nning, coritalnlng 1.'000 acres of land. SUBJECT ~O a 30-foot-wide easement for right of way over the South 30 feet of the above-described property and' RESERVING TO the GRANTEE a fifteen (15) foot wide easement along the West side of said property from the North line of the above-described road right of way to the North line of sald properly; and, ALS0, The NE1/2NE1/4NE1/4. of Section 32, T33N, R118W of the 6th P.M., Wyoming t~gether with all water and water: rights, ditches and ditch rights and other appurtenances thereunto belonging; and, AESO, 'In T33N, R118W of the 8th P,M., Wyoming, as follows: : ' In Section 20, the 8E1/48E.1/4; In .Section 21, tl~e SW1/4; In Se.otion 29, the.'E1/2NE1/4 and th~ SoLith 34 rods, (being 17 acres) of the SE1/4SE1/4, ' ' ' SCHEDULE "A" I LLA STATE OF:WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HH~LTH 0 0 STATE OF WYOMING ~,~ ~. . CERTIFICATE OF DEATH DIXIE ::::~DERSON EE~LE ~ APRIL 26, 2003 I I I ~OMING :-- ' ' :;.:,.: :J WIDOWED '-,:~? ,,,.:~ ~ ,];;..,~:.:" ..... .:,:,." : :.: "]~L .~" ~:. / :'~': · ~ :q~ ~ ~':'~ ~:~ ' ~t ' ~ NO ; ':'"' ': "[ ~CHER/HOHE~R %f':' ' ;:7;L' '";:~ [:::' AGRICULTURE ~OMiNG-k. :<:.[:. LINCOLN ::: :: [ ~::~;]DR0~R :;;;] ? ~;~' ; ::.]' SLi~'P~RY;:;~;;~OLLOW HEIGHTS CO~TYRD 129 . .. ELLIS ; :: .... :~NIE~D;:.~ ~'}-': :: [;"-::. OUIDA ' WANDA WEBER LARK"LINFORD ~;h:...::. ~ :~:{::~:~. ?~:?.:~:~j~j :~?~?::"~::~ ':~' ::~: ~ DAUGH'~E~- GROVER ~OMING 44 EAST FOURTH AVE., AFTON O. D. PE~KES 10 NO / NO'. This is a true and exact reproduction of the document on file in the office of Vital Records Services Cheyenne. Wyoming. DATE ISSUED: ~AY 2 2003 i:'....~ Deputy State Registrar Thi~ copy is not vid d un ess prepa.,-cd on paper with an engtavc~iborder displa~ag;~he dale s~l and~signaturc of the Deputy State Rog,sitar Lucinda McCaffrey