HomeMy WebLinkAbout875775 State of Wyoming) AFF,'IDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP OF LI~I)i)..WiIiKES. I T :ss ANI) TE~I~~v,u. ?~JO~T TENANCY County of Lincoln) "."' I, LILLIE WILKES of Af.;on Lincoln County Wyoming, surviving spouse of William E. Wilkes, hereby declare under pen:aity ofperj.ury that the following facts are true and correct: That on the 20a day of Ju~y, 1982 William E. Wilkes executed, delivered and conveyed a warranty deed vesting title in real.estate located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to the affiant Lillie Wilkes and William E. Wilkes, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common. The said real estate is more pa~icularly described as follows: Beginning at the No~hwest corner 0f Lot Two(2) Block Sixteen(16) Alton To,site Survey, and r~ning thence East Ten(10) rods, thence South Five(5) rods thence West Ten(10) rods, thence No~h Five(5) rods to the place of beginning, together with water, water rights, improvements and appu~enances thereunto in anywise appertaining. That on April 25, 1983, the above-mentioned warranty deed was recorded at the office of the Lincoln County Recorder, Kemmerer, Wyoming in book 200 PR page 223 no. 595868. That on the 18th day of April, 1991, the above-mentioned joint estate was terminated by the death of William E. Wilkes, t!l':~s creating and vesting sole title of the above described prope~y to the affiant Lillie Wilkes. A ce~ified copy of the death certificate' of William E. Wilkes is attached hereto ~d made a pa~ of this affidavit by reference. t i & :day of "/ LILLIE ~L~S STATE OF UTAH ) SS. County of Salt Lake ) ' The foregoing instrument was SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to before me by Lillie Wilkes this'~-~_ day of ~ 2001. NOTARY PUBLIC ~ NOTAI~¥ PUBLIC ~~~ DIANE ~. GRAMBOW [: Residing in ,, ~~S10~~ ~Outh Ill'III I~i 8alt L. ke City, Utah e4111 ~~] My Comml.slon Exptre* I -~- S,~TE OF UTAH , ~::::. '-~ .:~::~