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THIS DECLARATION is made by L 2 Ranch, LLC, a Wyoming Close Limited Liability
Company, ("Declarant"), of 6613 Highway 238, Afton, WY 83110, the owner of the following
described real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming ("the Property"):
Parcel No. 1:
Beginning 35 feet East and I rod North of the Southwest corner of the
NEI/4SEI/4 of Section 16, T32N, R119W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence
North 250 feet, thence East 285 feet, thence South 62 feet, thence West 87 feet,
thence South 188 feet, thence West 198 feet to the point of beginning, containing
1.4 acres, more or less, together with water rights and improvements.
No. 2:
The North half of the NEI/4NW1/4 and the NWI/4NWI/4 of Section 21, T32N,
R119W of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming, with right to travel the Dip
Hollow Road.
No. 3:
Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the NWI/4SEI/4 of Section 16, T32N, R119W
of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence West 80 rods, thence Southwesterly
100 rods in a direct line toward the Southwest Corner of said Section 16, thence
North 27 rods, thence Northeasterly 100 rods to a point which is 53 rods South of
the center of said Section 16, thence East 80 rods, thence South 27 rods to the
place of beginning, containing 37 acres, more or lesS;
EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following described tracts of land:
Exception No. 1:
Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the NWI/4SEI/4 of Section 16, T32N, R119W
of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence West 506 feet, thence North 528 feet,
more or less, to the South edge of the existing lane; thence East 506 feet, more or
less, to the West boundary of the right-of-way of the Afton-Auburn Road and existing
fence line; thence South 528 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, being a
tract of land consisting of 6.14 acres, more or less, together with water rights and
improvements. (Being that 6.14 acre tract of land excepted and reserved unto the
grantor in a Warranty Deed given by lnda D. Leavitt, a single woman, to Coy D.
RECEIVED 8/23/2005 at 10:12 AM
BOOK: 595 PAGE: 355
Leavitt November 2, 1970, and recorded August 16, 1971, in Book 95 of PR, page
114, Recording No. 432743.)
Exception No. 2:
Beginning at a point which is 54 rods and 8 feet South of the Center of Section 16,
T32N, R119W of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, running thence East 217 feet, thence South
418 feet, thence West 217 feet, thence South 62" West 1,867 feet, thence North
418 feet, thence North 62° East 1867 feet to the point of beginning, containing 20
acres, more or less. (Being that 20 acre tract of land conveyed by Coy D. Leavitt,
grantor, to C. Davis Leavitt and Lawana Leavitt, husband and wife, by a Warranty
Deed dated May 12, 1975, and recorded December 19, 1975, in Book 122 of PR,
page 525, Recording No. 473262.)
No. 4:
Beginning at a point 466 feet West and 200 feet North of the Southeast Corner
of the NW1/4NE1/4 of Section 21, T32N, R119W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County,
Wyoming. (Said beginning point also being the Northeast Corner of the Audrey
L. Bassett Tract.) and running thence West 230 feet, along the North boundary
line of said Audrey L. Bassett Tract to the Northwest Corner of said Bassett
Tract, thence North 189.4 feet, thence East 230 feet, thence South 189.4 feet,
more or less, to the point of beginning. Consisting of 1.00 acre, together with
water rights and improvements thereunto appertaining.
Parcel No. 5:
Exhibit "A" attached and incorporated herein by this reference.
The Property is of high scenic, natural, agricultural, historical, and esthetic value.
Therefore, to preserve and maintain those values of the Property, Declarant hereby declares that
the Property shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the following perpetual restrictive
covenants which shall run with the Property and be binding on all parties having any right, title or
interest in the Property or any part thereof, and their heirs, successors, and assigns:
The Property may not be used for any purposes other than those for which it
is presently used, namely, single family residences or agriculture. Presently,
some of the Property is used for single family residences and most of it for
agriculture. The purpose for which each area of the Property is currently
used, either single family residences or agriculture, may not be changed in
any manner whatsoever, except that lands now used for single family
residences may be converted to agriculture.
No activities may be conducted on the Property other than those specifically
allowed in Paragraph 1 above.
The Property may not be divided or subdivided.
If these restrictive covenants are ever violated, either in whole or in part, in addition to any
other remedy provided by law, any person or persons who is or are direct descendants of C. Davis
Leavitt and Lawanna Leavitt or any other person injured by such violation, may bring an action in
court to enjoin such violation, and if successful, recover all costs and expenses of doing so
including a reasonable attorney fee.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has executed this Declaration of Restrictive
Covenants as of the .~,u~ day of ,,z~/,C~L/S"'/L ,2005.
L 2 Ranch, LLC, a Wyoming Close Limited
Liability Company
By ,~-~, ·
C. Davis Leavitt, Manager
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by C. Davis Leavitt as Manager of
L 2 Ranch, LLC, a Wyoming Close Limited Liability Company, this c)o~/' day of
/~,(/.~""/-- ,2005.
Witness my hand and official seal.
c%wo st.t. of
Lincoln ~ Wy.o_rning
[____My C?_:______rr~__isSion Expires May 2=====_____________: 200._=__7_....
My commission expires:
Part of Section 16, T~2N' l'(lig-~v~-~-f-~h~ ~th p.M., Lincoln County, W'yomi~g
rnor~ particularly described as follows:
Beginning 53 rods South oft. kc Northwest comer of the NB~SE~ of said Sect/on I6 and
running thence North 208.71 feet;
thence East 208.71 feet;
thence South 208.71 feet;
thence West 208.71 feet to the point of beginning.
Beginning at a point 53 rods South and 208.71 feet East of the Northwest corner of the
NE~SE~4 of Section 16, ~2N Ri19W of~ 6~ P.M., L~eo~ Co.u, Wyoming ~d
~nn{ng ~ence No~ 208.71 feet;
· ence ~st a17.~2 f~t;
· ence Sou~ 208.71 f~;
~me Wen 417.42 feet to ~e po~ of beg~.
Parcel ]~1: The South 17 rods of the ~SW~ of Section 15,
T 32 N, R 119 ~, 6th P.~., Wyoming.
Parcel #2: The South 17 rods of the NE¼SE¼ of Section 16,
T 32 N, R 119 W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, excepting therefrom
the following described tract of land: Beginning at a
point which is 229 feet East and one.(1) rod North of the
Southwest corner of the NE¼SE¼ of section 16, T 32 N,
R 119 W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence North 188
feet, thence East 470 feet, thence Sbuth 188 feet, thence
West 470 feet to the point of beginning.
And ALSO, a tract of land described as follows: Beginning
at the Southwest corner of Section 16, T 32 N, R 119 W,
6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence East 160 rods, thence
North 80 rods, thence in a Southwesterly direction to the
Southwest corner of said Section 16 to the point of
Parcel #3: S½NEkNW¼ and NWkNE¼ of Section 21, T 32 N,
R 119 W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, excepting therefrom the
following described tracts of land:
Exception #1: Commencing at a point which is 1320
feet West and 221 feet South of the corner common
to Sections 15, 16, 21, and 22, Township 32 North,
Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running
thence S90°O0~W for 178 feet; thence SO°O0'W for
858 feet; thence sg0°O0'E for 178 feet; thence
NO°OO'E for 858 feet to the point of beginning;
said parcel of land being in Section 21 of said
township and range.
Exception #2: Beginning at a point 466 feet West
of the Southeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter
of the Northeast Quartez' (NW¼NE¼) of Section
Twenty-One (21), Township Thirty-Two (32) North,
Range 119 West, 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running
thence West 230 feet; thence North 200 feet;
thence East 230 feet; thence South 200 feet,
more or less to the point.of beginning.
Page 1 of 2
Exhibit "A" - continued
Exception #3: Beginning at a point 811 feet West
of the Southeast Corner of the NW~NE¼ of Section
21, T32N, Rll9W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, and. Funning
'thence West 641 feet, thence North 204 feet,
thence East 641 feet, thence South 204 feet, more
or less to the point of beginning.
Exception #4: Beginning at the NE Corner of the
NW~NE¼ of Section 21, T32N, Rll9W, thence West
470.0 feet; thence South 618 feet, thence East
292 feet, thence North 400 feet; thence East 178
feet; thence North 218 feet to the point of
Exception #5: commencing at the Southeast Corner
of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter
(NW~NE¼) of Section 21, Township 32 North, Range
119 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming,
and running thence West 383 feet; thence North-
westerly along the.East bank of the irrigation
canal 698 feet; thence East 277 feet; thence
South 467 feet; thence East 178 feet; thence
South 231 feet ~o the point of beginning. Being
a parcel of land in said Section21, Township 32
North, Range 119 West, and containing five (5)
acres, more or less.
Together kith all .improvements located thereon and all water
rights and oil, gas, and mineral rights associated with the
described lands being conveyed hereby.
Subject to all easements, reservations, and rights of way
of sight or record.