HomeMy WebLinkAbout875779File #01-8437 Client #961301 CON # I_!I'4COL['~i COL!HIY C[..EI~K S ERIFF'S CERTIFICATE OF PURO SE 875779 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN I, the undersigned S~.eriff, Deputy Sheriff, or Undersheriff of LINCOLN County, certify that pursuanm to the power and authority vested in me by law and by the Mortgage described as follows: Original Mortgagor: MARK BARNETT AND LORI BARNETT Original Mortgagee: HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION II Current Mortgagee: HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION II BOOK~PRPAGE 3 Date of Note and Mortgage: ' .June 23, 1999 Recording Date of Mortgage'~:: June 30, 1999 Recording Information: Boq~ No. 432, Page No. 412, Reception No. 859662 Rerecorded: Original Principal Amount c,~ Mortgage: $61,999.75 Current Unpaid Principal: $61,999.75 On September ?, 2001, :at 10:00 a.m., the date and time specified in the Notice of Sale or Notice of Postponement if applicable, I exposed to sale at public venue the property described as follows: LOT 6 OF BLOCK 15 OF THE TO%~ OF KEMMERER, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF. PURPORTED COMMON ADDRESS: 522 PINE AVE, KEMMERER, WYOMING At sale, HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION II, Purchaser, bid the sum of $37,240.00 for said property. Being the highest and best bid received, the property was struck off and sold to said Purchaser. The Purchaser is entitled · to a deed for the property atthe expiration of the redemption period, unless the property is redeemed prior ~o that date as provided by law. The Ten Day Notice of Intent to Foreclose, and Sale were given, by the Mortgagee, pursuant to WYOming statute. Notice of sale was published in a newspaper of general circulation for the required time as shown by the Affidavit of Publication attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Also attached and incorporated h(~rein is the Affidavit of the attorney. Executed on September .?, 2001. Sheriff/Depute She~if~ STATE OF WYOMING ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing Certific~te of Purchase was acknowledged before me on September 7, 2001, by William J. Thek as the Deputy Sheriff of LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming. t .r~//t¢/~ County 0t State of My commission expires: '~¢"-~.~ / i Lincoln AFFIDAVIT STATE OF COI',OR3~O ) )SS. COUNTY OF AR~PAHOE ) Lynn M. Janeway, being.first duly sworn, upon her oath, states as follows: '' 1. That I am an attor~iey licensed in the State of Wyoming. for the purpose of foreclosing by advertisement and sale that certain Mortgage rqcorded ~'l~ ~i/~q ,. in the Office of the County Clerk, ~Z~ County,~Yoming. 3 That Ten Day Not'', · z~.~e, of Intent to Foreclose the Mortgage by advertisement and sale in accordance with Section 34-4-103, W.S. 1977, was sent by certified mail to the record title owners and all parties in possession, ii: any, of the property which is the subject of this foreclosure sale. 4. That there has been and there is no agreement, express or implied, between me and any other person for any sharing or division of attorney's fees to be added to the debt, and such fee of $'~'is compensatior] for services rendered in the foreclosure proceedings by the undersigned. Said fee is reasonable and is authorized by the Mortgage and Note. ' F~THER AFFI~T SAYETH NOT~ ~//~~~ ~ ~M~J~' o1~ aw~arski, ~ro, & Codil i s, LLP ~ynn M. Janeway :9~00 East Mineral ~/~nue, Suite 350 Engiewood, Colora~ 80112 . (303) 799-0083 Sworn to and subscribed before me by Lynn M. Janeway on WITNESS my hand snd,.official seal· C'~ ;~. ~' .... J PROOF OF PU-BLICATION 3 8 7 THE STATE 0 F ~OMING ) Cowry of Lincoln ) Tracy Thompson Erst duly sworn deposes and says that ~_~ is editor of the LITTLE CHICAGO REVIEW, a news paper of general circulation, published at Kemmerer, Lincoln County, in tree State of Wyoming. 0 , 20 o/ and was published in each succeeding week until the . / -~ / day of /~2~/ , 20 ~./ , being a period of ~ successive weeks. That said newspaper is published we~;kly, on Wednesday of each week ~,~ 2 , · (s~a~ ' %., COPY OF NOTICE Notice of Foreclosure Sale A default has occurred thrOugh Mortgagor's and/or subsequent Owner's Tailure to pay that Promissory Note in. the origi- hal amount of $61,999.75, secured by a Mortgage dated June 23~ 1999; recorded June 30, 1999, Book 432, Page 412, Reception No. 859662 (reTrecording infor.: N/A), in LINCOLN county, Wyoming; given by MARK BARNETT AND LORI BARNETT, mortgagors, to HousEHOLD FINANCING CORPORATION Ii, as mortgagee; 'and subsequently. through One or more recofd6d assignments, assigned to HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION III; securing property described as: LoT6 OF BLOCK 15 OF THE TOWN OF KEMMERER, LINCOLN COUNTY, wYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON . THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF. PURPORTED COMMON ADDRESS: 522 PI.NE AvE, KEMMERER, WYOMING( Mortgagee has declared the unpaid balance of $61,999.75, PLUS interest, advances41 fees and cOsts, due and payable in full, and ig advertising to sell said property to satisfy the sam; and WHEREAS, n0suit or proceeding has been instituted at Law.to recover any part.of the debt remaining; and WHEREAS, the Mortgagee ha~ given notice of its intention to fore- close, NOW, THEREFORE~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property will be offered for sale and sold by the Sheriff's office of LINCOLN County, Wyoming, to the highest bidder, for cash at t~ublic Venue at the front door of the Courthouse in LINCOLN County, Wyoming at 10:00 a.m. on August 13, 2001, The Sheriff is not authorized to sell the property without a written bid from our offio~, and an authorized representative in attendance on the lender's behalf. .. · HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION III, MORTGAGEE Meinho!d, Stawiarski, Shapirio, & CodfliS, LLP Attorney for Mo~gagee 9200 East Mineral Avenue, Suite 350 Englew0od CO. 80112 (307) 79%0083 July 11, 18, 25 &Aug. 1 ~.'-~Z:~[j~J ,~.'~J PROOF OF PUBLICATION' 388 THg S'YATE OF ~OM[~G ) Co~ty of Lincoln ) ~cacv Thompson first duly sworn deposes and says that _~ is editor of the LITTLE CHICAGO REVIEW, a news paper of general circulation, published at Kemmerer, Lincoln C6unty, in the State of Vv'yoming. That the notice, a t~e copy of which {s hereto attached, was pubi~ished on the/~ ~gay 0f ~'~ ~/ , 20 ~/ ~d was published in each succeed~n~ week ungil the ~ ~day of /~ ~ ~/ 20 ~/ , bein~ g pe~od of ~ successive weeks. That said newspaper ~s published weekly, on ~ednesday of each week. Subsc~bed ~nd sworn to before me, ~he ~ day of ~ - ~~~. - , ~ ",.',::~ '~ State of h~ngoln ~A ~[y commission expires: May 11, 2003 W~oming COPY OF NOTICE POSTPONEMENT OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the foreclosure sale which was originally scheduled of r 8-13-01, on the following described property,, has been post- poned until august 27, 2001, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. at the front'door of the LINCOLN County Courthouse in LINCOLN County, Wyoming If no written bid frOm our office is received, or no representative fo? our office is in attendance, please postpohe the sale one week. You are not authorized to sell the property without a written bid from our office. ~ LOT 6 OF BLOCK I$ OF THE TOWN OF KEMMERER, LINCOLN COON,. ~ TY, WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, PURPORTED COMMON ADDRESS; 522 PINE AVE, KEMMERER, WYOMING. · HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION II, Mortgagee Meinhold Stawiarski, Shapiro. * Codilis, LLP Attorney for Mortgagee · 9200 East Mineral Ave. Suite 350 Englewood, Colorado, 80112 Agl5.22, 2001 PROOF OF PUBLICATIOI~: 3 8 ~ THE STATE OF WYOMING ) County of Lincoln ) Charles E. Young, first duly sworn deposes and says that h_fie is editor of the LITTLE CHICAGO REVIEW, a news paper of general circulation, published at Kemxnerer, Lincoln County, in the State of Wyoming. That the notice, a true copy of which is hereto attached, was published on ther~'~/~day o _ _. ,~ , 20 O/ and was published in each succeeding week until the ~ ~j" daY of _ ,20 ~/ , being a period of/ successive weeks. That said newspaper is published weekl~~~ac~w~~ . . * '~¢¢'~ .... Notaq Public, Lfnco~ Co., W2omin~ f Lincoln t~ Wyoming ~ . My commission expires: May Il, 2003 COPY OF NOTICE POSTPONEMENT OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the foreclosure sale which was origi- nally scheduled Of 8~27-01, on the following described property, has been postponed until September 7,'. 2001, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. at the front door of the LINCOLN County Courihouse in LINCOLN, Wyoming. If no written bid from our office is received, or no representative for our office is in attendance, please 'post- pone the sale one week. You are not authorized to sell the property with-.' out a written bid from our office. LOT 6 OF BLOCK 15 OF THE TOWN OF KEMMERER, LIN- COLN COUNTY, WYOMING-AS' DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF. PURPORTED COMMON ADD- RESS; .522 PINE AVE., KEMMER-.~. ER, WYOMING. HOUSEHOLD FINANCES CORPORATION II, Mortgagee Meinhold, Stawiarski, Shapiro, & Codilis, LLP " Attorney for Mortgagee 9200 East Mineral Avenue Suite 350 Englewood, Colorado 80112 (303) 799-0083 Ag29-Sp5 - ¢::f-:4, .: -