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RECEIVED 8/25/2005 at 10:25 AM RECEIVING # 911241 BOOK: 595 PAGE: 628 JEA. NNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Space Above This Line For Recording Data RELEASE OF MORTGAGE First National Bank - West, which is organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America and holder of that certain Mortgage made and executed by GEORGE E PRINCE as Mortgagor, and First National Bank - West, as Mortgagee on August 15, 2005, certifies that the Mortgage has been fully paid, satisfied or otherwise discharged. The Mortgage was recorded on July 15, 2004, in the Lincoln County Clerk for LINCOLN County, Wyoming and is indexed as Book 5620, Page34, 901075. The Mortgage having been complied with, the undersigned releases the Mortgage and all of its rig~ht, title and interest in the Property located at 188 CHOKECHERRY DR, ALPINE, Wyoming 83128 and legally described as: LOT 3, BROKEN WHEEL RANCH SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION BEING THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 36 NORTH, RANGE 116 WEST, 6TH P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, W~Y. OMING. .f _ _ · Se~h~nkins, ~ne Loan Officer ACKNOWLEDGMENT, (Lender Acknowledgment) i - ~iis in~tr~J~ent was acl~owiedged before-me this~,~.. / day oft _ ~,~¢J~~ Seth Jenkins as Alpine Loan Officer of First National Bank - Wes~t,_ My commission expires: . ~.~~.~..~,.~'~ ~ ~~.,~ (~OUNI~¢ OF jlil~l~ STATE OF (( GEORGE E PRINCE Wyoming Release Of Real Estate Security Instrument WY/4XXXsethj09~5~4823022082305Y ©1996 Ban~,~j,m~ms, Inc., St. Cloud, MN ~u Initials Page 1