HomeMy WebLinkAbout911252Fiic Ix.'o: 50657(04) WI.IEN RECOKOED RElrURN TO: Name: Matthew Siebach Address: P.O. Box 6282 Jackson, WY 83002 RECEIVED 8/25/2005 at 12:57 PM RECEIVING # 911252 BOOK: 595 PAGE: 636 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED (individual Form) Cig L. Kcr. d~l and wez~dy J. Kendall, husband and ,a4fe, GRANTOR(S) of Pierce County, sr _~re of WasMngton, COIq'VEY(S) AND WARP. ANT(S) to ~, iarthcw Siebaelt, ~ single nlan Nd Angcl~ Butikofer, a single woman, GRANTeE(S), whose addr,ss is F.O. Box 6282, Jackson, WY 83002 for the sum often Dollars m~d other good and valuable consideration, th~ following described real estate, situam in Lincoln Count-y, SraI¢ of Wyoming, hereby -eieasing and :vaiving all rights trader and by virtue of thc Homestead Exemption Laws of the State, ' ;~it B of Wilderness Townhomcs Addition to ;he To~a~ of Alpine, Lincoln County, Wyoming · ac,:-ordmg m that plat filed May 25, 2004 in the Office o the Lincoln County Clerk as Plat No. 142-A. r,,<, k ~o,~m by street mad number as: 171 Center Stre~l B. Alpine, WY 83128 abject to reservations and restrictions contained in thu United States Patent ~a'~d lo easements and :i~h~s-of.v,'ay of record or in use. c:ge'cher wfth all improvcm=nts and app~enances ~crcon. ~ IIMESS, d~e hand of~d gmtor(s) ~s I9~ &y of Au~t, 2005. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF Pierce I-lac foregoing m~/~Orr~at/W~,.acknowledged before mc this ~ day oFAugust, 2005~ by .Traig L. i<en,~al~kn$ .X~d~/~ndall the signers of the witkin instrument, who duly 'wI2-N ES~"h4,~.~D ,A~,N?-<i~FI~ML SEAL. v~,,~,,) ; - /Xa~ * "'' ' ' x~/ %L?. WA~,:,,," ' /IIIIII I~ )0636 Xuedm°2 Sl3!i Pu~l-~Oa~