HomeMy WebLinkAbout911711 RECEIVED 9/9/2005 at 5:08 PM RECEIVING # 911711 BOOK: $9? PAGE: 211 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMME[~ER, WY WARRANTY DEED MARGY JOHNSON WILDE, SUCCOR TRUSTEE OF THE STERLING R. JOHNSON LIVING TRUST DATED AUGUST 28, 1965 AND THE STERLING R. JOHNSON RF. SIDUAL TRUST DATED AUGUST 28, 1965 B'antor of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for consideration of Ten and 00/100's ($10.00) and other good and valuable comideraflon in hand, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO ET_~K MEADOWS, L.L.C., a Wyoming Limited Linbilit~ Comlumy, ~ameo, whnseaddmssis P.O. Box 3345~ Jackson, ~ 83001 the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County ~ State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights u .r~zl_er and by virtue of th~ homestead exemption laws of the state to wit: That part of Section 35, T34N RllgW of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming described on attached Exhibit A. SI. JRIF. CT, however, to all reservations, residctions, proactive covenants, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record, in sight, or in use. day of September, 2005. __ .S~ERLING ]L. IOHI~. SON LIVING TRUST ,/I ) . . Sate of Utah ) County of Salt Lake ) STERL[NO R. IOHN$ON KESIDUAL TRUST  olng instrument was acknowledged before me by Margy Johnson Wilde this day of September, 2005. l~lie My Commission Expires: [ "~ I. LYNNETTE AZb, ROW" ~?'~l~l~\~_ NOTARY PUBUC. STATE OF UTAH I!['~z~')J ~oo:to SOLrm STARE ~ ~.~,r~..~, SAND~ UT 84070 J;00212 EXHIBIT A Legal Description for Elk Meadow~, LLC Part of Section 35, T34N RI19W of the 6th, P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly descnq~ed as follows: Beginning at th~ Northwe.~t Corner of the SE¼NE¼ of said Section 35 and running thence. West 160 ro&; theme South 17 rods; thence Fast 190 rods and 10 feet to the We.~t line of the $~ate Highway; thence Northerly along tbe West lin~ of said State Highway to a pohu 26 rods and 10 feet Fast of tbe NW Corner of the SP. ¼NB¼ of said ~ection 35; thence West 26 rods and 10 feet to th~ place of beginning. ALSO Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7 and that part of the l'%rF_.¼]',,,r{]¼ d~ribed as follows: Commencing at a point 56 rods West of the NE corner of said Section 35 and running thence West 24 rods; thence South 80 rods; tbence East 34.5 rods; {hcnc~ Northw~tefly along highway right-of-way to the place of beginning. ALSO Comu~ncing at a point 35 rods West oftbe SE Corner of NIl¼ of said Section 35 and running thence Northw~t~rly along highway right-of-way to a point 63.59 rods North of south line of tbe maid NB¼ and 195 rods East of the West line ofth~ SB¼NW¼; tl~nce Wear 195 rod~; thence South 53.59 rods; tben~ East 205 rods to th~ place of beginning. IF. SS AND EXCEPT the laud contained in Warranty De~d recorded February 25, 1939 in Book 22 of Dee. dm on page 27 of tl~ recor& of th~ Limoin County Clerk. ' LESS AND EX~ the land cootalu~ in Wan'amy D~xi recorded February 25, 1939 in Book 22 of Deed~ on page 29 of tl~ records of the Linaoin County Clerk. LESS AND EXCFa'C,T the land contained in Wan'anty Deed recorded December 4, 1979 in Book 162PR on page 166 of tbe records of the Lincoln County Clerk. LESS AND F_.XCEPT the land contained in Warranty Deed recorded October 19, 1993 in Book 337PR on page (~14 of time records of the Lincoln County Clerk. LESS AND EXCEPT the laud ountained in Warranty Deed recorded September 23, 2003 in Book 535PR on page 720 of tl~ records of the Lincoln County Clerk. LESS AND EXCEPT th~ land contained in Warranty Deed recorded October 9, 2003 in Book $38PR on page 151 of tbe records of {he Lincoln County Clerk.