HomeMy WebLinkAbout911761 RECEIVED 9/12/2005 at 4:13 PM RECEIVING # 911761' BOOK: 597 PAGE: 379 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED £0×~0'~ I,AFE H. DANA AND SHII~LEY DANA, Husband a. nd Wife, grantors of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for consideration of Ten and 00/100's ($10.00) and other good and valuabl~ consideration in hand, receipt whereof is hereby ack-l~owledged CONVEY AND WARP.ANT TO JED ALAN HEAP, a married person, rele~i~ and waiving all rights under ~d by vitae of~e homestead exemption laws of the s~ to wit: A portion of the NW'ASE'A of Section 14, T34N RIlgW of th 6rix P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning au a point in the West line of said NW!4SEtA at the northerly rigMof way linc of the East Side Canal said poim being 193.94 feet N 0°03'32" E, from the Southwest comer of said NWaSE~; ~hcnce mnrfing easterly and northerly along sam East Side Canal right of way line the following courses: N 80°I6'41" E, 9-16,43 feet; N 62°$6'01" E, 166.30 feet; N 38058'42'' E, 69.67 feet; N 42'59'20" E, i54.91 feet; N 12'24'15" W, 80.20 feeet; N 42034'50'' W, 179.07 feet; N 35°19'1~'' W, 73.10 feet; N 35°19'13" W, 31.14 feet to a pelto; thence S 86°35'37'' W, 312.18 feet to said westerly line; thence along said westerly line S0°03'32'' W, 556.38 feet [o tt~e point of beginning. Containing $.069 acres, more or less. W1TNESS our hands this SUB2ECT, however, to all reservations, [estricfions, protective covenants, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record, in sight, or in use, day of September. 2005. Lafe H. Dana Shirley Dana State of Nevada ) )SS. County of Clark ) E096 LL8 L0£ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Lafe H. Dana and Shirley D~a this ~ ~-t,.,_ day of September, 2005. ~ witness my l=da.do cial seal, My Commission Expires: ~r/~-'? / i '~.oo 9 / Notary Public l~ ANTHONY CAR~'t t\~r~L~l No. 05-9~S58.~ t b~ My ap~. exp. / 'j~?~,o9 $ 0g $~lll ISSMHI~OS E~ :$~ fi00E-LO-dSS