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between Jerry Faddis, party of tt-;e first part, and The F~dis-Family Trust,
party of the second part.
WHEREAS, the party of the first part, Jerry Faddis, has an undivided 1/10
mineral interest as a tenant in common as recorded by Warranty Deed
filed at Book 476 Page 525 with the County Clerk of Lincoln County, State
of Wyoming, to that certain tract of land situated in the County of Lincoln in
the State of Wyoming, described as follows, to-wit:
Parcel 1'
A four-ninths (4/9) interest in and to the following-described property, to-
A parcel of land situate in Sections 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Township 22
North, Range 120 West and Sections 7 and 18 in Township 22 North,
Range 119 West of the 6th Principal Meridian in Lincoln County, Wyoming,
said parcel being composed of 72.47 acres in Tract 45,. 122.06 acres in
Tract 46, 20.00 acres in Tract 47, 34.88 acres in Tract 50 and 300.76
acres in Tract 76, all lying contiguous to each other and being described in
particular by metes and bounds referred to in the resurvey plats made by
the General Land Office of the United States of America under date of
March 31, 1909, and the amendments thereto as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point that lies within the channel through which Bear River
flows and equidistant from the banks of said Bear River, from whence the
Southeast Corner of said Section 11 bears South 24023, East 20.09
chains; thence following the center thread of the channel of Bear River;
South 27008, West 7.64 chains; South 80049, East 10.28 Chains; South
56008, East 9.15 chains; South 34°59, East 8.54 chains; South 15002,
East 6.94 chains; South 02017, West 2.50 chains; South 26°11' West 6.80
chains; South 54°51, West 5.88 chains; South 72°39'West 5.03 chains;
West 5.68 chains; North 80°32, West 6.69 chains; North 81 °22' West 7.99
chains; South 72057, East 8.30 chains to a point in the center of the
channel through which Bear River flows, the intent being to deed to the
middle of the channel of Bear River as measured midway between the
banks thereof at normal ground levels; thence East 52.52 chains along the
North boundary of the lands of Arden Pope; thence South 88026, East
100.13 chains along the Northern boundary of the John Dayton lands;
thence North 38.69 chains along the East boundary of Tract 76 to the
platted locus of Corner No. 1, thereof; thence West 40.00 chains, along the
North boundary of said Tract 76 to Corner No. 3 of Tract 54 situate
thereon; thence North 5.00 chains along the West boundary of said Tract
54 to a point situate thereon; thence West 108.47 chains along a line offset
due North 5.00 chains from the North boundary of said Tract 76, said Tract
45 and said Tract 46 to the point of beginning; containing 550.17 acres of
the lands commonly known as the Beckwith Quinn Ranch Lands.
AND ALSO, an undivided interest, totaling 30 acres in the following
described land: Tract 45 of Township 22 North, Range 119 West said
Tract 45 being further described as the SW¼SE¼ of Section 5, the
W%NE¼, and the NW¼SE¼ of Section 8, in said Township 22 North,
Range 119 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming
AND ALSO, a parcel of land situate in the South one-half of Section 7 of
Township 22 NoAh, Range 119 West of the 6th Principal Meridian in
Lincoln County, Wyoming; being a part of the subdivisions shown upon the
plat of said Section 7 made by the General Land Office of the United
States dated August 9, 1913; said subdivisions being part of Lots 31 and
34 and Resurvey Tract 54 and being described in particular as follows, to-
Beginning at the East One Quarter Corner of said Section 7 from whence
the Northeast Corner of the land conveyed herein bears South 0004' East
21.72 chains, thence South 0004, E, 8.65 chains, thence West 0.32 chains
along the North Boundary of Resurvey Tract 40 to Corner No. 4 thereof;
thence South, 9.60 chains, along the West Boundary of Tract 40 to the
Southeast Corner of said Lot 31 of Section 7; thence North 89058' West
18.48 chains, along Southern Boundary of Section 7 to the East Boundary
of Tract 76; thence North 13.24 chains along the East Boundary of Tract
76 to Corner No. 1 thereof; thence West 20 chains, along the North
Boundary to Tract 76 to Corner No. 2 of Tract 54; thence West 20 chains
along the South Boundary of Tract 54 identical with the North Boundary of
Tract 76 to Corner No. 3 of Tract 54; thence North 5.00 chains, along the
West Boundary of Tract 54 to a point thereon; thence East 58.79 chains to
the point of beginning; containing a gross area of 53.99 acres.
INCLUDING water, water rights, ditches, ditch rights, shares in canals or
reservoirs or reservoir companies, if any; easements and rights of way,
headgates, fences and stockponds, B.L.M. Permits or Forest Permits, if
any, attached to theses lands, or for which these lands are base, including
the mineral estate in, upon, across or underlying the aforesaid lands to
said mineral estate to include all metallic and non-metallic minerals, all
coal, gas, oil or other hydrocarbonous or sulphurous (ic) substances, all
nuclear and non-nuclear substances and all geo-thermal structures.
Parcel 2:
An undivided four-ninths (4/9) of 7.5% interest in the following-described
property, to-wit:
SW¼NW¼ of Section 26, T 23 N, R 118 W;
Sw¼sW¼ of Section 35, T 23 N, R 118 W;
SE¼NW¼ of Section 3, T22 N, R 118 W;
SE¼SW¼ of Section 3, T 22 N, R 118 W;
NW¼NE¼ of Section 10, T 22 N, R 118 W;
NW¼NW¼ of Section 10, T 22 N, R 118 W;
SE¼SW¼ of Section 10, T 22 N, R 118 W;
NW¼NW¼ of Section 11, T 22 N, R 118 W;
NE¼NW¼ of Section 15, T 22 N, R 118 W;
All of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming.
TOGETHER WITH all water and water rights, ditches and ditch rights,
irrigation works, reservoirs and reservoir rights, all grazing privileges
issued by the United States Department of the Interior, all improvements
and appurtenances thereon or anywise appertaining thereto.
WHEREAS, the party of the first part, Jerry Faddis, desires to
convey to said party of the second part The Faddis Family Trust, an
undivided 1/10 interest, in the aforesaid mineral interest:
WHEREAS, the party of the first part, Jerry Faddis, desires to
convey to said party of the second part The Faddis Family Trust, an
undivided 1/10 interest, of all right he may have in the aforesaid
mineral interest lease:
NOW, THEREFORE, the party of the first part, for a valuable
consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged,
has remised, released and qUitclaimed, and by these presents does,
remise, release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, The
Faddis Family Trust, an undivided 1/10 interest'in and to all of the oil, gas
or other minerals, if any, owned by the party of the first part in the
aforesaid described tract or land, and an undivided 1/10 interest in and to
all the right, title and interest if any, owned by the party of the first part to
the aforesaid described mineral interest lease
To have and to hold the same, and all appurtenances and privileges
thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, unto the said
party of the second part, and his respective heirs and assigns:
IN WITNESSWHEREOF, by the said party of the first part, Jerry Faddis,
this; a~ d y of(-,~ ~,~ t,~: ,2005.
J/ef'ry Faddt?~
The foregoing [nstrument~/.as acknowledged before me by Jerry
Faddis, this ~ day of k,~_x_~ ~:(,%.~_,.~: .- ,2005.
W~tness mv hand and official seal.