HomeMy WebLinkAbout911841When Recorded, Mail to: Bank of Star Valley PO Box 8007 Alton, wY 83110 Attn.: SHIPPING DEPT./DOC. CONTROL Order No.: RECEIVED 9/14/2005 at 1:40 PM RECEIVING # 911841 BOOK: 597 PAGE: 717 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, BANK OF STAR VALLEY. hereby assigns to ACADEMY MORTGAGE CORPORATION that certain Mortgage, together with the indebtedness secured thereby, which Mortgage is dated August 25~ 2005 , was executed by Joshua Peavler and Jamie Peavler~ husband and wife as mortgagors, to The Bank of Star Valley , as mortgagee, was recorded on Aueust 31~ 2005 596 at Page 232 , Instrument Number 911417 , situated in said county described as follows: , in Book, Dated los5 STATE OF WYOMING See attached Schedule C for Legal Description By /"'-~/~~~ ~¢~.__ } SS COUNTY OF L[~_~iOLN S~.~/~} O~ · On ~7] daVof · , ~ , personally appeared before me ~[QC~ ~, ~O~i~O~' who berg by me duly sworn, did say ~at ~ is ~e ~f{6~ ~l~ , of T~ B~K OF ST~ V~LEY, ~d ~t the forego~g ~ent was si~ed ~ ~e~lf of said co¢orafion by authofiW of a resolution of its Board of Dkectors, eKecutedand said ~e sme.~[{~e~ ~ ~{~,~*_ ~ a~o~lTdg~d. ]; me ~id co.oration Residing at: -~/~:~. ('/, ~., ugaassn "007t. 8 ALTA COMMITMENT - 1982 - WY Commitment No.' FA 13910 M SCHEDULE C The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is described as follows: Part of Lot 3 of Block 22 to the Town of Afton~ Lincoln County, Wyoming, being the same land as described in Warranty Deed recorded September 9, 1998 in Book 417PR on page 41 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk, described as follows: Beginning at a point which is 15 rods east from the Southwest corner of said Lot 3 of Block 22 and running thence North 6 rods; thence East 5 rods; thence South 6 rods; thence West 5 rods to the point of beginning. ALSO Beginning at a point which is 6 rods north from the southeast corner of said Lot 3 of Block 22 and running thence West 5 rods; thence North 14 rods; thence East 5 rods; thence South 14 rods to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the land described in instrument recorded June 22, 1977 in Book 137PR on page 121 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. il/91