HomeMy WebLinkAbout911920 WARRANTY DEED ........ Joseph L. Co~ a S[n(~la Per.on grar~tor of Fremon[ Cour ~y, State cf Cc Ioradc, for consideration of Ten and 00/100's ($10.00) and other good and valuable c~n'~ideration in hand, receipt where'of Is hereby acknowledged. CONVEY AN D WARRANT TO CHARLOTTE A. S~DEY, as Sole Ow~mr, g. rm;tee, whose addres~ is 722 Cedar Ave., Kernmerer V~/Y 83t01 th~ follow'lng described real e~tzte, situate in Lincolr, Coumy and State of Wyol~ing, hereby re. leasing and waiving all 69hts under and by virtue of the homeste~;d exemption laws of the state to wit: Par[ of Lot 4 of Block 3 of LIncoJr~ ='elghi;s 3rd Subdivision to the City of Kemmerer. Lincoln County, Wyoming being m'.~re particularly described as follows: IBEGINNIN6 at the northeast corner of said Lot 4 and thence N 90°00'00" W, along [.he lot tine between Lot 4 and /-ct 5 of said Block 3, 48.76 feet; the nce S 75~06'54'' E, 47.74 feet to the angle point on the rear tot line of' said Lot 4.; thence 1'4 12o03'30" E, '12.82 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.. ALSO All of Lot 5 of Block 3 of L!ncoln Heights 3rd Subdivision to the City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, LESS ANIB r:XCEPT the land cont'amed in Warranty Deed recorded Janua,w 7. 1980 In Book '162PR on page 661 of the record~ of' the Lin¢otn Ceumy Clerk. SUBJECT. however, to all reservations, restrictions, protective covenant~, exceptions, easements and right,.--of-way of record, in sifjht, or in use. WITNESS our hand, this__)L-~'~ ~' day of Septer,',ber, 2005. Joseph L. Cox State of Colorado ) ) ss. County of Fremont ) ~___k.;~o. o._~regoir, g ins~a~Jrnen~,wa$ ack. n~wh, dg~d before me by Jose h L Cox this da, of ~~, 2005 ~ P RECEIVED 9/16/2005 at 11:48 AM RECEIVING ¢ 911920 JEANNE WAGNER . LINCOLN COUN~ CLERK, KEMMERER, · .. · oomf~sslon