HomeMy WebLinkAbout911921F"R"~?I : F'~F'FC:':-'T 5_~_-3L. IJ'FIOIq~ ..... I'~''~'~tn~'t J ~ FfqX. NO, : ~0TM '-'~'~-" ......... '-",:~¢ ,' S,---'o, 13 2E~5 CfT: 32PI"l .Parc ! of l I, the undersigned, Joseph L (.Pox o.['P O Box 6, CoalCreek, Colorado, 81'221, as,sign any and all of my risht of redemption under Wyomiag Stare San.ires I- 18- !01 through I -18-114. and any other applicable f;~deralwyemingor tosrarewit:laws' fbr thc following described real estate, situate irt Lincoln Coum¥ and State of Part of Lot 4 of Block 3 of I..incoh.~ Heights 3rd Subdivison to the City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Vyomrag, w, hich was sold by virture of an execution, decree of foreclosure, or foreclosure by advertisement on September 13. 2005. ~o Charlotte A. Sedek of 1006 Cedar-Ave., Kcmmercr, Wyoming, 83101. In eon.sideradon Ihereo£, I acknowledge receip[ of $500.00 USD United States Dollars paid by certified check fi-om Chm'lotte A, Sedey. it is agreed that this Assigrmv:nt will enure ~,~ tke benefit of '-,md be binding upon the pm'ties to this Assi.?o-m~,3~u, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, respectively. This A~-7'eement will be construed in ac. cordemce ~'ith and governed by the laws of the State. of Colorado. SIGNED, SE'.43LED AND DEI,IVERED this 13fl*, day of September, 2005 in the p.:'esence of':. . Witne.,;s Jos~ SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED this 13th day ,of .September, 2005 in the presence of: '~2/~,/~- The State of Wyoming Charlotte A. Sedey RECEIVED 9/16/2005 at 11:48 AM RECEIVING # 911921 BOOK: 598 PAGE: 46 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY fi~e./CE,\Documenrs~Office%2OForms\LawDepo¢..4,~O,. . -%'~0 5.ssiglwnent,,. .html 9/13/2005