HomeMy WebLinkAbout911972$EP-13-05 0g:]8 FROM-Land Title Company Fitc No.; 5OS~S WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Name: Address: Tilmf Investments, Inc, 3616 Carlton Place Boca Katon, }~- 33496 307-733-6186 T-421 P.012/016 F-ZOO -00!t4 RECEIVED 9/19/2005 at 12:36 PM RECEIVING # 911972 BOOK: 598 PAGE: 194 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED (Individual Form) Bordcan Cub W, Clit~ger m~d Carolyn Lee Porter Clinger, husband a~d wife GRANTOR(S) of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, CONVEY(S) AND WAI~a~NT(S) ~ 'InvestmenB; Inc., a Florida Corporation ' : GRANTEE(S)~ whole ad&ess is, 3616 Carlton Place, Boca Rotan, FL 33496, for thc sum ofTen Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, thc following described real estate, situate in Lincoln Couney, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of Homestead Exemption Laws of the Stale, to-wit: Sec "Exhibk A" attached h~c~o Subject to reservations and restrictions comaincd itl the Unked States Patent and To easements ant rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS, the hand of said grantor(s) this 13th day of SepTember, 2005. Bordean Cub W. Clinger Carolyn L4:e Porter Clinger STATE OF ~ COUNTY OF K~allath The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me ~his 13th day of September. 2005, by Bordean "Cub" W. Clinger mad Carolyn Lee Porter Clinger thc signer(s) of[he within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that the)' executed the same. WITNE~} MY HAND A.ND 0FFI~IAL SEAl,, Notate'Pub': . My commission expires"71, OFFICIAL SEAL TINA A. BROWN NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO. 384306 File NumbCfi 50525 I.anfl 'rit[o r.'omp~ny Warranty O0t'd - ['[~divldu:aI) SEP-13-05 09:19 FROM-Land Title Company 307-733-6186 T-4Z1 P.013/016 F-ZOO EX~tlBIT "A" -0 _!.95 SEI/4NEI/4 S¢c. 19 T, 37 N., F,~ge 1 lg W., 6"~ P.M., Wyoming aad that portion of thc SW 1/4NAV1/4, gecffon 20, T37N, R1 ! 8%V, more pan~cularly desc~bed as follows: BEGINNING at a point that is South 0°10' E~: a di.~ance of2,113,28 feet from th: No'west Com~ Of Sec. 20, T37 N, RI 18 West, m~ng ~cnc¢ Soa~ 37~00' E~t a ~st~cc of 658.47 f~t, · encc No~ g9~50' We~ a dis~ce of 394.75 fcct to ~e Sou~west Come~ of~e SWI/4NW]/4 of Sec. 20 afores~d, ~ing thence No~ 0~ 10' West along dm westerly bound~ of s~d Sec. 20 a ~st~cc of 527.76 fee~ to ~c PO~T OF BEG~G. Together ~ith~ That cerraln ea~ement for ingress and egress 2 rods in width as described in that WarranU Deed recorded October 6, 197{1, Book 91 P.K., Page 486. $'ile NumbeG .~0525 L3nd']'iLtc CumOa~ly ' Warranty Dead - (]ndividuaJ) Page 2 0£2