HomeMy WebLinkAbout875795 Be it known that Keith L. S'Wenson and Leron fl. Allred-act~g as trustee~,~e,~msts. 0~ Louis E. Swenson, deceased ~d Wilda H. 8wenson, respectively, of Osmond, Lih~'3'~l~ty",''~'r' Wyom~g for and in consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable considerations, the receipt herew~t :~, ac~owledge, CONVEY ~d W~T to LERON H. ALL~D ~d RO8AL~ P. LLI~D husb~d and w~e, ofA~on, Linco~ County, Wyom~g the fo~owing descrmed real prope:r!y situated h Lincoh Co~ty, State of WYoming, here~y releas~g and waiving all rights under and by v~ue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, Beginning at a point 33 rodS 3 feet South of the Northwest Comer of the SW 1/4 ~f Section 6, T 31 N, R 118 W, 6'h P.M.,Wyoming, and thence South 8 rods 8.5 feet; thence East 24 rods; thence North 8 rods 8.5 feet; thence West 24 rods to the place of beginning, consisting of 1.277 acres. WITNESS our hands as of'the day of July, 2001. Keith L.~Sewenson, trustee ;i: ' J Leron 1/.i. 4ke~,,~rustee STATE OF WYOMiNG ) ' ' SS COUNTY OF LiNCOLN ) . :) i' The foregoing Warranty Deed was acknowledged before me by Keith L. Swenson and Leron H. AlIred, trustees for Louil. ,iE Swenson trust and the Wilda H. Swenson trust, respectively' this~q~day °fJuly' 21001' ~/~~} ~__~i}~ NOTARY PUBLIC My commission Expkes:.