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HomeMy WebLinkAbout912054$EP-08-05 lS:08 FROM-Land Title Co=p~ny WH~NR~ECORDEDMA~TO: OPTION ONE MORTGAG~ CORi~OP. ATION ;,0. BOX 57096 IRVINE, CA 92619-7096 Loan Number: 301002853 S:rvi¢in~ Nung~: 00187~360-9 RECEIVED 9/20/2005 at 4:51 PM RECEIVING # 912054 BOOK: 598 PAGE: 539 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~ Abo~ TMs ~ [~r ll~a~ Dill] MORTGAGE THIS MORTGAGE ("~curit~ Instrument") t~ given on 08, 2005 ROMINA MA~, HUSBAND A/gD WIFE, AS TENANTS ~¥ ~ E~IES · The mortgagor is ("Borrower"). This Security lllsWinl-.nt is given to Option One Mo~gage Co~r~tion. a Califo~ia co.oration . ~oh is ~ ~d exis~g un~ ~e laws of C~IFO~IA , ~d w~se ad&ess 3 l~a. Irvine. CA 92618 ("~n~r"). Bo~ow= owes ~nder ~e p~c~ s~ of ,..~u ~u/~uu'~'~s ~'~ ~,3. ~g?,~.~O ), T~ ~ebt is ¢vld~c~ by Bo:owl's note dated ~e ~e date ~ ~is $ec~ ~t~t ("No~e"), which provides for pa~ents, wi~ ~e ~1 d~t, ~ not p~d e~lier, due ~d payable on October 01,. 203 5 . ~is $~ty ~ent ~ms to ~nd~: (a) ~= repa~ent of ~¢ ~bt evidenced b~ ~ Nom. ~ ~erest, ~d dl r~s, extensions modifications of ~¢ Note; ~) ~ pa~ent of ~1 o~er ~, wl~ ~er~:, adv~ced ~r p~aEraph 7 to prot~ the s~ty of NOm. For ~s pu~se, Bo~ower ~ hereby mon~e, ~,t, coav~ ~ w~t to ~nd=r, ~ power 0f see, ~ follow~E described p~pe~ l~a~ in Lincoln Count, Wyo~: 3~[82830005000 $~E ATTACHEDLNG~tL D~SCRIPTION which has ~he address of 468 Wyoming 833.28-0000 ~RNYS RIVER LOOP, ALPIKE ("~open7 Address"): TOGETHER WITH ~i1 the improvemmts r{ow or erected on the property, and ~]l easements, ~ppunenances, and fixU~es now or he~¢a~¢r ~ pan of the property. All ~eplacc'rnc~ts ~nd additions shal also be covered by this Securi[Y Inst~. All of the fore~oln~ h refen'cd ~o in this ~curky Jns~rument as thC "Property, ~' BORROWER COVENANTS ~h~t Borrower i~ ]aw~uliy seised of ~he est~e hereby conve~ed and has r. he ri~ht to mommge, a~ant ~d convey the Property and that ~e Property h unencumbered, exes. pt for encumbrances of record, Borrower warrants will defend generally the ~kle to ~he Property ag~us~ all chlm3 ~d d~mand.,, subj~.t to any encumbrances of record. COVENANTS, ]~orrower ~nS. Lendet covemu3r and a~ree --$ fOllOws: 1. pay~rv~t of Ibimdpal a~l ~; l~y-~nt and lam Charges. Borrower sh~ll promptly pay when due th~ principal o,f and inmrest on thc debt evidenced by thc Note and a~y l~rcpayln~ut and lat~ charges due under th~ Note, :Z. Ftmds ~r Tax~ aud Subject to applicable l~w or to a wriuon waiver by Lender, Borrower ~hsll pay to WYOMI~ - Si~,ie Fllmly Page 1 of 5 WYD 100] I (0643-98) Loan Numbs. ~010021~5~ Servig~g Number: 00187~260-9 Da~e; 09/08/05 ~nd~ on ~ ~y moa~y pa~ =~ du~ ~d~r ~e Not~, unl~ t~e Note i~ p~d ~ ~, a s~ ("F~") for: (a) y~ly ~d ~=~u whi~ ~y aura p~oh~ over ~ls Sec~y l~m~ u a li~ an ~ ~o~; ~) yc~ly leasehold or gro~ r~s on ~ ~op~y, if ~y; (c) yc~ly h~d or property ~ur~ce pr~; (d) ye~y fl~d ~ur~ce pre~, if ~y; (e) y~ly ~e ~c pre~, if my; ~d (O ~Y sums p~yable by ~ower ~o ~nder, ~ ~rd~ wi~ ~e pmv2ion~ of p~a~mph ~, in lieu of ae p~t of ~ng~te ins~ pre~s. ~cs~ ilc~ ~c ~led "~scrcw I~ms.' ~nder ~y, a~ ~y ~, ~11~ ~d hold ~ds ~ ~ ~ not to exce~ the m~ ~t a l~ for a ~ly rel~ed mo~gage lorn may requ~e ~ ~ower's escrow ~ under ~g f~ra ~e~ Estate Seale~l P~0ced~es Ac~ of 197a ~ ~ded from t[~ lo ~e, 12 U,S.C, ~o~ 2601 ~ s~. {'~SPA"), ~ess ~o~ l,w ~at ~ppli~ ~ ~e F~ds sets a l~r m~l. If L~d~ m~, at my ~e, collc~ md hold F~s M ~ ~o~[ nol to cxccc~ the le~s~ ~o~. L~d~ ~ ~t~ate t~ of F~ds ~ue 0n ~e b~M of ~en~ dam ~d reportable c~tin~ of e~d~e~ of ~ Escrow I~ or o~isa The ~u~d$ ~ be held, ~ a Mslimlion w~se d~osirs ~c ins~ by a fcde~ agency, inz~a~, or entity (inclu~8 ~, if ~er [s ~ch ~ ~tlm~icn) or ~ my F~er~ Home ~ B~k. Lm~r sh~l ~ppty ~e F~ds to pay ~e Escrow k~. ~ may no~ ch~ge Borrower for hol~g ~d ~l~g ~e F~, ~y ~ng ~c ~crow a~e~. vcri~inl ~e Escrow It~, ~ess ~der p~'s Bo~w~ ~teres~ on ~e F~ds ~d appllcab~ law ~s Len~ ~o m~e such $ c~ge. Howler, ~nder ~y requi~e Bo~wer to pay a on~c~ charge for ~ Md~p~dev. t r~ ~tae ~ r~o~ se~l~ used by ~r~ co~t~ wi~ ~2 lo~, ~est applic~le l~w provides o~c~i~e, U~s m a~e~ is ~e ~ applicable l~ requ~ Mlc~ W ~ pad, L~ad~ sh~l n~ be requ~ to pay ~o~ower ~y ~er~t or e~gs on ~ F~ds. Bo=ower ad ~n~r ~y agree in wdt~g, however, ~t ~er~i s~l ~ p~d on ~e Fun~. ~nd~ sh~ give m Bo~wer, ~thout c~rge, ~ ~u~l ~g of ~c P~ds, show~g grcdil~ ~ d~iu ~o ~he ~ds ~d lhe p~ose for ~ch esch debk ~ ~e F~ds w~ m~dc. Th~ F~ ac placed ~ ad~tion~ sc~ri~ for al sums ~c~ by ~is S~fity M~mmcn~. If ~e F~s held ~y Lender exceed ~e ~o~ts pe~t~d to b~ hem by appli~ble hw, Mndvr ,hal a~ ~o for ~e excess F~ds ~ ~r~e wi~ ~c requk~cnt~ of ~pplicable law. If ~e ~o~t cf ~e ~nds held by ~nder a~ ~y ti~ is ~t suffici~l to payee Bsc~ I~ wh~ due, ~der ~y so notify B~mwer in ~t~g, ~d, in such c~ Bo=ower sh~l pay ~o ~ ~e ~t nece=~ io ~c up ~e ~fici~y. Bo~er ih~ ~e up ~ dcfici~cy ia no more ~ twelve money p~ts, at ~r's ~lc Upon pay~[ ~ ~1 of~ ~ ~ ~ ~is $~V [~s~t, ~der sh~l promp~y re.nd ~o Bo~ower ~y held by L~cr, If, ~ p~h 21, ~n~ ihal ~quire m sell ~e P~ay, ~dc~, prior [o ~ ac~sition or s~e of ~ P~rcy, sh~ apply my ~nds held ~ Mnd~ l~ ~e tt~ of tcquiskicn or s~e ~ a c~it ~g~st ~e sums s~ by ~ ~cn~. 3. A~n of ~. Unles~ app~ble law pfovtd~ o~c~2e, ~I pa~a~s received by ~n~r ~vr 1 md 2 ~a[ be appli~: ~t, ~o ay p~pa~a~ ch~ges ~c; ~'mder tM Note; second, ~o ~c~ts payable ~der p~graph 2; ~ird, to ~ter~ due; fou~, ~o p~pa duc; ~d l~l, io ~y late ~g~ ~e ~ ~e N~e, 4. ~.~; ~- B~ower sh~l pay al ~es, ~essn~l~m, c~g~, fmcs ~d impositions al~fibu~le m ~e ~op~y wM~ ~y a~ prio~:y Over ~s ~V ~em, ~d le~ehold pa~nis or ~ro~d rents, if ay. Boaower sial pay obHgaions in ~ manu~ provtd~ ~ p~a~ph 2, or if nor pad in ~ ~, Bo~o~ shal pay ~em on ~ di~fly ~o ~e pe~n ow~ payroll. ~=ower shall promptly ~sh ~o L~der all notices of ~un~ to be p~d und~ ~is p~ph. If Bo~ow~ m~es ~e pa~en~ dlrecdy, Bo=ow~ shll promptly ~sh to ~der receipts evidencMi ~e ~ower ~h~ll ~fly dii~c ~y ~en whivh h~ ptio~W over ~is $~ Ms~t ~ess ~o~: (a) a~rees ~ wfit~ to ~c p~e~ of ~e obli~fion s~ed by ~e lien in I f,.m~ acc~ble to Mnd~r; ~) conte~s ~ g~ ~ ~e lien by, or defends a~t enfo~: of ~e lien ~, leg~ proceed~gs which ~ ~ ~der's option ope~ae m preve~ ~e ~brc~ of ~e lien; cr (c) secures tom ~e ~older of ~e [[cn ~ a~e~ sat~facioU to L~d~ subor~nat~g ~e ~en ~o ~is Sec~ty ~s~t, If ~dcr deletes ~ ~y p~ of ~e Pwp~ is subj~ ~o a lien w~h ~y auain pfiofi~ over S~HW ~s~, ~nder ~y give ~=ower a ~dce ldenrii~4ng ~e lien. Boaow~ sh~l satisl~y ~ 1i~ or ~e one or more of ~e acflo~ se~ fo~ above wi~ 10 days of ~c ~vMg of ~ticc. ~. H~ of ~ ~. Bo~w~ ~&l kc~ ~e improvemenls u~ e~st~g or ~er~aftcr ~cd on ~e Pr~ ~ agai~t l~ss by fire, b~ ~cluded wi~ ~ ~e~ "~xt~ cv~agc" md ~y o~r h~s, including flo~s flo~g, for whi~ ~n~r req~r~ ~ur~ce. ~s Mlur~ shal ~ ~n~ned ~ ~e ~ounts ~ for ~ periods ~ Lender req~. ~ ias~cc ~ provi~ ~e in~'~ce sh~ll be chosen by Bo~ow~ subjec~ to ~nder's a~ev~ whi~ th21 bc ~c~n~ly wield. If ~ower fails to ~ ~verage d~crib~ above, ~n~ n~. it L~dcr's opd~, ob~ ~wrage to pml~l ~der's flgh~ in ~e Pro~ ~ ~rd~cc ~ pm'~raph 7, AH im~ polkics ~ ren~s ~ be ~cep~blc ~o Lender and sh~l ~clude a ~m~d mon~e clause. ~ shill have ~e fight ~ hold ~e policie~ ~d ~2s. If ~nder toques, Borrower shal ~ompfly give ~o ~der ~1 receipts of paid pre~S md ~ew~l n0dces. In ~e evcn~ of less, Bc~wer sh~dl give promp~ notice to ~e ~c~ c~i~ md ~nder. L~ n~y ~e pr~f of lo~ if not ~ p~y by Bo=ow~. Unless ~der ~d Bo~wer o~e~a agree in ~, or applia~le Mw o~Be requires, ~sur~ce pr~e~ sh~l be ~pl~ ~I to ~buae.~der far cos~ ~ ~p~ i~c~ M com~c~on win obt~i ~y ~ch ~ur~ce proceeds, ad ~, a~ ~r's opfi~, ~ s~ order ~d propo~ as ~n~ ~y de~e in ia ~le ad ~b~olute die.ion, ~ rcg~dless of ~y ~p~ of s~uriw or 1~ Serif: (i) to ~e su~ s~ by ~s Sec~ty ~n~, whe~cr or ~ ~cn duc, ~d :o ~ compone~ ~er~f ~ ~nd~ ~y de~e~ in its sol~ ~d absolute ali:or.ion; ~d/or (ii) to Bo~ower ~o p~ ~e costs ~ ~es of n~e~s~ ~rs or ~toradon of ~e Property ~o ~ ~n~tion safisf~to~ to l~n~r. H Bo~wer ~dons PmNeay, or does ~t ~x ~iu ~0 days a ~ice from ~n~cr ~t~ ~e ~a c~er ha offcr~ ~ settle a ~m, ~der ~y coll~ ~e Msur~cc proc~ds. L~d~r ~y, ~ h~ m!e ~ ~sol~c d~cre~, md rcg~dl~s of ~y impel of o~ lack ~ereof, ~ ~e pmc~ds to repair o~ ~torc ~he Pro~ or ~o p~y ~e sums ~ea~ed by ~is S~ty ~s~meat, whe~cr or no~ ~n duc. ~e 30~ period 'Will ~M when ~e nodce is give. U~ess ~ ~ Bo~ow~ o~e~ise agree ~ writing, ~y applica~on of proceeds to pr~apa[ sh~l not emend or pos~ne ~e due dire of ~e money pa~cn~s ref~ to in p~ag:aph~ 1 ~d 2 or ~e ~e ~ of ~e p~,~n~s, If under p~h 21 ~c ~O~ay is ~ by ~nder, Bo=owl's Hgh~ m ay Msur~ce pod:des ~d p~eds r~uhlng ~om d~ge to ~e ~ pfi~ m ~e ~uisi~oa sh~l p~ ~o L~der to ~e ex~ of ~e ~ secured by ~is ~i~ [ns~ ~ed~tely pgor ~ ~e ac~is~on. i~ce ~ not ~eeiflc~ly r~ed by ~a, ~cn su~ insur~cc ~h~I (i) n~e ~nder ~ loss pay~ ~e~, ~d (ii) be subJ~t ~ ~c pro~sio~ of ~ p~agr~ 5. P~ 2 of 8 ~DI0012 (06-2~-~ 15:15 FROM-Lan~ Titla ¢omp~n~ iii 307-733-6186 T-337 N~:r; 301002853 ~ic~g N~r: 001874360-9 Date: F-012 C 0 0 5 4'1 Bo~w~ ~owl~os ~ ~u Lender do~ not dcs~ to ~ a Iota to Bo~or s~ by ~i$ propc~y on ~c to~ ~ ~e No~ ~ess ~e prop~ ~ to b~ ~upied by ~ower ~ ~orz~wer's pz~/s~d~ ~den~, ~ m~e~ non- o~ resi~ce 1o~ of differ~t te~. Bonow~ prom~e~ ~d ~s~ ~nder ~at Bo~w~ ~:en~ ~o ~y ~s prope~y Bo=ow~'s pr~/second~ msid~ ~d ~at ~er ~1] so occupy ~s propemy ~ i~ sole pdms~/s~ residenc~ wi~ s~ty (60) days ~er ~e d~e of ~c S~uri~ ~s~t. If BeJewel b~e~ ~ pro~e to ~y ~e property Bo~wer's pr~/s~ond~ r~idence, ~ ~der m~ invoke ~y of ~c ~lowin~ r~s, ~ addition to provM~ in ~e Sec~ ~stmment; (!) Dec[~ ~ s~ s~d by ~e S~u~V ~s~ du~ ~d pa~bl~ ~d foreclos: S~cu~ ]nS~t, ~) D:cre~e ~ te~ of ~e lorn ~d adjus~ 6ie ~y pa~t~ ~er ~e Note a~ord~gly, ~cma~ ~ter~t r~ ~d ~jmt ~ men,My pa)~m~ ~dec ~e Noc~ ac~rd~gty, or (3) re~im ~at ~e p~cip~ b~ce a ~rceutaSe of ei~ ~e orig~ purch~e p~ or ~e ~r~d v~ue th~n b~ing of~d on n~owncr occupied lo~. Bo~ow~ sh~l ~t d~y. ~ag~ 0r imp~ ~e Property, allow ~ ~o~ ~ deteriorate, or co~ w~te ~ope~. ~er ~1 be ~ d~fault if ~y ~offekurc action or proceeding, whe~er civil or cfi~, ~ be~ ~at ~ood f~ Judgment Co~d re~t ~ foffel~ of the Property or o~cm'i~ ~tcri~ly ~pair ~e lien c~ by ~is Security ~nt or L~r's ~c~fi~ intense. Bo~wer may cure such a dcfh~ ~d ~e~ta~e, as pmv~ in p~agr~h 18, by causing ~ a~ion or p~oc~g to be dis~ssed wi~ a ml~.~ that, ~ ~defs g~d f~ de~a6on, precludes foffei~m of Bogower'S in~er~t ~ ~e Prope~y ~r o~er ~teri~ imp~en~ of ~e lien cr~t~ by ~s S~ty ~stm~t or ~n~r's ~ges~. ~er s~ ~ be ~ d~fa~t ~f Boffow~, during ~: 1o~ applica~on process, gave ~ter~ly f~se or ~fo~afion o~ ~atem~s to ~n~ (or ~led m provide ~ader wi~ ~y ~ intb~on) ~ ~ection wi~ eviden~e~ by the Note, ~clud~g, but not l~ to, repres~mdons con, flag Bo~ow~'s occup~y of ~e Prop~ ~ a pr~cip~ re,idle. If ~is Secu~v lns~em is on a l~h~l~ Bo~owcr s~ co~ly wi~ ~I ~c pmvis~ons of ~e le~, If ~qu~ f:e ~tl: to ~e ~op~y, ~ lea~old ~ ~e fee dale s~I no~ ~rge u~s ~er a~ee, to ~e ~et in writ~. ut ~y ~gton ~ereof or ~wer's fide ~crcto, the v~ity er priority of ~c Ii~ created by ~is 8ecadty In~ea~, or or po~rs of Lender with r~x to ~s S~ir~ ~mm~t or ~c Prepay. ~ c~ses ~f action of Bo~owg, whaler before Or ~t~ ~ dg~ of ~s Security ~ent~ fo~ d~e or ir~ju~ to ~e Pmp~ or ~7 P~ ~e~f, or ~ co~ection wi~ ~y t~s~io~ fin~ ~ whole or ~ p~ by ~e p~ o~ ~ Not~ or ~y o~r nora s~ ~y ~s Sec~i~ ~m, by ~r, or ~ conn~fion w~ ut ~ccti~ th~ Property ut ~y p~ ~t~f, ~cl~i~ c~use~ of ~tion ~s~g ~ to~ or come,ct ~d cau~ca of ~gion for f~ud or constant o~ a ~t~fifl lhct, ge, ~ ~g's option, ~si~ed m L~det, ~d ~e pro~e~ · e~of sh~ be paid d~dy to ~n~ who. a~er d~uc~g ~e~ffrom ~ its o~es. incl~ng :~onablc ~orneys' fees, may apply such proc~ds ~ ~e sum~ scoured by thi~ ~ufiV I~n~ ut tc ~y defici~cy ~d~r ~is Sec~hy ~s~t or rcl~e ~y monie~ so mceiw~ by k or ~y p~ ~ereof, = ~nder ~y el~t. ~ndg ~y, at its o~on, ~e= in in its own n~e any acti~ or proceeding to e~orce ~y such cause of selSun ~d may ~e ~y compto~se or s~ttlcmcnt ~ower a~s to e~ute ~uch ~er ~sig~ts ~d ~y o~er ~n~ts ~ ft~ time to ~c ~y be n~e~s~ to effecmam · e foraging provisions ~d ~ ~der sh~ requ~t, 7. ~o~ of ~'s N~m ~ ~ ~. If Bormwg ]'ails to pe~o~ ~e c~ven~ts ~d ~r~men~s ~nmined in · is ~fity In~cm, or ~,r~ is, le~ ptocc~g ~at ~y slgn~fi~mtly ~ect L~der's figh~ ~ ~e Pmpe~y pmc~d~ ~ b~pmy, probate, for conduction or forfeiture or to e~orce laws or re$~I~tiom), ~ea ~n~er ~y ~o md pay ~or ~ever is n~ess~ m p~tect ~e v~ue of ~e ~opmy ~a ~nde~'s fights ~ ~e ~openy. Le~er's ~dons my ~cl~e pang my s~ s~ured by a lien whi~hh~ pHoHty over th]~ ~fity Ins~ appeg~S ~ coup, pay~ re~on~ble ~uomeys' ~s ~d '~tcr~ on ~c ~op~y to ~e ~s. Alth~ Lender ~y tflce a~ion ~der ~is p~h 7, ~ do~s not ~ve to do ~. ~y ~ts disband by ~dcr ~ ~is p~gr~h 7 sh~l bccom: ~t~ debt of~o~w~ sec~ed by ~s Securky disb~t at ~e Note rate in ~ect from t~ to ti~ ~d shall be pay~le, ~ ~terest, u~n noti~ ~om ~dc~ ~o Bo~ower req~st~8 pay~. 8. Mon~$c ~. If L~der teq~ ~gaSe in~r~ce ~, a ~n~fion of ~.~S ~e lo~ ~r~ by ~is Instant, Bogow~ sh~l pay ~e p~e~ teq~d to ~tain ~e mongsge ~mce ~ effect. If, for my tenon. ~ur~ce ~ve~aSe requtr~ by ~nder lapses or ce~es ~o be ~ off. t, Bogeyer sh~l pay ~c prc~ ~ukcd ~ obtain coVC~a~ s~st~ti~ly ~iv~ent to ~c mongag: ~ur~ pr~fously in eff~n, at a cost ~bg~ti~ly equlvfleat to ~e co~ m Bo~wer of ~e moa~ge in~ur~ce previously ~n off. t, ~om ~ ~temme mongsge insutg approv~ by ~n~er, ~ subst~fi~ly mortgage ~ ~v~age i~ ncr avail~le, Bo~ow~ ~h~l pay to ~nd~ each ~n~ a s~ equ~ to one-~el~ of ~e yc~ly mortgage ~su~ pr~ ~g p~d by Bo~owcr ~vhcn the insurmsc~ cow~go lap,ed ut c~e4 to be ~ ~ff~, ~nder will acc~, use ~d ~n ~ paym~ ~ s !o~ resole in lieu of mortgage fnsur~. ~ss resole payrolls may no longer roq~red~ a~ ~e option 0f L~der, if monfl~e ins~ce coverage (~ ~e :~o~t ~d for ~ period ~at ~nd~ ~s) provided by g~ ~sumr ~p~ed by ~ndcr ~ga~ b~m~ av~abl~ ~d is ob~ncd. Bo~ower ~I pay ~e p~ums requfted to ~nt~n ~g~e ~ in effect, or co provido a Ios~ rflgvs, ~dl ~se re~ft~ent for mortgage im~e ends in ~rd~ce ~y written agre~m b~wem ~gower ~d Leader or ~plicable law. 9. ~ ~dc~ or hs a~cnt ~y ~kc ~go~b[e en~es upon ~d i~ccfion~ of ~e ~op~, ~d~r sh~l give Borrow~r noUw at ~ t~c of or prior to ~ impecfion speci~i~g reasonable ~u~ tbr ~ ~sp~tion, 10. ~~. ~e pmceed~ of ~.y aw~ or cla~ for d~ges, ~ct or co~u~ndfl, in co~ection wi~ ~nd~don or o~er ~g of ~y p~ of ~e Prope~. or for conv~ ~ lieu of con~ation, ~e h~ ~igned .be p~d to ~nder, ~nd~r m~y apply, us~ or release ~e ~ondc~a~ion proceeds in ~e ~e m~ner ~ provi~ he~f wi~ re~t to ~e proceeds. If the Prepay ~ ab~doned by Bonwit, or if, ~fi~ notice by ~r ~ Bo~w~r ~at ~o con~e~ot offers ~ awed ~ s~ule a clflm for ~zs, Bejewel fails ~ respond to ~der wi~ ~0 ~y~ a~ ~e ~te ~ noti~ is given, ~der is sutured to ~llect ~ ~ply ~e pmce~s, at i~ option,, ~e~ to res~orafi~ or roper of ~e Pmpe~ or ~ ~e ~ secured ~y ~s S~rity Jn~, wh~er or not ~ duc, Unle~ ~er ~d Bo~ower o~ise a~ee ~ writing, ~y applf~fion of ptoeeed~ to p~cip~ sh~ not ext~d or po~ne ~e due dge of ~e ~y pa~en~ re~e~ to In p~graphs 1 ~d 2 or ch~ge ~e mo~t of s~h p~nts. 11. ~ N~ ~; F~~ By ~ Not a W~v~. ~t~sion of ~o ~e for pa~ent or modffication of ~ton~on of ~ s~ secured by ~i~ $~ty ~m~t granted by ~n~r ~ ~y successor ~ ~te~t of Bo~ow~r Pmtl~ 3 o[' ~ WYDIO013 (00-23-P$) ~t operate to rel~ ~e ~ab~i~F of ~e ofi/i~ Bo~ower or Bo~w~'s s~ ~ ~t~t, ~nier t~ not be r~rcd co~ence pzoc~dimtS ~[ ~y suitor ~ ~m[~t or ~e~se ~o ~xt~d ~ for pa~nl Or O~e~ise modi~ ~o~zadom of Ee sums sca~ by ~is ~ ~ent by r~on of ~y dem~t ~e by ~e orig~ Bo~owet ~ ~o~ower's succes~rs in ~t:re~t. ~y fo~ by k~der in exetc~g ~y ~i~t or ~:edy sh~l not be a w~ver of or pr~udc ~e exe~ise of ~y fight or remedy. 12. ~ ~ Assi~ ~; Jo~ ~d ~ ~i~; ~~.~e ~venmts ~a agree~nm of ~is ~ity Im~mt ~1 bind ~ ~enefit ~e succ~sors ~d ~i~s of ~nder ~ Bo~ower, ~bj~ to ~c provisions of p~a~aph 17, Boaow~'s covea~t~ ~ agre~ents ~ha~l be jolt ~ ~W~. Any Bo~owet who co-~i~s ~is ~c~i~ hs~ent but doe~ ~e~m ~ Nora: (O ~ ~-sign~g ~i~ S~ ~ only to moggage, ~r~t ~d conv~ ~[ Bogower's tmemst in ~ Pm~ ruder ~o ;e~ of ~s ~ufit7 ~tmmen;; ¢) is not ~so~ly obligat~ m pay ~ sm secur~ by ~is ~g md (c) ~rees ~ ~nder ~ ~y o~cr Bm, ower ~y agr** to ~xtend, m~, f0~e~ or ~e ~ ~mo~tons wt~ reg~d to ~e tern of ~ 5cmfi~ ~mm or ~e Note .5~out that B0~ower's 13, ~ ~. If ~e 1~ s~ur~ by ~ Se~d~ I=~at ~ mbject to a law which ~s m~m lorn ~d ~ law ~ E~ly ~te~ret~ so ~at ~e ~erest or o~cr 1o~ charaes cotlecrea or m be ~11~ ~ ~¢cfion wi~ ~e 10~ exce~ ~e ~rtea ~ts, ~m: .(a) ~y such Io~ ch~g~ sl~l ~ redu~d by ~e ~t n~' to ~ed~ the ehgge to ~e ~t~ l~t; ~d ~) my s~ arcady co~,cted kom Bo~ow~ whi~ exc~ae~ p~ned l~;s ~ be rended to ~n~ ~y ~se m ~ ~is re~a ~y rea~g me p~cipM ow~ ~dt, r ~e N~ or by making a direct paymem to Bo~o~, If a ~ ~e, p~eipfl, ~e reducflm will be ~eat~ as a p~fiM ptepay~t ~out ~y pr~nt ch~ge under ~e Note. 14. N~. ~y ~fi~ to ~ower pr~vid~ for ~ this 5~iD' ~s~ ~h~ be ~ven by deliv~g it or by it by fir,t cl~s ~1 ufless ~licaDle law ~ukes u~ of ~o~er me.od, Th, notice ~hfll ~e dk,ct,d to ~e Pmp,~y Addr~s or ~y other ~ess Bo~wer desl~ by mtic~ to Linden. Any aot~ to ~nder shill be g[ven by f~st el~s ~1 m addr~s st~ed h~rein or my o~cr ~d~s ~dcr de~i~m~, by he, dee to ~nower. ~ notice provid~ for ~ ~[s ~t~t &~l be d~ed to have ~en giv~ to B~O~Vet or ~ wh~ g[wn ~ ~vld~ m ~s p~agt~h. 13. ~v~ ~; ~v~a~. ~s S~fity ~m ~h~ ~ gov,m~ Dy f~dgM law ~d ~e taw of ~ej~iedon in w~ch ~e Prope~ is I~, h ~ event ~ my provision or cla~e of ~s S~;7 ~smme.nt or ~e Not, conflicts applic~l~ law, ~u~ con. ct sh~ not affem omer provisions of this S~dty ~s*mment m ~e Note whi~ c~ ~ ~v~ et:feet wi~om ~e co~i~8 provision, To ~s end ~e pmvislons of ~is S~O' hs~em ~d ~o Nora ge decl~ to ~ severable. 1~. ~'s ~y. gosow~ sh~l b: ~vm one coafo~ ropy of the Note ~d of ~i~ 5~ufl~' ~m. sold or ~ma[e~ (~ if a ~eflcifl ~tems~ ~ Bo~ow,r ~s told or umsfen,d ~d ~rtower is not a ~m~ pe~n) wi~out ~nder's prior wrin~ coment, ~der my, at im opti~a, require i~ae pa)~nt in t~l of MI sm s~ed by ~is ~mt, However, ~i, option s~l not M exerci~ by ~n~er if exerct~ is prohibited by f~dcral law ~ of ~, dge of If ~ader exercis~ ~s option. Len~r sh~ $i~.e Borrower notice of acceler~on. ~e notice shill provue a period of not less ~ 30 days ~om ~e ~ ~e nofic¢ is ~iveted or ~ea x~iflt~ wUc~. go~er ~st pay ~ su~ s~ by ~s Insmt. If ~ower ~l, to pay ~e sm prior to the exph'arion of ~is pgi~, ~nder ~v ~vo~ my temples pe~tted ~, ~i~ Secufi~ ~st~t wi~ut ~g notice or d,~d on Bo~wet. 18. ~'a ~tm ~a~. ~Bo~ower ~e~ cen~ conditions, Somwer ~1 have ~e ri~t m haw ~orcement of ~[s 5~D' ~;m~ ~scomin~ at ~y t~¢ p~or to the ~ii~ of: (a) 5 ~y* (or ~ch o~ ~fi~ ~ applicable law s~[~' for m~tme~n0 ~fore gte of ~c P~opc~ p~su~t to any ~w~r of ~, cOnt~d ~ ~i~ Seemqty I~tment; or ~ of a j~ ~for~ng ~is ~ty ~ent. ~ose conditions ~e ~at Bonow~: (a) p~s L~dcr ~ s~ whch w~a b, d~ ~cr ~s ~ hs[~; ~ ~ Nme ~ ff no ~elemfion had occur; ~) ~res ~y defaflt of my eoven~t~ or agm~ts; (c) pays ~I expe~s hc~ed ~ chroming fltis Secufi~ Inst~t~ ~cluding, ~ut a~ l~ted to, r~mable mmmeys' f~s; md (d) t&~ such action ~s ~nd~ may ~oaably req~re W ~s~e ~a ~e lm cf ~is Im~m, L. nder's fi~m in ~ Pmpe~ ~a ~wer's obligation m pay ~e s~ s~ed by ~is S~fity lns~ ah~l continue un~mged. Upon ~s:~mm by Bo~wer, ~[a S~cm~ he--eat ~d ~ obligaion, s~ured ~m~j ,h~l te~ effective ~ If no ~cele~ion had o~u~. Howler, this right to reinst~e s~ not appl7 ~ ~ e~e of accelmfion under p~raph 17. 19. ~e of N~; C~e ~ ~ ~. '~c Note or a p~i~ ~tc~t in ~e Nora (mge~ with ~is Securi[y ~meat) ~y be sold one or mom ~ wi~out pfi~ nodce ;o Bo~ower. A sMe my r~sult ia a c~8e ~ ~e ~tity (~own ~ ~c ~'~ 5~") ~m coll~ts ~nffiy pa~ent~ dee under ~, Nora ~d ~s S~ty ~mm~nt, ~gc ~ may be one or m~ ch~g~ of ~e ~ $~icer ~elmd m a s~e of ~e Note, If t~ is a ch~g¢ of ~e ~ Se~ic~ Bo~owg will gtwa wriaen notice of ~ c~ge ~ acmr~ce wi~ paragraph 14 above md applimble law. ~e notice Mll ~tate ~e n~e ~d addr~s of ~ ~ ~ ge~ ~ ~e ~ess to which payments sho~ be ma~. ~e nodc~ will ~so coat& ~y ~fo~on ~uRea by ~aa~le law, ~e holder of ~e No[e and ~is S~ufity lns~t ~M1 be dee~ to be the ~n~ h~re~r. ~. ~ ~. Bo~w~ s~I nor cause or ~ me pres~ce, me, dispose, sto~e, or relic of ~y H~doa~ 5ab,m~s on ~ ia ~ ~o~y. Borrow~ shall nm do, m~r Mlow ~yoa. ,l~e [o do, ~ ~feet~g ~e Prepay · ~t is ~ vtol~onof ~y Envkomem~ Law. ~e pr~ing two smtcm~ sh~ not apply m ~ presence, use, or storage on ~y of s~l qmdtim of H~d~ ~b~s ~at g¢ g~er~ly reco~ to ~ ~propfla: ro no~ re~de~ ~s to mt~ of ~ ~o~, Bonow~ shag promptly ~ve L~ ~[~ mticc of ~y inv~dgmion, cla~ 4e~d, law~uk or o~ ~ion by my gOVe~[~ or tug,toG a~¢ncy or privet pray ~voivtng a~ Pmporty ~ ~y H~ndous Subs~ce or Envim~tfl Law of whi~ ~w,r h~ ~mfl ~owl~ge. ~ ~owet Ictus, or is nottfl~ by ~y gove~,n~ or ~1~o~ au~ofi~, ~at ~y r,mov~ or o~ re~tlon of ~y ~dom ~bstmqc~ aff¢cting ~c Pwp~y ~ nec~a~, ~ower sh~l prompUy ~e n~ rem~i~ acfiom ~ ~r~ wi~ En~ko~ntM Law. ~owg ~I be solely re~po~lble for, s~l ~dernni~. del~nd ~d ~ld h~eas Lender, its director,, officers. ~toy~, anomeya, ag~m, ~d ~ek red.five succesmr, ~ ~l~s, kom ~d agmm ~y ~a fit ¢l~s, ~, causes of ~tlon, 1o=, ~ge. cost (~clud~S m~ ~tomeya' f~ ~ coug ~ ~d ~sH of ~y ]'~qffi~ or nec~ r~, cl~up or deto~ficati~ of ~e ~o~ay ~d ~ prt~mtlon md i~lement~oa of ~y clos~e, ~[, ~n~mt, ~diM or r~ir,a pl~), e~mses ~d gab~ dk~fly or ~,timcfly ms~g out of ot at~utable to (a) ~e ~e, ge~afion, ~mrage, relic, ~at~ned rele~o,, dispo~, abat~at or pre.ce of H~dous gubst~ces ~. '~d~r or about ~c ~openy, ¢) ~on m or from ~e Prope~ of ~y ~us S~st~c~s, (O ~c violation of ~y H~o~ Subst~ces law, ~d (~) ~y H~dom Subm~s clx. Pa~e 4 of 6 ~ [00 t~ (0~-2~-98) {07-755-6{86 Number: 3 03.0028~;3 ~' Servlciug Number: 00~876360-9 :11,0'0543 As used in fl;tls l;m.ragrapb. 20, 'Ha,~s..,~ou.s Subslaztc~l" we lho:~ subs~s~oes defi.~ed Euvko~ Law ~d ~ follow~g ~bs~: 8~1~, ~se~, o~er ~le or ~ p~l~ p~ucm, to~c pesticides ~ herbicides, vola~e solveum, ~s ~n~ing ~b~os or loUd, hyde, ~d z~fivc ~, "~ko~ ~w" m~ f~ hws ~ laws of ~ jufisdictio~ whe~ ~e ~ope~ is to,ed ~D~ION~ COVENANTS. Bo~ower ~d ~er ~er coveu~.~ ~d agree ~ ~oHows: 21. A~~ ~. ff~ ~t~ tc No~ ~ ~ ~h~by ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~y pm~ o[ ~ ~ ~~ or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t ~ ~ by M~ ~ ~ of ~ ~ ~ pro~ by ~ (~ ~w~ O[ ~e p~ for ~y ~y ~ ~ Y_~ ~ ~w~) ~ by ~ ~on h ~X. ~ ~ ~ok~ 21. ~. bm ~ {~{~ ~, ~lm ~s' f~ ~ ~ of ~ ~t~. ~w. ~ ~ ~{i, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 14. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mhn{{ ~ ~H~ h ~ f~{ O~: (a) ~ ~ ~ of ~ ~, ~, ~ ~t ~ to, ~~ ~m' ~; ~) m ~ ~ ~ by ~ ~ ~t; ~ (e) ~y ~ m ~ ~ or ~m l~y ~. ~e~. U~ pay~ of ~ sums sec~ed by ~is ~ty ~mm~t, Lmd~ s~l ~e~e ~{ ptope~ wi~out w~ to ~e pm~ ~ p~rso~ le~y eu~fl~ m iu Su~ person ct per{o~s sh~ p~y ~y s~ch ~ or pe~o~ a f~ for rele~ ~e ~o~y ~r sc~l~s rendered if ~ ch~g~ of ~e f~ ~ ~tted ~er ~plicable l~. ~. W~. ~owet h~eby rel~ md w~v~ ~l H~hts ~ the P~pe~y ~d~ ~d vitae of ~e home~e~ ~xe~on laws of ~e State of Wyo~g md her~y r~q~lshes ~ ~s of cu~ ~ ~wer ~ ~e Prepay. ~. ~t-~ ~ N~~. Bu~ow~ h~ ~d~ cern ~ ~epres~ons ~d disclosures ~duce L~der to m{ke ~e lo~ ev~ by ~e N~e or no,es w~ch {h~ ~ ~t~mt metres, ~d ~ ~u ~v~ ~at ~ower hm ~ ~y ~t~ ~s~~on or f~ed to ~sclose ~y ~ fa~, ~udur. at its option ~ wi~ou~ prior notice or ~m=d, s~l have ~ ~ ~o d~e ~e ~deb~c~s ~c~cd by ~ ~1~ d~t~ ~ecl~ ~ ~e Note or no~ ~ by ~is ~c~ ~mem, ~i~ly due ~ ~. W~v~ of ~ of ~~. ~e ple~ of ~e statute of l~aiiom ~ m defe~e to ~fo~ce~u~ of ~is S~ ~{mt, or ~y ~d ~ obli8afio~ ru~ ~o her~ ~ s~ured hereby, ~ h~reby w~v~ ~ ~e ~Hest e~ent p~u~d by a~licable law. 27. M~~. ~ ~ ~m~t ~y be modifi~ or ~ c~y by ~ ~r~t ~ wfi6n~ sign~ by ~. ~. To ~e e~t pel~t~ by appik~]~ law, Bo.o~ sh~l ~c~urse T~t~ ~d ~der for ~y ~d ~l costs, f~ ~d e~es which civet ~ iuc~, ~xpeud or ~ust~ in ~ u~ou of ~o~ce of ~y ~t zequ~ed er ~ het~d~ o~ by law et h ~q~i~ or o~e~e ~si~ o~ of or ~ ~iou wi~ ~1{ ~ I~t, ~ No~, my o~ note mecur~ by ~him ~y ~t~ut or ~y iu ~o~ion wi~ ~e Not~ or S~ty ~s~nt. To ~ extent pc~aed by ~pli~le law, Bo~et ~1 p~y to T~ee ~d Lend~ ~eR f~ iu co~ecttuu wi~ T~t~ ~d ~nd~ including, but eot ]~ to ~mption application fees; f~$ for payoff de~ ~, sta~ of lo~ b~ce; fees fur m~i~g, u~t~g ~d u~o~i~ copies of lo~ d~mc~, v~ificafiom, ~1 or p~ lieu rol~es md o~er ~c~nm ~est~ by ~vower or ~s~ for ~o~nce of ~ude~'s t{~ or dutiam ~der ~is ~ty ~t; fe~ afi~g from a te~ o~ dishonor~ check; f~ to occupied, p~ect~, ~~ or ~r~ or related p~s; appr~ f~, ~on fees, le8~ [~s, b~kc~ fees, ~u~c~ ~d-t~ substkutio~, r~ ex~s, fote~o{u~ f~s ~ costs ~s{ug ~om fu.~osuru s~ty for ~ ~ ~m~; ~d ~ o~ f~ md costs of a s~i[~ uat~ not o~ pto~bi~ by taw. ~ower ~r a{r~m ~ ~ will ~ot ~ liable to ~.owmr for my ~es ~c~ by ~ ~a~ ~ dirtily or ~d~fly c~,.~ ~ ~y ~ ~or. 30. ~ ~, ~y~ or Mu~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. ~ ~e ewut of ~e loss. ~eft or destmcHon of ~ Note, ~y o~ ~ote s~uted by ~is ~ty .h~stN~m, ~ ~y ~t or ~y 0~r d~nts or im~en~ ~d ~ co~fi~ wi~ ~e ~V ~st~ut, Note or no~ (coll~tiv~ly, ~e "~ Do~eu~"), upon ~ Do=~, ~u L~d~r's ~r to ~0~ower of lbo ~al~ ~ Docent, ~d~ a L~ D~t ~ fo~ ~d content i~fi~ ~o, ~d to mc~ as a ~l~u~ of, ~ lo~, stole, d~troyed, ~ muflla~ ~ ~, ~d ~ r~la~n~ s~l hav~ ~ ~e force ~d eff~ ~ ~e lo~, ~ol~, d~yed, or m~ilated Lo~ Dockets. ~d ~y be ~ed ~or ~1 p~oses ~ ~e or~iu~ ~py of su~ ~ Doc~. ~wer sh~ have ~ ~ghi to coll~t ~d ~ ~e rents of the ~er~y ~ '~ boule ~t exu~ i~ ~tm ~ toque ~d~e pa~t m ~1 of O~e s~ ~ by ~is ~ity ins~at ~d Bo~ow~r ~doued ~e P~pm~. ~2. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. If one or ~ riders ~e ~ec~t~ by Bo~ower ~d ~ffDlO01~ (06-23-08) , ?00544 Dar,': 0~/o~/o5 the covenants and ~§Tccments of this Security Instrumc'at as if [he alder(s) were a part of t. his Security Irmtrament. [Check applicable box(es)] [] A~ustabl~ Rmc PJdcr [] No Prepaym~t Pe~lty OpMon Rider [] Oeer(s) (speci~y) [] Cm~do~ainium Rider [] Planned Unit De. velopmenr Rider [] 1-4 l=amily Rider [] Occupmey Rider BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accspts and agree~ to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument aM in nny rider(s) exe~tted by Borrower ~xt r¢corde~l with it, (,~a~) -~lOrrOwer E~TT MAVY ~ ~ ..... ~. -l~rr. OWltf .Borrower R6MINA' ~I~VY -sorrow. -~rtow~t STATF. O~ W'YOld[NG, County The fo,e&o[ag [nsmlmem was acknowledged before me this ~. .' · "00545 EXIBIT "A" Lot 6, Greys River Village Addition to the Town of Alpine, within the NW1/4SW1/4 of Section 28 and NE1/4SE1/4 of Section 29, T37N, R118W, according to that plat filed in the Office of County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming.