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corporation, ol the Count), ol ~ Lincoln "
,ind Shte of _ Wyomin~ . , d~s he,eh1
:effigy thaL a certain m~rtgage, bearing date.'.the 2nd day of ~ ~a~h , A.D.x~00]
namor~agor~ to.. ~<~ ~=~=~ ~m~ _ T,~o~r
m~'m.ortgag~, ~nveyink certain real estate therein ment~OnM se ~urity for the payment of S..
therei9 a~t~, which ~or~ase w~e r~rdM in the °ffke,~)f the County Clerk and Ex-Officio ~eglmr of D~e of.. ·
Lincoln ~,]2Couety, S~l. ol W;0mlns, on the. 8~h day ol ~arch ~200~
t. B~k &6O _ of Mor~egee, at pege[, 614 , and morMagln~ the/ollowln8 describ~ reel estate in said Count~, t~wh
Acco~l~g~o ~a~ pla~ ~11e~ Augu~ 16, 2001 ~ ~Ae o~lce o~
the Li~eo,~n County gle~ a~ I~u~en: #503065137
IN WlTNESS~llB.~O~,th~ ?~rst Nat~onal ~ank - West
lies ca.sed lhe~ Presents lo be ~i~ned hy i~ '~:: Vff c o pr ~ ~ ~ flen
and its corporate seal to be alllxed, this.
On Il, la 23rd dar of Aug , ~,~001, before me personall~ appeared
lo ~ personally known, who, being b~ me duly sworn, did ~a~ Ihat he is the_ Vic e. P r ~ s id en~ '
First National ,;Bank,-' West
ami that the seal affixed to ~.id in~lr.ment i~ the corporate ~?al ol said eorporellon, ~nd thai said tnstrnmenl w~s signed end sealed on behalf ol said corporatlo.
sy n,lhnr~ty of ils llim,I .f I)Ireclors ami snhl Cas]bier ' .
My commisslm~ expires on the~~ _day
s'rA'r oF wvomN0, _. A.
Thh Instrument wn~ filed for.record al .o'el~k. ~,, co the
I. D. 19.. ~-end duly recorded in B~k ..... on Page . '.. '
County Clerk and Ex-OUicio lteglster of Deeds