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HomeMy WebLinkAbout912110 OO/12/200G OB:33 FAX 307 BBG G7B7 LOWER VALLEY ENERGY ~003 C0071/ MEMBER # 266 WORK ORDER # 61579 SEC, 14. T34N. Rl19W DISTRlBUTlO~ EASEMENT KKOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That tne under¡;igned. Curtis W, Haderlie and Karen J. Haderlie, husband and ,~ifc, ("CTT'antcn:'') for a good ,md valuable consideration, the œ¡;cipt of which is hcreby acknuwledged, do hereby grant, convey arod warrant unto Lower Vancy Energy, a Cooperative Corporation, of Afton and Ja¡;kson, Wyoming and to i:s successors and. assigns, ("Grwltee¡"), a perpcLwil easement and nght of way for the conslruoLion aId continued maintenance, repair, aIt,:ration and replacement of the d¡;¡;trie distribution circuits, lines ard equipment of the Crrantee Lo be constructed and main1ained under, upon and across the pmnises of Grantor in Lincoln COUJIty, State of Wyoming, along a line descnècd as follows, to wil: BEING a part of the N1I2NW1I4SWl/4 in Section 14, n4N, Rl19W, in Lincoln County ,Wyoming more ;u:cur3tely described as follows: BEGINNING South 254 fee~ West 78 feet from the N~ast Comer of said N\Vl/4SW1I4. Thence ;-J R5°W, 212 feellO a tnlDsfonner location, EASEMENT to include 10 feet orl each side of described line, togelhLT with all necessary ,and reasonable rights ofingre."~ and egress amlta excavaœ and refill ditches and trenches for the location and repair uf said facilities and to cut, trim, spray herbicides, or remove 1recs, shrubbery, undergrowth or other obstructior.s interfering with the repair and mainteoance of the facilities. Thc GnmlOT :wknuwlcògcs that Electric Md Magnetic Fields (IJMJ1) are naturally occurring in It e transmission or distribution of electricity, and that the Grmtee has here notified Grantor that EMF testirg and infolluation is lI'vailable upon request ITom the Grantec, This EaSL'ffiCnl by Grantor is intended 10 include so much space as is nC(;essary or appropriate to the presence of EMF and reILSunable operation of the Grantee's disrribution lines. ) L¡ .J ' \ 4- Grantor agrees that all poles, 'hires and other facilities, installed on or under the described lands shall remain the property of the GTantee removable in the sole discretion of the Grantee at the Grantee's expeun Thc rights, conditions and provisio'ns of this easement g\¡a.U inun: [0 !he bL"flcfit of and be binding upon ¡t,e parties, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. Grantor shall compensate Grantee fllr any damages to Grantee's facilities caused by GrantoI, including payment of Grantee's attornl'Y fees if action is undertaken by Grantce to enforce the eomnritments described in this eascment. Grantor reselŸ"''5 the right to improve, occupy ond us. thi.s eoscmL:[lt for ..11 purposes not ÎncoDBiBtent with the easement grart. Eacb party shall havc the n:medy of ~pccifie performance TCgarding thi~ ell.'lCmcnt. The tights 3nd obligations described in this easermnt shall run with the land, This easement is not exclusive, Illld Grant..r retains all rights not specifically granted by 1his easement This is the entire agreement of the parti"s regarding this easement, except as may be set forth in ",'Tiling a(ler the date uf!his casement and signcd ty the parties. Grantur hereby releasc:s and waiveR all right~by virtue of the Homestead Exemptior: Laws 1)1' Wyoming. WITNESS the Hand of the Grantor, this _ day uf ,2005, ft11: ·1JrV ' ~~ ' ' Ai ,I Karen J. HÁlderlie STATE OF WltJ"..,}y ) COUNTY OF ¿ }VI Ct)} 1-1 } ~ d d h ~ b {L., d-'5 Lv ~ '" t1 let? I-Ñ. T, 1-1- c,./e--r" /" ~ The foregoingjnstrument w~,ac ',wle ge e,ore me y ", d _ ,_ . /2 1::!Ldav of.-\e ("...!Jf'r.20C1.~- JErf~~Y A. STRGAA- NOTARY PUBUC COUNTY OF .. STATE OF UNCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES '3/2.4'" '0 My commISSIOn X RECEIVED 9/22/2005 at 11 :58 AM RECEIVING # 912110 BOOK: 598 PAGE: 717 JEANNE WAGNER LINC?L~~O~NTY CLERK, KEMMERER, wY itl~:··: ~