HomeMy WebLinkAbout912112 '. ":', ·1~1:.:.r;,7>,,:n,·, ..;....;':.,.' ,,";".$..1 ',:. ~',._ ··'i""·'..::....·,~'1",·1' .'., r- 7 .J J r; I s~~ ,2005. ~ ~ MAAY7 . . "'"",,"'-«<',,':"'.,'-"~'. . .,·,....;.iI.I~.J..--.'~·. .~ ,r..,:..;..,·,....~"C...,....'I.-·:' ·co··' ",. ·'·"O:·~··"',v...·~·.._.,_· _. 08/31/2005 12:09 FAX 307 BB5 51B7 IIŒMBER# 19656 WORK ORDER #61627 61628 SEC.3, T35N, R119W LOWER VALLEY ENERGY ~004 DISTRIBUTION EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the undersigned, BEN PETERSEN and MARy'PETERSEN, husband and wife, t~nanl5 by 1he entireties, ("Grantor") for a good and valuable consideration, th: receipt of which is hereby acknowledg'Jd, do Iweby grant, convey and warrant unto Lower Vaney Energy, . Cooperative Corporation, of Aiton alld Jackson, Wyomm& and to its successors and assigns, (·Grant~es"), a perpetual ease!:1ent ar,d right of ".v for the construction and continued maintenance, repair, alteration and replace¡r¡ent of the electri.~ distribution circuits, lines and equipment of the Grantee to be constIucted and maint~ed under,. upon aod across the premises of Grantor in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, along a ]ine described as follows, to wit: BEING a part of the SW1/4SE1/4 of Se<:tion 3, T35N, RIJ9W, in Lincoln County, Wyoming mere accurat~ly d~scribed as foHow¡: lJEGINN1NG S &3"W, 74 feafrom the C-W-SEI/64 cornerofSllid Section 3, Thence S 28' E, 210 feet to a point 'Thence S 87' E, 40 feet to a transformer location. EASE1\1ENT to includ~ 10 feet on each side of described line, together with aJJ necessary and reasonable rights of ingress and egress and to excavate and reñl! ditches and trenches for the location and repair of sa,id faciJitics and to cut, trim, spray herbicides, or remove trees, shrubbery, undm-growth or other obstruetiol1S interfering with the repair and maintenanee of the facilities. The Gntntor acknowledges that Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF) are naturally occumng m tbe !nnsmission or distribution of electricity, and that t.~e Grantee has here notified Grantor that EMF testir .g and information is ayailable upon request from the Grantee. This Easement by Grantor is in:ended 1:0 include so much space as is necessary or appropriate to the presence of EMF and reasoI1nbIe l'peration of the Grantee's distribution Jines. Grantoragre~s that a11 poles, wire¡¡ and other facilities, installed on or under the descnbed Jands shal: remain the property of the Grante~ ml10vable in the so!e discretion of the Gr2I!1ee ~t the Grantee '5 expens'~, . The rights, condiiions and provisions of this eB3emcnt shall inure '<J tbe benefit of and be bindbg upon tr e parties, their heirs, executors, administrators, sLlccessors and ,assigns. Gruntor shall comper..sate G~'antee f(lr any damages ro Grautee's facilities caused by Grantor, including pay:mnt of Gr.¡1tee'¡ attomey fees if action is lUJdertalœn by Grantee to enforce tlJ.e commitments descnòed in this easement. Gran1rn' reserve,s tbe right to improve, occupy and USe this easement for all purposes not inconsÜ;tent with th~ e~sement grant E1Ch party shall have the remedy of specific perfannance regarding this easement. TI1e rights and obligations described in this. easement shall run with tbe ]and, This easement i. not excjusive, and Grantclt' retains all rights not specifically granted by this easement This is the entire, agreement of the pame'8 regarding this easement, except as may be set forth in writing ~r the date of thIs e lsement and SIgned hI' the parties, Grantor hereby ~Ieases and waives all rights by VJITJe of the Homestearl ExempTIon Laws of Wyoming, . IS(: f \\'l1NESS the Hand of the Grantor, thIS !._ uay 0 ~~- BEN PETERSEN STATE OF LÙ¡iD~nt} , COUNTY OF - ~ - . '."~.', ......,_..:"'~.,~ ,. , G007J S rj rYìavV; P'&+-e. ~ '^-- 11 f) The foreg~\i)}g ins!nlment w~~cknowledged b~for,e me by I :J¿ this I'5>T dayoI ~Y:1?+. .20.f):£ f (Seal) Wfjss my hand and~cia] seal. , UlAArf ~1/~ Notary Public Mycommisoioll ~xpires; ~ 2(,/ 2cY7J q I CAROL PETERSEN - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF ~ STATE OF TETON ~ WYOMING My Commission Expires May 26, 2009 RECEIVED 9/22/2005 at 11 :59 AM RECEIVING # 912112 BOOK: 598 PAGE: 719 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY íf:::::1:¡:¡m¡!!!1¡;::,¡ i::::::::::::~,i~yt·: . ~., ~rl~. ~ ~.~..' ,.,. ~I~ ~1!fm~,~¡m~j!im¡1~;¡