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08/26/2005 11:28 FAX 307 885 5787
~ER # 1310775
WORK ORDER # 61599
SEC.3, T35N, Rl19W
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That the undersigned, Leou .Joseph Raska ud Sheree Louise Raska ala Sheree L. Raska, Hllsba lid
and WIfe, ("Grantorj for a good and valuable consideration, the mœipt ofwhich is ~by acknowledg.:d.
do hereby grant, convey and warrant unto Lowa- Vallcy F=tgy, a Coopemi~ Corporation, of Afton and
Jackson, Wyoming and to its SUCCC6sorB and asaigns, (.Granted'). a papctua1 C88CIIJa1t and right of 'Way
far the COnstruction and continued maÌntenanœ. tc:pair, aItcraiion and replace¡ncnt of the e1echc
distribution circuits, lines and equipment of the Grantee to be c:œstructed and maÍn!aÏncd under. upon and
across the premises of Grantor in LlBcoln County. State of WyumiDg, along a line described as followli, to
BEING a part of NEl/4SE1I4, Section 3, T35N, Rll9W, in Lincoln Coumy, Wyoming more accuratdy
described as follows:
BEGINNING 50feet west, 540 feet south from the northeast coma ofsaid NEI/4SEII4.
Thence N 42"W, 144 feet to a point
Thence W cst 55 feet to a transformer location.
EASEMENT to include 10 feet on each side of descrIbed line, togcthc- with all necessary and rcasonallc
rights of ingress and egress and to excavate and rcfil1 ditches and trmcht.s for the location and Iq1air of said
facilities and to cut, trim, spray heibicides, or- remove trees, shrobbay, undergrowth or otber obstructioJS
interfering with the repair and roaintc:nancc of the facilities.
The Grantor acknowledges that Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF) are naturally occurring in the
transmission or distribution of electricity, and that tbc Grantee has hen: notified Gnmtor that EMF testing
and information is available upon TCqUCSt frmn 1be Grantee. This, ~ by Grantor is intc:ndcd to
include so much space as is necessary or appropriate to the presenc.e ofEVfF and reasonable operation )f
the Grantee's distnòu1ion lines.
Grantor agrees that all poles, wires and othtt 1àcilitics, installed on or UDder the described Jands sm ill
remain the property ofthc Grantee removable in the sole di&retion ofthc Grantee at the Grantee's expeme.
The rights, conditions and provisions of thiB easemmt shall inure to tbc benefit of ami be binding upon the
parties, their heirs. executors, adnñnistrators, SIICCeAors and assigns. Grantor shall compensate Grantee f.)r
any damages to Grantee's 1àcilitics caused by Grantor, including payment of Grantee·s attorney fees if
action is undertaIœn by Grantee to enforce the commitmc:nts described in this casement Grantor reserv.~
the right to improve, occupy and use this easttnCnt fur all PWP,06CII not inconsistent with the easement grallt.
Each party shall have the remedy of specific pcdÌJnnance regarding this easement. The rights 8J ld
obligations described in thiB easement shall run with 1be land. This casancnt is not exclusive, and Grant,)!'
retains all rights not specifically granted by this ascmart. This is the emire agreement of the pmti,~
regarding this easement. except as may be set forlh in writing a.1\er the date of this casement and signed hy
the parties. Grantor hereby releases and waives all rights by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws )f
WITNESStheHandoftheGnmtor,~fdayof /l4Gt/5r .2005.
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The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by
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RECEIVED 9/22/2005 at 12:00 PM
RECEIVING # 912113
BOOK: 598 PAGE: 720
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