HomeMy WebLinkAbout912151 ifi¡fi¡fr:~~~m] ': :':.';!..t-S[_:Ó:i~j~;',· ;'; :,:';:~t!~;::~:~.i.;:...'"~~"~~':i.:~:., ',;:;!.;-.i,.':,~:-<",.,. .'., , . ;·i'j!¡·'~.·.~.!.··:~. ·'~'·'·\'-:':O'9":~~"",,,,;;ry.ï~;·,<:" ',- '·'·"f,:", ;¡;I., :.__::-:__~'"-. . . .i' cO i"Y-:¡",'· ~:';". ~ 1-, 0"85 3' t.:,U RECEIVED 9/23/2005 at 12:50 PM RECEIVING # 912151 BOOK: 598 PAGE: 853 PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S DEED JEANNE WAGNER NCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that JAMES M. PIETERS, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF CONSTANCE M. PIETERS a/kJa CONSTANCE M. HOUFEK alkJa CONSTANCE M. PIETERS HOUFEK, acting pursuant to the Order Admitting Ancillary Probate and Closing Estate entered in In the Matter of the Estate of Constance M. Pieters, Deceased, Probate No. 4355 in the District Court of the Third Judicial District, in and for the County of Lincoln State of Wyoming, a copy of which is attached hereto, GRANTOR, c/o of LUTHI & VOYLES, LLC, P.O. Box 820, Thayne, Wyoming 83127, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, " (J ) receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby convey, release, remise and forever quit claim unto JAMES M. PIETERS and CHRISTINE E. FRUDE, TRUSTEES ofthe Constance M. Pieters Revocable Living Trust dated October 31, 1979, as amended, GRANTEES, c/o of (j7 James M. Pieters, c/o P.O. Box 455, Flagler, Colorado 80815, and their successors and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest property, possession, claim and demand, as Constance M. Pieters a/kJa Constance M. Houfek alkJa Constance M. Pieters Houfek and/or her Estate may have or ought to have, in or to the following d~scribed property in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to wit: Star Valley Ranch Plat Fourteen (14) Lot Forty-Nine (49) as platted and recorded in the Official Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming. Reserving therefrom all rights, title, and interest in and to any and all minerals and sights appertaining thereto. Subject to aU declarations of cqvenants, conditions, and restrictions of record, and all rights-of-way of record or in use. PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S DEED ESTATE OF CONSTANCE M. PIETERS PAGE 1 OF2 : ",;' ~;J~¡!;":~::¡f::1;7:i-~' :;, ;~'¡';;; '-"r$:.~:-~'.~:7:,.),-::. :,:~;..~~:'~~~~':'~: '0 -:., -¿"":-"~·~:;';-'~·":·;:::':~;'~:::;".,"f.ÚY; ,,;,. ',' ;'.~;~;~j~.i~¡~j~ " j '«-.':::~f;;~:,~"t'~__ :"~.:."': ;.t.;',·:';:8j;:;~f-·':~:',,·:· ,'-'c ',: .../,,:-,,;:t¡i':~n¿~ij:"J:!¡ '''0<:'1-11 ~..,. c::1. ~ .J¿...",A.~ 00854 Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. - WITNESS my hand this /.2> day of August, 2005. STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS. COUNTY OF KIT CARSON ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me by James M. Pieters, who under oath, acknowledged further that he signed the foregoing instrument as Personal Representative of the Estate of Constance M. Piet~rp, acting for said Estate pursuant to authority provided to him by the State of Wyoming, this ~ day of August, 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. &~ tí~~ßj NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission expires: )() 'r?O- ()ð" BARBARAJ.GOSSETT NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO My Commission Expires 10/20/2008 ,"¡.:, ....- PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S DEED ESTATE OF CONSTANCE M. PIETERS PAGE 2 OF 2 '~jlli[~E . ::..¡'~ '...." :¡I~m~1m~;ii[~I~I;] (·i"~~ci·"'iY"'-"':' ',.:,' , ',' .',',', ·t~,·. ~.' .:.:",.'"...",:¡,~;". "¡""'~..'~:: '.¡:.~ .. ,.':C.':,',',·' O~:12::1.S1 --"00855 M. Kevin Voyles LUTHI & VOYLES, LLC P.O. Box 820 Thayne, Wyoming 83127-0820 Tel: (307) 883-7887 Fax: (307) 883-7889 Attorney for Petitioner IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Deceased. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) PROBATE NO. 4355 OF CONSTANCE M. PIETERS, i ORDER ADMITTING ANCILLARY PROBATE AND CLOSING EST ATE I I TillS MATTER comes before the Court upon the Verified Petition for Ancillary ! Probate of the Estate of Constance M. Pieters a/k/a Constance M. Houfek a/k/a Constance Pieters i Houfek filed by Petitioner James M. Pieters, Personal Representative, with his counsel, M. Kevin ! Voyles, of LUTHI & VOYLES, LLd pursuant to Wyoming Statutes § 2-11-20l. I I THE COURT FINDS that skid estate is that of a nonresident, with property in the State i I of Wyoming not in excess of $150,000.00; that the petition has been properly filed under oath I with the requisite documents included therewith as required by law, showing that a final decree has been entered and that the debts have been paid. The Court finds further that notice of the IN THE MATTER OF CONSTANCE M. PIETERS ORDER ADMITTING ANCILLARY PROBATE AND CLOSING EST A TE PAGE 1 OF2 .,-:,!,';!;",., '......;..,.,....' . r, .'~¡ .¡ ~}.4t5-'i 0':::) ~.!...,"¡'.:' A, ...L _00856 filing of the Petition, and notice of a hearing to consider the Petition on the 21st day of July, 2005, at 2:00 p.m., has been published as required by law, and that proof of such publication has been filed herein. No one has timely filed an objection to the Petition and no on appeared at the scheduled time for the hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED as follows: 1. That the Informal Probate in the Probate Court for the City and County of Denver, Colorado, Second Judicial District, of the Estate of Constance M. Pieters is hereby admitted into I 2. That the property within the State of Wyoming within said Estate shall be distributed by James M. Pieters, plrsonal Representative, as provided in the Last Will and Testament of Constance M. Pieters, tJ James M. Pieters and Christine E. Frude as Trustees of the Constance M. Pieters Revocable Livlg Trust dated October 31, 1979, as amended; and the State of Wyoming; 3. That, pursuant to Wyoming Statutes § 2-11-201, further proceedings herein are dispensed with and this Estate is herJy closed. DATED tbis éfð day of Jult 2005 l >,' ..",. ,.,;, "'-". lit ..",.".. . . '" . ." .." ....... '" ~ " j -;, "I T' ~T ~1TE OF~\~YOMING J cOuNTY v,' LINCOLN I, ¡(enneth D. Roberts, Clerk of the Third JIJdicial District Court within and foresaid county and in the <: Cite of ,said, do hereby certify Hl¡:; fowgoing be a full, and cornp~~ te ,'" Py. , r-1: +) . .,.J ' /~""" .' , "\"'~¡.. r J~lt;' DI / ~~ 55. IN THE MA ITER OF CONSTANCE M. PIETERS 1 ORDER ADMITTING ANCILLARY PROBATE AND CLOSING ESTATE I PAGE¡!iif