HomeMy WebLinkAbout912165 2(. '--" ' 4. ~~.~,-".~,., Y··::·;·'·~Ii. ì¡:;;'Y';;:~"'L;';',;:~_~,_.:~,.,.:.:¡i.:o~"£":".~J::;.',::'~'. _., ". '_..I..... . -.. ,'. . ','-,-;" ' ." ..';·...'.';..1..,-"-.,'.'.;,.... '-, ,.-""'·,_\";"Jo~::,':.œ~>!J:':'..fl":·,'''··~~~._·;:.':¡:·.,,·o·, '__ :..,::' ~_.. _"!::~::'r:::.!';:.,;: rèi _., ."~.,',,.'.l<' _',~',' ...,"" COOOOl STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss: COUNTY OF LINCOLN· ) RECEIVED 9/23/2005 at 2:43 PM RECEIVING # 912165 BOOK: 599 PAGE: 1 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY -------.-, ___u__ ROLF A. FUNK being first duly sworn upon his oath, deposes and states as follows: 1. On or about the 26th day of April, 2004, my wife, NORA M. FUNK, died, as is evidenced by the official certificate of death attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. At the time of her death my wife jointly owned certain real property with me, said real property being located in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows: A tract of land lying in an being a portion of the S 1I2SE1I4 of Section 4, T36N, R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the South boundary of said Section 4, said point being 1286.70 feet N 89°42' 16" W, from the Southeast corner of said Section 4; Thence continuing N89°42' 16"W, 658.40 feet; Thence North 664.07 feet to a point 660 feet South from the North line of first said S 1I2SE1I4; Thence S 89°54'07" E, 330.00 feet; Thence North 660.00 feet to said North line of said S1I2SE1I4; Thence running S 89° 54'07"E, along last said North line 328.39 feet; Thence South 1326.34 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH a non-exclusive 60.00 foot wide Easement for ingress and egress and utilities over, under and through portions of the SE1I4 of Section 4, T36N, R119W of the 6th P.M. Lincoln County, Wyoming, the center line of said Easement being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the center line of the existing McCoy Creek Road said point being 150.82 feet N 74°01' 18"E, from a BLM type monument for the Southeast Sixteenth Corner of said Section 4; Thence S 34°02'40" W, 230.45 feet to a point on the east line of the land described herein. Rolf Funk Affidavit of Survivorship lof2 ~mm¡r:~~m¡;1:!¡1;:! ~W·':,,,,.,.,...,,,,,,,,,,,,·,·.,,,, {C':;Y:· , ~.' ml;¡i¡¡¡~;;] u\:F'r;a~1~ . ;I¡'¡'::¡~~.i~~'-'.-, ',-,', '.- .¡'j '~!. ~.'¡', . .'; ',' 01(,:1-'-' ">-'f' 65 .0¿~;;.:L ,", n 0", " r ð ,~tr ,U\.I~ TOGETHER with any Interest Grantors may have in that certain Private Road Easement Deed dated January 20, 1987, recorded March 5, 1987, in Book 248P.R. on page 667 of records of Lincoln County Clerk. SUBJECT TO all covenants, conditions, easements, exception, restrictions, reservations and rights of way of sight or record. Said real property was originally conveyed to ROLF A. FUNK and NORA M. FUNK, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, by Warranty Deed dated October 18, 1996, and recorded in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds on November 12, 1996 in Book 390P.R. Page 387 and Page 388. 3. By reason of my wife's death, I am entitled to sole ownership of the above-mentioned real property. DATED this3-/- day of August, 2005 . R~~~ , SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to and acknowledged before me thiæ- day of August 2005, by ROLF FUNK. WITNESS my hand and official seal. . ~ JiQ¡ J. . ,,)Lvk Notary Public My Commission Expires: 75 - S-(ii HEIDf IW)WN -NOTARY Pt8JC ' ~ 01 . State 01 Uncaln WyomJng My CommIssIon expires August 5, 2009 Rolf Funk Affidavit of Survivorship 20f2 , , :;i!!¡~~ji~f:G~ ~¡Ilié LOCAL FILE NUMBER DECEASE[).....NAME First STATE OF NEVADA - DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION OF HEALTH - SECTION OF VITAL STATISTICS. I CERTIFICATE OF DEATH I ~' 0 0 :) n 3 I Q, Il,' 'Ç¡ ";. "f~, /J...' 5 r~LU Middle last DATE OF DEATH (Month, Day. Vear) 1. Nora Harie FUNK CITY. TOWN OR LOCATION OF DEATH HOSPITAl OR OTHER INSTITUTION-Name (If not either. give stre~t and number) 3b. Las Vegas Was Decedent of Hispanic Origin? Specify 0 yes G no If yes. specify Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, etc. ^ 6. 3c. 3017 Childress Drive FDEATH OCCURRED W HSTIIUJlOI SEE IWœX) ( REGARDING COIIPl£JlOO OF RESIOENCE lIDtS RACE'l~J.;"n~~~~' m~~erican 5. White STATE OF BIRTH (If not LJ,SA, name COtJntry) 9a. Monta a SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER CITIZEN OF WHAT COUN- Decedent's Education. TRY grade completed. 9b. U.S A 10. 12 USUAL OCCUPATION (Give Kind 01 Work Done During Mosl 01 Working Ute, Even If Aelired) 14.. ~ (Street ci RF.G. No., City or Town, State, Zip) City or Town Slate DDRESS OF FACILITY Pall øortuary - Cheyenne PRONOUNCED DEAD (Hour) 22e. AT 8:20 A.M. PART I (6 (a) Arteriosclerc::>tic cardiovascul DUE TO, OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF: , MPH, Medical Exam., 1704 Pinto Lane, Las Vegas, NY 23b. 880 DATE RECEIVED BV REGISTRAR (Mo. Day, Yr.) DEATH DUE TO COMMUNICABLE DISEASE 4b. [APR 3 0 2004 UCENSE NUMBER CONDITIONS IF ANY WHICH GAVE RISE TO IMMEDIATE CAUSE STATING THE UNDERL VING CAUSE LAST 24c. VESD Noð ).) disease Interval between onset and death 4 Interval between onsel and death (b) DUE TO, OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF: Interval between onsel and death PART g (c) OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITION5--Conditions contributJng to death but not resulting in the underlying cause given in Parl1. AUTOPSV (Specify WAS CASE REFERRED TO Yes or No) CORONERffecify Yes or No) 26. No 27., es DATE OF INJURY (Mo., Day, Yr.) HOUR OF INJURV DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED ACC., SUICIDE, HOM., UNDET., OR PENDING INVEST. (Specify) 28a. INJURV AT WORK ~Spedfy Ves or No) 2Be. 281>. 2Bc. M 28d. LOCATION. STREET OR R.F.D. No. CITY OR TOWN STATE PLACE OF INJURV-At home, lann, street, factory. offICe building. ete. (Specify) 2Bf. 28g. STATE REGISTRAR No. 265567 "CERTIFIED TO BE A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE DOCUMENT ON FILE WITH THE REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS, STATE OF NEVADA." This copy was issued by the Clark County Health District from State certified documents as authorized by the State Board of Health pursuant to NRS 440.175. NOT VALID RAISED SEAL COUNTY '~^LTH .\. . ~ )- ',~,'ot; ,,//. "0 .~~ 'Q \~-' , -( I "'--4 j ~ARK COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT '>/625 Shadow Lane P.O. Box 3902 Las Vegas, Nevada 89127 702-383-1223 Tax ID# 88-0151573 WITHOUT THE OF THE CLARK DISTRICT DONALD S. KWALICK, MD, M.P.H. RegIstrar of Vita.l Statistics BY~ Date Issued: MAY 0 3 2004 ....... -. . AI { v,'~ \) t- ;"..~'~k,"·.,.~