HomeMy WebLinkAbout912198 11:'. ,,!,"". , !!il ~. "'Til~:m 9 STATE OF WYOMING -- -- ---RECEIVED 9/26/2005 at 11 :06 AM RECEIVING # 912198 ) BOOK: 599 PAGE: 119 ) ss: JEANNE WAGNER ) LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY COUNTY OF LINCOLN KAREN MARIE WILKES being first duly sworn upon her oath, deposes and states as follows: 1. On or about the 7th day of June, 1992, my father, REX G. WELTY JR., died, as is evidenced by the official certificate of death attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. At the time of his death my father jointly owned certain real property with my mother, Gwen BjorkmanWelty, said real property being located in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest Corner of Lot 1 in Block 7 of the Afton Townsite, Lincoln County, Wyoming and running thence South 10 Rods; thence East 5 Rods; thence North 10 Rods; thence West 5 Rods to the point of beginning, together with water rights and improvements. Said real property was originally conveyed to REX G. WELTY JR. and GWEN BJORKMAN WELTY, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, by Warranty Deed dated November 18, 1989, and recorded in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk and ~ Ex-Officio Register of Deeds on November 21, 1989 in Book 280P.R. Page 397. 3. By reason of my father's death, my mother was entitled to sole ownership of the above-mentioned real property. DATED this :J. 3 day of September, 2005 ~-1A- YJ¡z~ u) 4 KAREN MARIE WILKES PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Wel:y Probate Affidavit of Survivorship lof2 "..,. """, ,. ·: ~ì';,;·.'-" "":" . .-. '-;", ';";',',';'::":;,~'" . ..... '. . " . ..;.. " . "'! 't;.~.,,·-' ...~~..~. iL, :I. :~ .~~r-. '~:~:æ~ .,I,',*,' '.+'í' ',','il ....,.,~"....,'~-_.._:-_ .:.·.·,',··,'""''"''c.,,.......-''-'......'_'..;. .' . ...~:I-."''''-'~~~...- ......,. .í.J Ü::J.i.Gi.~u ,,'00l20 r'~ SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to and acknowledged before me thiséB5..- day of September 2005, by KAREN MARIE W1LKES. WITNESS my hand and official seal. . ~ ~cL W- Notary Public My Commission Expires: o-5-Dr HEIDI BROWN· NOTARY PUSlJO COlJn~ of . State d Unc.:oln WyomIng My CommIssion ExpIreI August 6, 2009 Welty Probate Affidavit of Survivorship 2 of 2, ... ""..... ;;~." .~""_.. ilq ì,!I \Ii "~..~~~~ ··t;?!~l~:;:·_::~:t~' ..,. '.:' i;.,,;::-~;,';~ ~:':".'::{;j:,~ :·~~·,;tl1ir-:~:{,.~>~~>~l.;"'-: :'.' . '.' ,;', .' :"::'~,~~l'~~:.;,-:/ ~ '} ~ "l< ";'~;~:~:!:,:!:~;.:~:-: . ·::;:ij~#~::¡:¡,;g~:¡;i~«1'ti·;{1:$.~\~;~:'::" ~j}Y-f\~{:.' .': ", ,t·· - "'I'¡:'it\_¡ir'~,'1.¥fÎI!'t~,,::~;:,:: '. . , , :;~; ;':;;:;~,: -00121 QfÞll~~1.~8 TYPE OR PRINT IN PERMANENT BUCK INK FOR INSTRUCTIONS SEE HANDBOOK LOCAL FilE NUMBER 1. DECEDENT ·NAME FIRST Rex STATE OF WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALT;~ CERTIFICATE OF DEATH '-.~' MIDDLE STATE FILE NUMBER 3. DATE OF DEATH I Mo., D_r. y"J June 7, 1992 ... SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 514-05-2688 Ð_ DATE OF BIRTH (Mo.., Dily. Yr.) January 10, 1921 1.. PLACE OF DEATH (Check 0II1y OIIe) ~: Olnpali8f\1 OER/Oulpallonl DDOA QJ1::!.£B: 1b. fACIUTV NAME (II r.ot fnslí/ulion, gJvt strest WId numbtJI J , -..~..~.~,!~:::.,. o NursIng Hame XJ ResiUence OOlher íSpecifyJ 7c. CITY, TOWN, OR LOCATION Of DEATJII u:' 7d. COUNTY OF DEATH 40 West 2nd Ave. Lincoln 8. STATE OF BIRTH 01 not k1 U.S.A., name cauntrr) Kansas 11. WAS DECEDENT EVER IN U.S. ARMED FOACES? (Specify yes 01 no) 12b. KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY Yes 13a. RESIDENCE· STATE Wyoming 13b, COUNTY Lincoln Mil i tar 13c. CITY, TOWN OR lOCATK>N Afton Gover n 2nd Ave. 13e. INSIDE CITY lIMITS? (Spscifr yes Of no) 14. WAS DECEDENT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN? ISpecily no 0( yes - iI yes, speclly Cuban, Mexican, Puerlo Rican, Etc.) Yes 11. fATHER'S NAME ,.., No J{J Yel 0 (Specify) Middle Lut Rex G. Welty Sr. First B. Montgomery 19... INFORMANT -NAME 'Type Of Print) Gwen Welty 19b. RELATIONSHIP TO DECEDENT Spouse '0 , 19C. MAILING ADDRESS STREET OR R.F.D. NUMBER CITY OR TOWN Afton STATE ZiP CODE Box 41 WY 83110 ., .,>"," 20.. Bt.orial, Cremation. Removal .rom SI.,., Other l$pecUyl 20b. DATE (Mo.. o.y, Yr,) CITY OR TOWN STATE 23c. HOUR Of DEATH 23d. PRONOUNCED D~ (~o;, D~y, YrJ M 23., PRONOUNCED DEAD (Hcxr) M 25.. REGISTRAR 25b. DATE AI;CEIVED BY REGISTRAR 11.40., D.y. Yr.) (Si .'I¥.J .... PART I. Enter lhe dis.ase',lnluri ,or complicalionl thai caused death. 00 riol enter the mode 01 dying, such .s cardiac 26. or resplralory arrell, shock, Ol hurl failtJr.. UsI only one (;I:OS. on each line, IMMEDIATE CAUSE (Anal disease or condition res\JIlng In death) .. 6-/$"-92.. ) . ¡l/efA~-f-~~ (lMC/fH-WW QUE TO (OA AS A:tONSEOUENCE OF): {h.,/Me ApproKlmale Ilnt.rvatBeI.......n I ana'l and Dull\. , : §I rt.ø , I , I I . b. ~1, %~ '\- ).::::,~ DUE TO (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF): DUE TO (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF): , In PART I. No 30b. TIME m' 30e. INJURV AT WORK? INJlI~Y ($padfy ye.s 01 no) SuIcide o Could not be Determined M 30e. PLACE OF INJURY-AI home. farm. alrut, !aclory. 301. LOCATION ISlreel end Number 01' Aural Raul. Number, City or Town. S'.le) office buik:llng, ale, (SpecJty) Homlclda THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this reproduction is~a true copy of a record on fi 1 e in Wyomi ng Vi ta 1 Records Services, Cheyenne, Wyoming. This copy is not valid seal and the signature Registrar is in red. unless of it the bears a Deputy raised State Date Issued June 18, 1992