HomeMy WebLinkAbout912215 i~ fir~;m!~~mi -~r'''''' rc:""~"~O 0 1 5 0 [ ,.oJ::::, t_,- AFFIDAVIT STATE OF \jtó\~ COUNTY OF S::xJ+- (A~ ) ) ss... ) RECEIVED 9/26/2005 at 3:58 PM RECEIVING # 912215 BOOK: 599 PAGE: 150 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY COMES NOW, the Marshall Bateman and Nell Bateman Family Trust, dated 21 June 1995, acting tlµ-ou,gh.1 . it's () TruÆ.ee, Glo~j.-ç.1 A2ð Holt whose address is . g LLt> d4 g ~ ..¢~ ì Wtiff,15eing duly sworn on oath according to law, does hereby make the following statemen s of facts and affinn: ,,~ ,j 1 That the Trust is the owner of part of the property as depicted on that, plat titled, "LAKE VIEW ESTATES INCORPORATED TRACTS A-F, A SUBDIVISION BEING A PART OF THE NYz SECTION 29 AND WYzNWy.¡ SECTION 28, T37N R1l8W, ALPINE, WYOMING" of record in the Office ofthe Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming as Plat No. 157. j 1. That the Trust is the owner of all of Lot 320 as depicted on said Plat No. 157. 2. That the undersigned has reviewed the plat titled, "LAKEVIEW ESTATES NINTH ADDITION BEING PART OF LAKEVIEW ESTATES INCORPORATED TRACTS A-F IN THE TOWN OF ALPINE WITHIN THE SW~-4 SECTION 29 T37N Rl18W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING", dated 25 August 2004, as revised. 3. That the undersigned has read and understands the provisions of the Certificate of Owner thereon and the implications thereof. 4. That this affidavit is signed in the stead of and has the same effect as if the original mylar of said plat had been signed. DATED this êfj day of NO\¡~ 2004. MARSHALL BATEMAN AND NELL BATEMAN F AMIL Y TRUST, DATED 21 JUNE 1995 " i~,£;efktl ~~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Gloria J. Holt, Trustee of the Marshall Bateman and Nell Bateman Family Trust, dated 21 June 1995 this ~ day of ~OV..eJN\ ~}{' 2004. Brittany A. Elkins Notary PLbfic ~ State of Utah . My.Commission Expkes October 26,2005 6580 W, Amelia EartlardI, Salt lake City, UT 84116 My COmIl1lSs' n expires: Ockb~ 1-f.p '2l5D5 I ¡'j ',J) ~Io_ " ,, ;'."~ '