HomeMy WebLinkAbout912342 / ,¡ , ':!~!~I~i:.:~lf; ': J, .'. .. 'i' .'. '.'.:~~:' ·~L<iC~£~:::. ,:. ", .:;: ;~',~,~ - . !!'~.~1~.11:'~'~ ~':. :. ':'_';_:'~~l~!-;i~;'_-;:jl1~·~:-,'.;!.:::JL·-;~ ::i"_".:",.. .' '·:?':~!.;·¡:·¡:£·~,' :',_~':~.:::i::..'~:' .-, .";;;';:,',~. ~;'. c . ~0 C00650 EASEMENT (WITH RELEASE OF PRIOR EASEMENTS) Melvin C. Hale and Eileen S. Hale, husband and wife, of Fairview, Lincoln County, Wyoming, grantors, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is acknowledged, grant and convey to Pamela J. Hruska and Randy,J. Hruska, Trustees, or their successors in trust, under the Pamela J. Hruska Living Trust dated June 11, 1991, as to an undivided one-half (1/2) interest, and to Randy J. Hruska and Pamela J. Hruska, Trustees, or their successors in trust, under the Randy J. Hruska Living Trust dated June 11, 1991, as to an undivided one-half (1/2) interest, as tenants in common, of 400 North Center Street, Rock Springs, Sweetwater County, Wyoming 82901, grantees, the following described non-exclusive, perpetual right-of-way easement for the following purposes: I /1 ' ( 1. Purpose of Easement. This easement is for the purpose of providing a perpetual non-exclusive 50-foot wide right-of-way easement for ingress and egress and all underground '/ utilities to the property described in Paragraph 3 including the right to install, construct, reconstruct, repair, replace and maintain a roadway and all underground utilities, and including the right to inspect the easement. However, this Easement is not for the purpose of providing or creating a public right of way or access to any public lands. 2. Conditions of this Easement. The conditions of this easement are: a. It is a common easement for the mutual benefit of all Grantors and Grantees and their respective lands. Grantees shall keep and maintain a good and sufficient gate and/or cattle guard at the points of ingress and egress to and from the property described in Paragraph 3, and a good and sufficient cattle guard at'the point at which each cross fence of the Grantors crosses such property. Grantees shall not fence the roadway, but shall permit the same to be utilized as open range for the purpose of grazing and feeding the livestock of the Grantors. RECEIVED 9/30/2005 at 11:19 AM RECEIVING # 912342 BOOK: 599 PAGE: 650 ;'''''':':':¡'''';'''' ,JEANNE WAGN~."""",,) ¡AJB:;¡:jS:¡I, .". L. INCOLN COUNTY CLERK Kk::::¡:::;t;!~';!ER WY ~ _.,__. - n_,' , ~I.I'.·I~-I-," I ". - - -- b. c. ".:·~d'lil",. " ., -<- ;~~¡ 1\¡.I¡~;·~J:¡:¡~,~::i!¿"'ì~-r.;::'l::::;;·· t~:' ;tS?="':.'~1'.Œ~~··,.i'i'::':r.," , , O· . (;~.i('! ....J ')."'4'")1 . :'j....'..,....~!..j;~ /" ¡t~ l]~lliJ~~I¡I: ..·.:..·!~~t~·, ·,~J· :;~:Ž'i·,·,'··, _ !~, 0 0 6 51 d. Grantors shall have the right to the full use of the roadway at any and all times, including the right to install underground utilities within the roadway easement, provided such use by the Grantors does not interfere with the grant of this easement, and provided further that the Grantors shall be responsible for and pay any and all repairs or maintenance of the easeme'lt occasioned by any such use. Except as provided in d. above, Grantees shall be responsible for and pay all costs of constructing and maintaining the easement. Any and all utilities installed in the easement by Grantees shall be underground. Grantees shall hold harmless and reimburse the Grantors for any damage or injury caused to any livestock of the Grantors by reason of the roadway, cattle guards or gates, or by any vehicle traveling upon the roadway with or without the consent, permission or knowledge of the Grantees; excepting, however, any such damage or injury caused by vehicles of the Grantors or of persons using the roadway with the express permission of the Grantors, to include any such use pursuant to the grant of a subsequent easement by the Grantors. Grantees shall hold Grantors harmless from any liability, injury, damage or claim by any person whomsoever using or traveling upon the roadway, whether or not such use is with or without the permission, consent or knowledge of the Grantees; excepting, however, any such claim arising from the use of the roadway by the Grantors or by persons using the roadway with the express permission of the Grantors, to include any such use pursuant to the grant of a subsequent easement by the Grantors. This easement shall replace and supersede all prior easements granted by the Grantors in favor of, or claimed to be in favor of, the property described in Paragraph 3, including without limitation that certain Road Easement recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on March 9, 1978, in Book 144PR at Page 239, and that certain Easement Deed recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on August 15, 2002, in Book 496 PR, page 554, which easements are hereby declared to be terminated, null and void and of no further force or effect. e. f. g. h. i. ~ j 3. Property Benefited by Easement. This easement is for the benefit of the following described real property of the grantees in Lincoln County, Wyoming: '..¡ 2 ,..,..,,[1\;;,_., \:' . " ....;.~'~~-~~2"~'o _- - '.';-..;.;t~'i.I;fi.';';ç',' '; -/ l' t::~};:~"..:". ~ìt-~~t,,,:.li' ::ÆW:;':;''";'_ r_!·:~II2::;J~_'.è!.1":~~:.l;(~!FA'~~~~$;:it~:-~:,:.~:~\.:L~:::'{;;;:;~.";. O· q'~ ?")i~."")o -...>~.~~~,,;.., I NE1/4, W1/2SE1/4. and Lots 2 and 3 of Section 7; NW1/4NE1/4 (Lot 2) of Section 18; SW1/4 and W1/2SE1/4 of Section 5; Lots 1, 2, 3 of Section 8; and the following described trabt of land: commencing at a point which is the Northeast Comer of the SE1/4SE1/4 bf Section 6 and running thence South 80 rods, thence West 80 rods, I thence in a ~ortheasterly direction to the point of beginning; ell being in l31N, R119W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. ' 4. DesLption of Easement. The easement is described as follows: A slrip of landl filly feel in widlh wilhin Ihe NW1/4NE1/4, N1/2NW1/4 of Section 9, and GLO Lot 4 (NE1/4NE1/4);of Section 8, T31 N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming being' twenty-five (25) feet each side of a centerline more particularly described on Exhibit A attached and incorporated herein by this reference. I "-~¡ 0065 2 5. Binding Effect. The terms and conditions of this easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors in interest and assigns of the parties named in this instrument. I . 6. Waiver of Homestead Rights. The grantors hereby waive and release all rights to the described easjment under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming to the extent that such rights may interfere with the purposes of this easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands as of the 15th day of September, '2005. 2:q~ ~-' Melvin C. Hale ~.~.d1~./ ~').¿LÐ Eileen S. Hale ~k1.~~ PamelcIJ. Hruska, Trustee Randy 3 ¡¡; ::¡¡::*::~:~::,~ t~~::±~~::1f~ , ,. ~ :oJb;i¡" :;; 1¡~ili~¡~m~¡~¡~~¡ ~; '.<.·,"_'.·~··:,·:.~al¡¡: .; " '-:·':'.<1:.;'~lltZfi ";9/:· '~1 ¡': ;\; If ';i;\1' ::~:,:~~.:~:t...::, j .:' .' ._:: :;:, ; : ¡~;;;:;:-:' ::: :0 I\C') /."j .r~ ';, D /i ")I tï <--J .:..~h,- i.1iI...f:~ :00653 W 1-1/-~,~ Pamel~!J. Hruska, Truste'e í I ¡ ì i STATE OF WYOMING i COUNTY OF LINCOLN I : The foregoing Easement was acknowledged before me by Melvin C. Hale and Eileen S. Hale, husband and wife, thiso1tf.fh day of Se,oie~/;eY' 2005. Witness my hand and official seal. , GERALD·L.GOUlDING - NOTARYPl,JBLfC County of JC\ State of Uncoln ~ Wyoming My, Commission Expires May 2, 2007 ss. My commission expires: J~cX~ NOTARY PUBLIC /YltZt( cJ I ;2Q07 STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF LI/VCt9¿A,j ! On this 02'1 M day of September , 2005, before me personally appeared Pamela J. Hruska and Randy J. Hruska to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn and put upon his oath, did say that they are the trustees of the Pamela J. Hruska Living Trust dated June 11, 1991, described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said trust; that said trustees had the authority under the terms of the written trost instrument to execute the instrument on behalf of the trust; and said trustees acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said trust. i Given under my hand and notarial seal the day and year first above written in this certificate. GERALD.1.. GOULDING - NOTARY Pl,J8LIC County of ~ State of Uncoln ~ Wyoming M}I Comm!ssion Expires May 2, 2007 ,~ ì J¡~~J;~ NOT~RY PUBLIC My commission expires: Mar .;;, ;;'C07 4 "(!:tt':t.·:·;.;·;, ::':;'¿:;-~~':~~: .' ';·;:\:;~~I~:I:Ò~,:':·:' :::":·,:'.~¡:lt~..t:11i::.:C,~'f;"'(f":"·'::"iJ::G.'-::...\~: :;::.:: ~"'. '- . ;;.;::t.-:::, >";"J~_'.;: ì!;::.i.i::"~L""~:,·;':l..',~~;~: . ,'...., ,.",', '''''cr' v<~'42 IIJ ........, ~~-- '-AI I I " '." 0 Lt). 6 ~ II . ¡ v,* I \ STATE OF WYOMING ! ¡ COUNTY OF LINCtP¿N J I On this .)"IfI, day of c¡;<¡oIel1>68r , 2005, before e personally appeared Randy J. Hruska and Pamela J. Hruska, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn and put upon his oath, diä say that they are the trustees of the Randy J. Hruska Living Trust dated June 11, 1991, described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said trust; that said trustees had the authority under the terms of the written trust instrument to execute the instrument on behalf of the trust; and said trustees acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said trust. ss. Given under my hand and notarial seal the day and year first above written in this certificate. GE;RÀLQL. -GOULDING . NOTA~Y Þv8UC County of lft\ State of i Uncoln \ill Wypming M . Comm!ssÎon Expires May 2, ~OO7 j¡~~~ NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires:· May d. , ;).00'7 5 llitk1f#~m!.~ ;:::~::~:~:j:f:::::';¡ ~t:i:.:!s~:d;~~;! ;,!II;;;.. !~iili§~?\ ' --~ ·1, ' ,~:~ (:;;.';.:-;~",-- :"~;~~::,'-'":..:, ·\'/'~I~I~!.~~~~':1~.~,¡ir'lt~~~~'<'~~~:";:.'1'.d::::1:',Jg?:e:''f:":<'. ~l!ii;':-,~. :·:·:'.'~·:~·:·"Z :·;':<':. ,'-':_;:._\~;·:;ii..:~~:~'"::!;;..<:N,.,·-'t"'·.!,,:~"2:.:'~1.:0.:'<;;'·':_:\:~¡:'!i~.:';~k~iælU':~.¡-t:L""'(~_ ·:'2';~-:~~.;:,~;-:.....,;",,-~-,:,;,:. ~<y~ ...,....J!/i2 \U........ ~.......... uLfC "-':'''.'''';'-, __: 83~~1.~J ··-·~~r::: 'mmLII1'f" "A 05S!) DICSCHlI'TrON,FOIl HANIML',f. IIlWSJ(A ANDI'AMICLA.J. nIÜJS"A FIWM MgLYIN C. IIALE AND 1ï;ILlmN S. IIALI;; HlWSICA ACCI~SS (WAD To-wit: . - A slri ) of IlIllt! fi(1:y f~cl ill widlh wilhin Iho NWv..NE\l.t, NV1NW /~ of Section 9. and OLO Lol I (Nßv..Nß\l.I) of Soclion 8, TJ I N, R119W, TJincoln Counly, Wyoming being'twenty. Jive (25) fect ollch side of Iho f()!lowlng described conterline:, BlWINNING lit SllItioll 4+92.Œ) un tho north line 0(' SlIid Seclion 9, S89".24'W, 1939.19 reet frol11lhe soulhellsl corner ofsllid Section 4; thonce SOllthweslerly, 15.73 feetlllong 1\ circulllr cllrvó to the righllhrough n een(ml on~\e of ]"·16' 10 SllIlioll P.T. 5+07.82: I' lhence SJ 1 o-II'W, 25\ .8310 S(¡¡tion P.C. 7-1-59.65; I thence Southerly, '199.71 feet Illollg II circular cllrve 10 the Ie['\; throll[.\h II cenlral [\n~!e of 22"](j' (0 Stlllioll P.T. 9+59.J(j; Ihcnco SOgo-35'W, 7ó.IO reet 10 Stillion P.C. IC)- -::J5.'1ó; thence SOlllherly, (¡1.50 feel IIlongll circulor cllrve 10 the right throllgh a cenlrol !lnglo of 220-01' 10 Stntion P,T. 10+%.%; ¡Iwlleo S]()u·](j'W, 74.J8 100110 Slnlion P.C. 1+71.34; thonco Soulherly, 74JI] l'oul IIlonu II circli ¡u', curve (0 the len throll!:; ¡ 1\ cenlrll! I1ngle of 29"·5 ' tn SllIliolll','J'. 12'I-~5.l)7i , .. IllCn(:ú SOou.115' W, (j9. n ('cello SIIIIÎolI P .C. 1]'1-15.94; IIUIII\-.". SIII1"fol' ,~w.~... ,¡;.iIIlUiln No. lit - ~t~~~~n ~~·I~~Q ,ILw )LUlòllÎoOn HI, ua' . S,h.-to" ~Ø'I\ljl¡"'1I H" UII 1,,~.II_¡loOIIHa. 'D" ~",hIlIlIW HI, nUll "þ..'uu,~1 .~oI~".lIgn He, uta u Ic.h.uwl. LTD. ~rll'l\lll( I~t. WiG"...... ~1,WrDII¡ ,,\Q IoIt 51""'11" 1oJ~"" ,W"',IIJ..h_ thence SOllthwesterly, 79.(¡J f'eell1lollg II eirculllr cllrve to the riuiJtlhrolluh 0 cenlrll onglc of Goo·57' to Slaliol\ I' .T, I H95.57; . thence SG 10.42 'w, J 1.0J feet to Station P .C. 14'1-26,60; (hence Southweslerly 90.01 feet :11011[.\ 11 cireulllr curve to the lef! through 1\ central tingle of 20"·07' 10 Slolion P.T. IH16.6\; thence Si\ I 0_J5 'w, I)2,J8 feel 10 Stnlion P .C. 16-1-08.99; thence Southwesterly 10l,6J feel nlollg 0 circldar el'rve \0 the right lhroll~h ¡¡ eentrol ongle . of't19°-52' 10 Slalion P.T. 17+10,62; thence N88"-::JJ'W, J29.84 fcel (0 Stntion P.C. 20+40,46; thence Southweslerly, 'I 00.17 feel olong ¡¡ eirculor clII've to the le~ throu~h n centrol nngle of 39".12' to Stillion P.T, 21+40.63; Ihel1ce S52"-15'W, IOJ.5\ feel 10 Slolion P.C. 22+44.14; "Modilir.ailon In any way ollha loragolng descrlpilon laimlnates lIabilily of Iha sUNoyor" . <.11>.., ~00655 , ':';I~i;'~i~;';:'~:' 0,,,,·" ,r~ ...., /t'?, ~ ~:L,::"J,,- IIOf1~ll&f1d SYlOW_rllll ",.IiÏUI"'W , .'.~I"~~" No. lit , Ivull"......tlI.3tto fI/\lI"I.I.n ÑIiI. 1'10 ..llvo4\¡.I'oon.....I'a' ,.5uruÞul 1..;,u~"H..llIU It.(II.alla¡.\gJ\,... to" \.I~fIU.Ili.U\H..:I'J 1I 1\þ...I~lv,wl ~ ItGll·II..LIo" H.. 6UI '04 Stnm"....LTØ. Wftlnln¡ '~f. WJ·"'¡'1fiI ''''. W'lln\lng 11.11 Splll'\lI, M:I:,¡/'\Q ~WVI, W;.IH ~¡:¡~' :~~"~'.':: .<Jli . . "'~I,I;';ò:'..í~;';I;' :!_. . ",::>;,.(......~'~.J,. ':: :~,¡:,.!J_:.L: ',. __~'.'.' '. \,Jt:JCJÙ,.....J...;::] , I!XIIIIII'r A CON 'T 05~7 nr:SCRII'TION )?Olt IlAN )¡\L .J. rJJUjSI~A ANI> I)^MI~L^ ,1. HRUSKA I?JWlYr ' , MnLVIN C. HAL/è AND /èILlmN S. HALI~ IJnUSKA ACCESS IWAD Pr\Glè TWO Ihonce Weslerly, óO,40 fect nlon311 circlIlnr curVe to the ;¡ght through Ii centrnl ¡¡ngle of 420- 53' 10 Stlltion P.T. 23+04.54; , Ihence NB4"-52'W, 1\4.59 feet to Station P.C. 23+49. JJ Ihence Westerly, 136.60 foet nlong n circulnr cui've lo the right through n central lingle of 46/1-50' .to Stntion P.T. 24+B5.73 Ihence N38/1-02W, 3B.18 feet 10 Stillion r.c. 25+2J,9]: thence Northwesterly, 127.1! feet ¡¡long n clrclllnr curve to lhe lef[ through Ii cen(rnl nnglc of 21"-20' 10 Stillion P.T. 26+5'1.02; lIicnce N59"·22'W, 23Q.92 fcet to Slntion r.c. 28+85:94; thonee Norlhwesterly, 101.92 fcet nlong n eirclIlnr ellrve 10 the lef\ through n central nngle of 22"-08' to Slalion P,T. 29+87.8ó; thcnce NB1"-30'W, JJ 1.J9 feet to Slnlion r.c. 31+19.25; thonee Westerly, 224.54 l'cet IIlong II circLtlllr eUl've to Ihe lell lhroLI~h 1\ eon\rlll nngle of'06"- OÓ' 10 Slulion P.T. 3J+43.79; Iheneo N87"-3ó'W, 30.27 feel !o Sllllion P.C. 33+74,06; thence Weslerly 294,l1Ci feel ulong 1\ circulnl' curve 10 thc len through il ccnlrnlllngle of 12". 25' 10 Stnlion P.T, 3G+6R.52; IlIùl\co S71)1l_51)'W, 2~().¡)1) foci 10 R(lIlil1l\ P.C, Jt)'I'OI).5I: lI\Oneo SOlllhwuslol'ly,. 118,71 fuellllon1.! II ciruulllr cIII've \0 the len through n ecn(rlllllngle of 15/1-20' 10 SllIlion P,T, lI0+28.22; Ihonco S64"-30'W, 25R, 1 5 fect 10 Stillion P.C. 42+8G.37; Ihenee Westerly, 305.63 fect Illong n cireulllr CLll"VO 10,lhe right lhrough n centml nngle of 18"-20' 10 Sllltion 45+92.00 on lhe west line or snill Seclion 9, SOO"-07' ß, 919.66 feet from Ihe I\orthwest corner of snid Seclion 9; thel\cc continuing Westerly, 126.3 I feet nlong slIid ClIrvc 10 Sllllion P .'1'. 47+ 18.3t; thence N89°-26'W, 45.30 feel to Stntion P.C, 47+63.61: lhence Northwesterly, 137,91 feet nlong n eircLllllr cnrve \0 the ri¡,:hllhroLlgh 1\ cen[ml all¡,:lc 01'51°-43' 10 Stillion P.T. 49+01.52; lhenco N37°-43'W, 126,27 fect 10 Stntion P.C. 50-1-27.79; thence Northwesterly, 290.44 feet nlonl:\ (\ circLllnl' c'Llrvo to the \cf\ lhrotlgh n centml angle of I BO-411' to Stulion P.T. 53+18.23; thence N56°-27'W, 218.91 feet to Stntion P.C. 55+37.14; "Modilic:alion in any way o/ll1e loreoolno descrlpllon lormlnnles lIabilily 01 the surveyor" ~.' - "'.~" '.'-, .' ,.-.---'- ". Uil¡ill~Imm~~~f;~~ ..,.Ju;,¡.j :!'/'i:.t. ':l".::~i..:',: j::J.:::-':".. . '.;'.:','. . . ~ 0656