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Pond Maintenance and Hold Harmless Agreement ("this Agreement") executed by and
between Bryan Lee Gail and Melissa A. Gail, husband and wife, of 288 County Road 127, Bedford,
WY 83112 ("Gail"), and Robert Landry and Lisa Landry, husband and wife, of 11421 Woodside #A,
Santee, CA 92071 ("Landry").
1. Gail owns the following described real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming
("Gail's property"):
Description: Parcel B-2
A portion of the Gail property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 586PR,
on Page 520, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County Wyoming, within the
E1/4 of Section 4, T33N, R118W, of the 6th P.M.. Lincoln County, Wyoming, the
metes and bounds being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a Point in the East line of the NW1/4SE1/4 of said Section 4, said
Point of Beginning, being 825.72 feet Soo13'51"W from the Marlowe A. Scherbel
PLS 5368, 1994 location for the Southeast Corner of said NW1/4SE1/4;
thence S75°52'51"E 85.20 feet;
thence N89°06'23"E 171.39 feet;
thence N80010'45''E 152.56 feet to a Point in the West line of the Kenneth and April
Cram property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 449PR, on Page 129,
with said Office;
thence S26°24'20"E, along said West line and a West line of the F&T Partnership
property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 460PR, on Page 217, with said
Office, 191.56 feet;
thence S26°24'20"E, along a Northerly line of said F&T Partnership property, 628.89
feet to Point in the Center, Line of the Bedford - Turnerville County Road 12-123
RECEIVED 9/30/2005 at 1 :30 PM
RECEIVING # 912346
BOOK: 599 PAGE: 664
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thence Northwesterly, along said Center Line, the following:
S63°35'40"W 811.28 feet to the beginning of a 1,432.39 feet Radius Curve to the
Northwesterly, along said Curve to the Right, through a Central Angle of 14°12'15",
an arc length of 355.11 feet, from which the radius point bears N48°30'OO"E, said
curve having a chord bearing N34°23'52"W 354.20 feet
N27°17'45"W 186.03 feet to the beginning of a 572.96 feet Radius Curve to the Left,
Northwesterly, along said Curve to the Left, through a Central Angle of 1r14'46", an
arc length of 172.46 feet, said curve having a chord of N35°55'08"W 171.81 feet,
from which the Radius Point bears S45°27'29"W to the Southeast corner of the
Lewis, Barber, and Hayborn property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book
572PR, on Page 707, with said Office;
thence N45°04'29"E, along the East line of said Lewis, Barber, and Hayborn
property, 27.03 feet to the PI of said Curve to the Left;
thence N34°30'47"E, continuing along the East line of said Lewis, Barber, and
Hayborn property, 572.73 feet, to the Point of Beginning, containing 17.10± Acres of
SUBJECT TO: A 30-feet Right-of-Way Easement, along the Southwest corner of the
above described Parcel, being Bedford - Turnerville County Road 12-123.
GRANTING and Reserving: An Easement for Ingress and Egress for access,
construct and maintain an Irrigation Pipeline to the Existing Irrigation Pipeline, being
20 feet in width, the Northwesterly line being described as follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of the above described parcel; thence
S34 °30'4 7"W 142.13 feet, with the Southeasterly line being prolonged to the
Northeast to reach the North line of the above described parcel.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: All Easements, Exceptions, Reservations,
Restrictions, Rights-of-Way and Improvements of sight and or record.
2. Landry owns the following described real property located in Lincoln County,
Wyoming ("Landry's property"):
Description: Gail Parcel A-2
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A portion of the Gail property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 586PR,
on Page 520, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County Wyoming, within the
E1/4 of Section 4, T33N, R118W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the
metes and bounds being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at the Marlowe A. Scherbel PLS5368, 1994 location for the Southeast
Corner of the SW1/4NE1/4 of said Section 4;
thence S89°08'15"E, along the South line of said SW1/4NE1/4, 200.00 feet;
thence NOo035'29"E 130.18 feet to a Point in the Center Line Heiner-Suter County
Road No. 12-127;
thence S69°37'41 liE, along said Center Line, 53.13 feet to the Northwest corner of
the Kenneth and April Cram property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book
449PR, on Page 129, with said Office;
thence S00035'29"W, along the West line of said Cram property, 112.44 feet to a
Point in said South line;
thence SOo033'49"W, continuing along said West line, 500.00 feet to the
Southwesterly corner of said Cram property;
thence S26°24'20"E, along the Southwesterly line of said Cram property, 350.65
thence S8001 O'45"W 152.56 feet;
thence S89°06'23"W 171.39 feet;
thence N75°52'51"W 85.20 feet to a Point in the East line of the NW1/4SE1/4 of
said Section 4;
thence NOo013'51"E, along said East line, 825.72 feet,
to the Point of Beginning, containing 5.54± Acres of land.
SUBJECT TO: A 30-feet Right-of-Way Easement, along the North line of the above
described Parcel, being Heiner - Suter County Road 12-127, as referred to in the
Resolution Dated the ih ~ay of October 1981, recorded with said Office.
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GRANTING and Reserving: An Easement for Ingress and Egress for access,
construct and maintain an Irrigation Pipeline to the Existing Irrigation Pipeline, being
20 feet in width, the Northwesterly line being described as follows:
Beginning at the Southwest corner of the above described parcel; thence
S34 °30'4 7"W 142.13 feet, with the Southeasterly line being prolonged to the
Northeast to reach the South line of the above described parcel.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: All Easements, Exceptions, Reservations,
Restrictions, Rights-of-Way and Improvements of sight and or record.
3. GaWs property and Landry's property are adjoining, and located on a portion of the
boundary between their properties and extending into each of their properties on their respective
sides of their common boundary is a pond of water ("the pond").
4. Gail and Landry desire to agree to the perpetual maintenance of the pond for their
mutual benefit and to grant one another release of liability in the event of any damage or injury that
occurs in or around the pond.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth below, Gail and
Landry hereby as follows:
1. Use of the Pond. Gail and Landry, and their guests and invitees, shall each have full
use of the entire pond for recreational purposes. However, neither Gail nor Landry may conduct
a~y commercial' or business activities in, on or around the pond without the prior written consent of
the other party. "Commercial or business activities" means any activity conducted in, on or around
the pond for which any consideration is received by the party allowing such use. The use of the
pond granted to each party does not include the right to use the land of the other party bordering
the pond.
2. Maintenance of the Pond. Gail and Landry each covenant that they will mutually
maintain the pond in its present state and condition and that neither of them will undertake any
activity that would result in the pond having less water in it or that would damage the pond in any
manner whatsoever. Each party shall maintain at its own expense the portion of the pond located
on its property. Neither Gail nor Landry shall make any alterations or modification to the pond
without the prior written consent of the other party.
3. Release of Liabilitv. Gail and Landry, in consideration of their mutual use of the
entire pond and of the other covenants contained herein, knowingly and intentionally release and
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agree to indemnify and hold the other party harmless from any and all liability, damages, expenses,
costs and attorney fees that may arise from or in connection with their use of the pond.
4. Temporary Use of Water for SprinklinQ System. Gail and Landry stipulate and agree
that Gail has conveyed to Landry an easement for access to the main irrigation sprinkler pipeline
located on Gail's property. However, Landry may not actually connect to that line for a temporary
period of time. Therefore, Gail hereby grants to Landry the right to continue use of the pipeline
which currently connects to the main irrigation line southwest of the pond and provides water to the
sprinkling system that irrigates the yard located around the residence on Landry's property. This
use may continue until Landry has connected to the main line on Landry's easement at which time
Landry will disconnect the pipeline currently providing water to his residential sprinkling system.
5. MerQer: Any and all prior agreements of the parties concerning the pond are
merged herein. This Agreement embodies the whole agreement of the parties. There are no
promises, terms, conditions, or obligations other than those contained herein; and this Agreement
shall supersede all previous coml)1unications, representations, or agreements, either verbal or
written, between the parties hereto. This Agreement may be altered or amended only by an
agreement in writing signed by all of the parties to this agreement.
6. Attorneys' Fees: Should any litigation be commenced between the parties hereto
concerning this Agreement, or the rights and duties of either in relation thereto, the party prevailing
in such litigation shall be entitled, in addition to such other relief as may be granted, to a reasonable
sµm as and for their attorney's fees in such litigation which shall be determined by the court in such
litigation or in a separate action brought for that purpose.
7. BindinQ Effect: This Agreement shall bind and benefit the heirs, executors,
administrators and assigns of the respective parties hereto.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands as of the ¡#--- day of
September, 2005.
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Melissa A. Gail
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Robert Landry
Lisa Landry
The foregoing Pond Maintenance and Hold Harmless Agreement was acknowledged before
me by Bryan Lee Gail and Melissa A. Gail, husband and wife, this r2f11- day of September, 2005.
Witness my hand and official seal.
County of State of ~ .IY" 11
Lincoln Wyoming ~
My C<>mml,,~" E,piœ.æ>+ 06 N AR: PUBLIC
My commission expires: In -1-00
The foregoing Pond Maintenance and Hold Harmless Agreement was acknowledged before
me by Robert Landry and Lisa Landry, husband and wife, this day of September, 2005.
Witness my hand and official seal.
My commission expires:
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The foregoing Pond Maintenance and HOld Harmless Agreement was acknowledged before
me by Bryan Lee Gail and MélìsSB A Gail, husband and wife, this _..__.~ day of September. ~~005.
Witness my hand and official seal.
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My commission' expires:
The foregoíng Pond M~intenance and Hold Harmless A~p.¡ament was acknowledged before
me by Robert Landry and Lisa Landry, husband and wife. thi~_ day of September, 2005.
My comml..lon .xPirès~ 11
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