HomeMy WebLinkAbout912392 ~ \ n'I;. ,;J':":':";]:·~" ;',\.!.<~';" "",>;"""",¡",;,-',, ~.;..,. ,.'!',"",'---, ';":"'.".""'''"'';-;,.;;",-'' . C008a5 File No.; 50725(04) Wß];N REC01U)ED RETURN TO: HECEIVED 10/3/2005 at 10:48 AM RECEIVING # 912392 BOOK: 599 PAGE: 835 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Name: Address; Samuel C, Gwin 995 Sunset Valley bri'Ve SykesvilIe. MA 21784 WARRANTY DEED (Individual Pom¡) Calvin R Bintey and Sheuy L. Bimey, husband and wife, GRANTO:R(S) of State of New !\Jexico, CONVEY(S) AND W ARRANT(S) to Samuel C. Gwin and MarglJ.ret E. Gwin, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, GMNTEE(S), whose address is 995 Sunset Valley Drive, Sykesvil1e, M-,D 2] 784 for the SUm ofTen Dollars and oth¢r good and valuable considenttion, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving an rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws olthe State. to-wit: ' Lot 26. Broken Wheel Ranch Subdivision, said subdivision being the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter (SW1I4NEI/4) ofSoction15, Township 36 North, Range 119 West of the 60. P.M.. Lincoln County, WyonUng. Subject to rese1vations and restrictions contained in the Ur;Ítro States Patent and to ease1nents and rightswof-way ofre¢ord or ill Use. Together with ail improvements and appurtenances the~r~, I ~ WITNESS, the hand of said grantor(s) this -;-J-q day of ~~ Calvin R. Birney &0-' S-:eÇïe m ßéf'-; 2005. J~o~~ Sherry ~. Bime. . :) . \, \ ¡ '. }t il f ~ í I., i ,'.' , \.,.A ~y ...'" .:~S~,-:~,:,:,··, '~...-:'~~~::;,: .~~ 'i~·:·;'~O!'~,~ Y,·.,C..:.::, :::. f,: ¡'\iBTAT:E OF New.Mex.ico ;: 1 : 1;;[; œe6'ü~ft ojr~; Bernalillo :,. .'.iz:¡~h"i·''' ,··,':''''''~~,'.':'' "~·'-'1:i.:_:· r~ .::. ~. -:~~:::~:D,~~~~¥O~g-:¿~tntment was 8C~oWlcdg~ before nle thi,s , ~q day of September, 2005, by -'J,:- ~ O~ã!~p:R\:,~lf!ley and Sheuy L BIrney the sIgners ofth~ Within mstruméI:\t. who duly acknowledged . " ." to nlt} tAaNliey executed the SélIl1e. "WìrnËss MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. /£1:1, WA7Mtt,~ f My commission' expires U-~ /.:þ; 04/0 File Nblliber. 50725 I.lIJId Tide Company w."..,.,¡y Deed - (Indivioh>.l) Page J Qf Q70 n ~T/7T~ nT} T . .-,uJ.:dni' _ aT1TT nUE'1-UIÎ~o1 Ii1Ii1:nT CIi1.-17-~1i1 OQTO-nCQ-} 1ìI\<",r. '" L.